1, VSL_KEY_INVAL: Invalid Key with OS err #$(oserr) 2, VSL_BLKSZ_INVAL: Invalid block size 3, VSL_BLKNO_INVAL: Invalid block number $(block) 4, VSL_SHM_ALLOC: can't allocate shared memory OS err #$(oserr) 5, VSL_SHM_ACCESS: can't access shared memory with OS err #$(oserr) 6, VSL_SHM_ELOCAT: can't locate shared memory with OS err #$(oserr) 7, VSL_SHM_BUSY: Shared memory is in use with OS err #$(oserr) 8, VSL_SHM_ERM: Unable to remove shared memory with OS err #$(oserr) 9, VSL_CLK_ESTART: Timer already started 10, VSL_CLK_NSTART: Timer not started 11, VSL_CLK_ESYNC: Timer out of synchronization 12, VSL_CLK_NBUF: No buffer specified 13, VSL_CLK_ETIMDAT: Unable to obtain time of day 14, VSL_PR_EPTBL: Process table invalid 15, VSL_PR_NSLOT: Process table full 16, VSL_PR_ECREAT: Cannot create process with OS err #$(oserr) 17, VSL_PR_NARGS: Too many arguments 18, VSL_PR_EXEC: Process execution failed with OS err #$(oserr) 19, VSL_PR_NEXIST: Process #$(pid) does not exist 20, VSL_PR_EKILL: OS error #$(oserr) in killing process #$(pid) 21, VSL_PR_EWAIT: OS error #$(oserr) while waiting for process #$(pid) 22, VSL_PR_TBLBUSY: Process control block is in use 23, VSL_SEM_EINIT: Latch not initialized 24, VSL_SEM_EFREE: Latch already freed 25, VSL_SEM_EGNCNT: Unable to get wait count 26, VSL_SEM_ETIMEO: OS wait timeout err #$(oserr) after waiting $(timeout) seconds for latch hold by process #$(pid) 27, VSL_SEM_EWAIT: OS err #$(oserr) with timeout set to $(timeout) seconds while waiting for latch hold by process #$(pid) 28, VSL_SEM_ERETRY: Retry count #$(count) exceeded while waiting for latch hold by process #$(pid) 29, VSL_SEM_BUSY: Latch is in use 30, VSL_SEM_EPOST: OS err #$(oserr) while posting latch 31, VSL_SEM_ECREATE: OS err #$(oserr) while creating latch 32, VSL_SEM_ESETVAL: OS err #$(oserr) while setting latch value 33, VSL_SEM_EGETINFO: Error getting latch info 34, VSL_SEM_ENTRIES: No more latch entries 35, VSL_SEM_UPGRADE: Attempt to upgrade latch 36, VSL_SEM_NOLATCHES: No. of latches per execution unit exceeded 37, VSL_SEM_DOWNGRADE: Attempt to downgrade latch failed 41, VSL_VOL_ECLOSE: Unable to close volume with OS err #$(oserr) 42, VSL_VOL_EXISTS: Volume already exists OS err #$(oserr) 43, VSL_VOL_EREAD: Volume read OS error #$(oserr) 44, VSL_VOL_EWRITE: Volume write error OS err #$(oserr) 45, VSL_VOL_ESEEK: Seek OS error #$(oserr) on volume 46, VSL_VOL_EOPEN: Unable to open volume OS err #$(oserr) 47, VSL_VOL_ESTAT: OS err #$(oserr) while trying to get volume status from dbpath '$(file)' 48, VSL_VOL_EDESTROY: Unable to destroy volume ($(file)), OS error = #$(oserr) 49, VSL_VOL_INVALID: Invalid volume specified OS err #$(oserr) 50, VSL_EINPTR: Pointer to $(null) is invalid 51, VSL_EBUFSIZ: Buffer size is wrong 52, VSL_EUSERNAM: Unable to get user name ($(string)) 53, VSL_MEM_NOMEM: Out of process memory OS err #$(oserr) 54, VSL_SHM_EEXIST: Shared memory exists OS err #$(oserr) 55, VSL_PR_NPERM: No permission to kill process #$(pid) 61, VSL_FIXED_DEV_ZERO: Can't open "/dev/zero" with OS err #$(oserr) 62, VSL_FIXED_MAP: Can't map memory with OS err #$(oserr) 63, VSL_FIXED_ADDRESS: Mapped at wrong address 64, VSL_FIXED_UNMAP: Can't unmap memory with OS err #$(oserr) 65, VSL_FIXED_CREATE: Can't create segment with OS err #$(oserr) 66, VSL_FIXED_ATTACH: Can't attach segment with OS err #$(oserr) 67, VSL_FIXED_DETACH: Can't detach segment with OS err #$(oserr) 68, VSL_FIXED_REMOVE: Can't remove segment with OS err #$(oserr) 71, VSL_EOSCPATH: Error while resolving configuration. 72, VSL_EDBPATH: No database path 73, VSL_EDBIDPATH: No osc-dbid path 74, VSL_EDBIDNODE: No osc-dbid node name 75, VSL_ECONFIGFILE: Error in configuration file specified 76, VSL_ELIBSYSINFO: Error in versant_root/lib/sysinfo 77, VSL_EUNKNOWNKEYWORD: Unknown keyword 78, VSL_ENOLOCALHOSTINFO: No Versant root found for local host 79, VSL_ENOVERSANTROOT: No versant root 80, VSL_ESTRINGTOOLONG: Keyword or string too long 81, VSL_EINVALIDVERS: Version number is invalid or non-numeric 82, VSL_STAT_NBUF: No buffer specified 83, VSL_STAT_EOSSTATS: Unable to obtain operating system statistics 84, VSL_EAUTHPATH: No user authentication program path 101, VSL_EXEC_ASYNC: Async EXEC of: %s failed, errno: %d 102, VSL_EXEC_SYNC: Sync EXEC of: %s failed, errno: %d 111, VSL_MSG_CANT_GET_QUEUE: can't get message queue 112, VSL_MSG_CANT_SEND: can't send the message 113, VSL_MSG_CANT_RECEIVE: can't receive the message 114, VSL_MSG_CANT_CONTROL: can't manipulate the queue 115, VSL_MSG_EXIST: message queue exists 121, VSL_MUT_EINIT: OS err #$(oserr) while initializing a mutex 122, VSL_MUT_ELOCK: OS err #$(oserr) while locking a mutex 123, VSL_MUT_EUNLOCK: OS err #$(oserr) while unlocking a mutex 124, VSL_MUT_EDESTROY: OS err #$(oserr) while destroying a mutex 125, VSL_TLS_ECREATE: could not create tls key 126, VSL_TLS_EGET: could not get tls key 127, VSL_TLS_ESET: could not set tls key 128, VSL_THR_ECREATE: Error in create new thread 129, VSL_CV_EINIT: OS err #$(oserr) while initializing a condition variable 130, VSL_CV_ELOCK: OS err #$(oserr) while locking a condition variable 131, VSL_CV_EUNLOCK: OS err #$(oserr) while unlocking a condition variable 132, VSL_CV_EDESTROY: OS err #$(oserr) while destroying a condition variable 133, VSL_FILE_OPEN: OS err #$(oserr) while opening file $(file) 134, VSL_FILE_WRITE: OS err #$(oserr) while writing to file $(file) 135, VSL_FILE_MMAP: OS err #$(oserr) while mapping a file to memory 136, VSL_TLS_EDELETE: could not delete tls key 137, VSL_FILE_SEEK: OS err #$(oserr) during a seek on file $(file) 138, VSL_FILE_READ: OS err #$(oserr) while reading file $(file) 139, VSL_FILE_FSYNC: OS err #$(oserr) while syncing file $(file) to disk 140, VSL_FILE_TRUNCATE: OS err #$(oserr) while truncating file $(file) 141, VSL_FILE_EEXIST: File $(file) does not exist 142, VSL_FILE_EACCES: OS err #$(oserr) while accessing the file $(file) 143, VSL_FILE_EXISTS: File $(file) already exists OS err #$(oserr) 144, VSL_FILE_EOF: End of file detected while reading file $(file) 145, VSL_FILE_UNABLE_TO_LOCK: Unable to lock file 146, VSL_FILE_STAT: OS err #$(oserr) during stat on file $(file) 147, VSL_THR_JOIN: OS err #$(oserr) while waiting to join a thread 148, VSL_TRACE_WRONG_VERSION: incompatible trace file version. You may want to rename/remove the old trace file (typically .systrace file in database directory or entry against trace_file parameter in profile.be). 149, VSL_OSERR: OS function '$(osfunc)' failed with err '$(oserr)' 150, VSL_DL_OPENFAILED: Cannot open Library for loading 151, VSL_DL_CLOSEFAILED: Cannot close Library for loading 152, VSL_DL_INVALIDHANDLE: Invalid Handle 153, VSL_DL_INVALIDSYM: Invalid Symbol 154, VSL_PASSWD_EXCEEDSSIZE: Password size exceeds 256 155, VSL_CANNOT_GET_PASSWD: Cannot get password from terminal with OS err #$(oserr) 156, VSL_RAWDEV_DISK_DESC_TYPE: Device description error 157, VSL_DIR_DELETE_FAILED: OS err #$(oserr) while deleting directory 158, VSL_DIR_NOT_A_DIRECTORY: The specified path is not a directory 159, VSL_DIR_NOACCESS: Database directory not found or no access permission 161, VSL_ENOVERSANTPORTS: VERSANT_SERVER_PORTS not defined 700, SL_EXPR_UNSUPPORTED_UNARY_OP: This unary operator is not supported 701, SL_EXPR_UNSUPPORTED_BINARY_OP: This binary operator is not supported 702, SL_EXPR_UNSUPPORTED_COND_OP: This conditional operator is not supported 710, SL_EXPR_UNSUPPORTED_CONST_TYPE: This constant type is not supported in expressions. 711, SL_EXPR_UNSUPPORTED_ATTR_TYPE: This attribute type is not supported in expressions. 715, SL_EXPR_BAD_OPERAND_TYPE: Data type of operand is not compatible with the operator 730, SL_EXPR_WOULD_OVERFLOW: The evaluation of the expression would cause a numeric overflow 731, SL_EXPR_WOULD_UNDERFLOW: The evaluation of the expression would cause a numeric underflow 732, SL_EXPR_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: The evaluation of the expression would cause a divide by zero 800, SL_DATABUF_BAD_START_SIZE: invalid start size 801, SL_DATABUF_NOMEM: memory not available 802, SL_DATABUF_NOT_INITIALIZED: data buffer is not initialized 803, SL_DATABUF_BAD_DATA_LENGTH: invalid data length 804, SL_DATABUF_MAX_SIZE_REACHED: data buffer has already reached its maximum size 805, SL_DATABUF_NULL_DATA_POINTER: null data pointer 806, SL_DATABUF_FIXED_SIZE_MISMATCH: data did not fit in fixed size data buffer 900, SL_MEM_INVAL_SIZE: Invalid size specified 902, SL_MEM_NOELEMENT: Out of elements 903, SL_MEM_NOMEM: Out of heap memory 911, SL_BAD_LIST: Bad list 912, SL_BAD_ITEM: Bad list element 913, SL_ITEM_NOT_FOUND: Item not found in the list 914, SL_BAD_VSTR: Bad vstr (variable length string) 915, SL_BAD_BUFFER: Bad buffer 916, SL_BUFFER_TOOSMALL: Buffer is too small. 931, SL_MSG_WOULDBLOCK: Message would have blocked 932, SL_MSG_ALONE: No frontend shared memory 941, SL_PATH_NOHOME: No home environment 942, SL_DBNAME_TOOLONG: Database name too long 943, SL_USERNAME_TOOLONG: User name too long 944, SL_NODENAME_TOOLONG: Node name too long 950, SL_CANT_CREATE_LOCAL: Can't create heap in local memory 951, SL_CANT_CREATE_SHARED: Can't create heap in shared memory 952, SL_CANT_EXTEND_LOCAL: Can't extend heap in local memory 953, SL_CANT_EXTEND_SHARED: Can't extend heap in shared memory 954, SL_HEAP_MAXIMUM_SIZE: Heap hit specified maximum size 955, SL_CANT_ATTACH_CONTIGUOUS: Can't attach shared memory contiguously 957, SL_CANT_ATTACH_RIGHT: Can't attach shared memory at the right address 958, SL_SEGMENT_TABLE_FULL: Shared memory segment table is full 960, SL_BAD_SHARED_MAGIC: Bad format of shared memory 961, SL_WRONG_SDA_VERSION: Incompatible version of SDA 962, SL_WRONG_ODA_VERSION: Incompatible version of ODA 963, SL_CANT_CREATE_KEY: Can't create session key file 964, SL_ATTACH_EXTEND_SEG: Can't attach extension segments 965, SL_CANT_RELEASE_LATCH: Can't release latch 966, SL_CANT_GET_LATCH: Can't get latch 967, SL_CANT_ALLOC_PAGE: Can't alloc page space 968, SL_INVALID_HEAP_ADDRESS: Invalid pointer in heap function 969, SL_AREA_ALREADY_FREE: Area is marked as already free 970, SL_BAD_PAGE_STATUS: Page status is bad 971, SL_PANIC_MESSAGE: [E%d: %s] Versant process terminated -- in file %s at line %d 972, SL_DB_PANIC_MESSAGE: [E%d: %s] Versant panicking; SDA has crashed; database shutting down. 973, SL_CANT_GET_LATCH_TWICE: Can't get the same latch twice 974, SL_BUFFER_READ: buffer Read 975, SL_VERSION_MISMATCH: Database is $(db_version). Versant is $(versant_version). Use different version of versant or run convertdb. 976, SL_CRASH_NOTALLOWED: Backend crash test not allowed 977, SL_MESSAGE_TEST: Test message functionality $(loid) $(filename) $(4byte) $(u4byte) $(oserr) 978, SL_MESSAGE_TRACE: Trace along error path 981, SL_CPI_KEYNOTFOUND: Can't find an entry with this plugin-typename 982, SL_CPI_CANNOTLOAD: Can't load the plugin 983, SL_CPI_INVALIDID: This plugin not supported 984, SL_VCP_ERROR: Error in the Plugin Module 985, SL_CPI_PATHEXCEEDSSIZE: Plugin path exceeds max-size 986, SL_CPI_INVALIDDLLNAME: Not a valid plugin name 987, SL_CPI_NAMEEXCEEDSSIZE: Plugin_typename exceeds limit. ( max: 32 chars) 988, SL_CPI_NULLPTR: NULL pointer 989, SL_CPI_PROFILEEXCEEDSLIMIT: Only 8 Entries allowed 990, SL_ER_DOUBLEBUFFER_INVALIDSIZE: Invalid Buffer Size 991, SL_ER_DOUBLEBUFFER_EMPTY: Buffer Empty 992, SL_CHARACTER_SET_UNSUPPORTED: Specified character set not supported 792, SL_BAD_SDA_BASE_ENV: Could not parse VERSANT_SDA_BASE environment variable. 1000, SM_E_UNKNOWN: Unknown error 1001, SM_E_INTERNAL: Internal SM error 1002, SM_E_BAD_NODE_OPER: Invalid evaluation operator 1003, SM_E_BAD_PARAM: Invalid internal function parameter 1004, SM_E_TOO_MANY_BOOLEANS: Too many boolean terms 1005, SM_E_BAD_KEY_LENGTH: Invalid key value length 1006, SM_E_BAD_COMPARATOR: Invalid comparison operator 1007, SM_E_BAD_USER_PARAM: Invalid user input parameter 1008, SM_E_BAD_ACCESS_MODE: Invalid access mode 1009, SM_E_KEY_NOT_FOUND: Key cannot be found 1010, SM_E_BAD_CSR_POSITION: Invalid cursor position 1011, SM_E_BAD_DOMAIN_TYPE: Invalid domain specified for attribute 1013, SM_E_TOO_MANY_INDEXES: Too many indexes 1014, SM_E_INDEX_NOT_FOUND: Index cannot be found 1015, SM_E_BAD_CURSOR_TYPE: Invalid cursor type 1017, SM_E_BAD_ATT_TYPE: Invalid attribute type 1018, SM_E_BAD_NAME_LENGTH: Invalid attribute type 1019, SM_E_VOL_NOT_FOUND: Volume not found 1020, SM_E_NDX_NOT_FOUND: Index not found 1021, SM_E_CLS_NOT_FOUND: Class not found 1027, SM_E_CSR_NOT_OPENED: Cursor is not open 1028, SM_E_ID_NOT_FOUND: Id not found in the catalog 1030, SM_E_NO_SUCH_OBJECT: No such object 1031, SM_E_BAD_NDX_ID: Bad index id 1032, SM_E_BAD_CSR_ID: Invalid cursor id 1033, SM_E_OUT_OF_CSR_SPACE: Out of cursor space 1034, SM_E_BAD_OPER: Invalid evaluation operator 1035, SM_E_BAD_READ_OFFSET: Invalid read offset 1036, SM_E_BAD_READ_LEN: Invalid read length 1037, SM_E_NO_SPACE: No space 1038, SM_E_NO_SYS_SEGMENTS: System segments not found 1039, SM_E_REMOVE_AT_SEG: Error removing AT segment 1040, SM_E_ID_EXISTS: Id already exists 1041, SM_E_OBJID_NOT_FOUND: Object id not found 1042, SM_E_SEG_EXISTS: Segment already exists 1043, SM_E_SEG_NOT_FOUND: Segment not found 1044, SM_E_SEG_NOT_EMPTY: Segment not empty 1045, SM_E_CLS_EXISTS: Class already exists 1046, SM_E_CLS_NOT_EMPTY: Class not empty 1047, SM_E_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE: Buffer size too small 1048, SM_E_BAD_SYS_SEG_ID: Invalid system segment id 1049, SM_E_NAME_EXISTS: Name already exists 1050, SM_E_BAD_SEG_ID: Invalid segment id 1051, SM_E_BAD_CLS_ID: Invalid class id 1053, SM_E_BAD_CLS_NAME: Invlaid class name 1054, SM_E_REMOVE_SYS_CLS: Error removing system class 1055, SM_E_REMOVE_SYS_SEG: Error removing system segment 1056, SM_E_BAD_SEG_NAME: Invalid segment name 1057, SM_E_BAD_SYS_CLS_ID: Invalid sys class id 1064, SM_E_BAD_CLS_TYPE: Invalid class type 1068, SM_E_ATT_NOT_FOUND: No entry in attribute-segment 1071, SM_E_IDS_NOT_FOUND: No entry in id segment 1072, SM_E_SEGMENT_REFCNT: Invalidate segment reference count (0) 1073, SM_E_SEGMENT_NOT_FOUND: No entry in segment-segment 1074, SM_E_SEGMENT_OWNERCNT: Segment owner count error 1075, SM_E_SEGMENT_OPEN_ERROR: Segment open error 1076, SM_E_NDXSEG_NOT_FOUND: Index segment not found 1077, SM_E_MAX_OPENFILES: Number of open files already maximum 1078, SM_E_CLS_SEG_NOT_FOUND: Class segment not found 1079, SM_E_NDX_SEG_NOT_FOUND: Index segment not found 1080, SM_E_BAD_NDX_TYPE: Wrong index type 1081, SM_E_BAD_MO_TAILINFO: Inconsistent medium object tail information 1083, SM_E_OUT_OF_VOL_SPACE: all volumes exhausted 1099, SM_E_SDA_CRASHED: SDA has crashed 1100, SM_E_NOMEM: Out of backend heap memory 1102, SM_E_FATAL: Storage manager encountered fatal error %d at file %s , line %d 1103, SM_E_SDA_INIT: Error in Storage manage shared memory initialization 1104, SM_E_CNVT_UNDERFLOW: key conversion underflow 1105, SM_E_CNVT_OVERFLOW: key conversion overflow 1106, SM_E_CNVT_WRONG_TYPE: invalid type for key conversion 1107, SM_E_INCOMPAT_KEY_TYPE: incompatible key type 1108, SM_E_MULTIVALUED_PATH: Multi-valued path attrs are not allowed here 1109, SM_E_INCOMPLETE_PATH: Multi-valued path attrs are not allowed here 2500, SM_LOG_INVALID_PARM: Invalid parameter to logging interface 2501, SM_LOG_NO_ACTIVE_TR: No active transaction 2502, SM_LOG_FATAL: Fatal unrecoverable error 2503, SM_LOG_CANNOT_EXTEND: raw device, can not extend log file 2504, SM_LOG_NO_LOG_ADR: Invalid log record address 2505, SM_LOG_NO_PLOG_SPACE: Out of physical log file space 2506, SM_LOG_NO_LLOG_SPACE: Out of logical log file space 2507, SM_LOG_NO_PLOG_FILE: No/invalid physical log volume 2508, SM_LOG_NO_LLOG_FILE: No/invalid logical log volume 2509, SM_LOG_NOPACKSPACE: Unable to re-organize/pack file 2510, SM_LOG_INVALID_PLOG: Invalid physical log version, physical recovery disabled 2511, SM_LOG_INVALID_LLOG: Invalid logical log version, logical recovery disabled 2512, SM_LOG_INCOMPAT_VERSION: Log file and utility versions are incompatible 2513, SM_LOG_BAD_BGN_REC: Deferred begin record is wrong 2514, SM_LOG_BAD_LOGPTR: Log Pointer corrupted 2515, SM_LOG_NO_PARENT_TR: No parent log pointer 2516, SM_LOG_OVERFLOW: Number overflow 2517, SM_LOG_MEM_CORRUPTED: Log memory corrupted 2518, SM_LOG_FILE_CORRUPTED: Log file corrupted 2519, SM_LOG_UIDTOOSMALL: Invalid uid 2520, SM_LOG_DISABLE_CP: Error in disable log CP 2521, SM_LOG_PLOG_NOT_EMPTY: Plog file not empty 2522, SM_LOG_LLOG_NOT_EMPTY: Llog file not empty 2523, SM_LOG_CANNOT_EXTEND_PLOG: Plog cannot be extended. Either there is insufficient space in the filesystem/device, or, the Plog has already reached its maximum size 2524, SM_LOG_CANNOT_EXTEND_LLOG: Llog cannot be extended. Either there is insufficient space in the filesystem/device, or, the Llog has already reached its maximum size 2525, SM_LOG_WRONG_DB_VERSION: db version not right, need to run convertdb 2526, SM_LOG_NOT_EMPTY: log files have to be emptied by stopdb and startdb in order to run convertdb 2527, SM_LOG_END_OF_UNIT: end of log unit reached 2701, SM_E_BADCURSOR: Bad scan cursor 2702, SM_E_BADSCANTYPE: Scan type incompatible with operation 2703, SM_E_BADRELOCATION: Incorrect relocation 2704, SM_E_NOFILENO: File number not found 2705, SM_E_BADFILENO: Invalid file number 2706, SM_E_BADSCANID: Invalid scan id 2707, SM_E_SCANFILENOTMATCH: Scan id does not match file number 2708, SM_E_NOMOREMEMORY3: No more memory space for scan table 2709, SM_E_ACCESSVIOLATION: Attempt to update a read file 2710, SM_E_NONEXTOID3: No next object id 2711, SM_E_NOPREVOID3: No previous object id 2712, SM_E_PAGENOTFOUND: Page not found in buffer pool 2713, SM_E_NOFREEBUFFERS: No more free buffers 2714, SM_E_WRONGBUFFER: Accessing the wrong buffer 2715, SM_E_NULLFIDPARM: Null file id parameter 2716, SM_E_NULLPIDPARM: Null page id parameter 2717, SM_E_BADMODEPARM: Bad file mode parameter 2718, SM_E_INVTIMESTAMP: Timestamp is invalid 2719, SM_E_NONEXTKEY: No next key in index 2720, SM_E_NOPREVKEY: No previous key in index 2721, SM_E_NOFIRSTINDEX: No first key in index 2722, SM_E_NOLASTINDEX: No last key in index 2723, SM_E_NONEXTOID2: Current object id is the last for this key 2724, SM_E_NOPREVOID2: Current object id is the first for this key 2725, SM_E_DUPLICATEKEY: Duplicate key found 2726, SM_E_DUPLICATEKEYPTR: Duplicate key found in B-tree nodes 2727, SM_E_KEYNOTFOUND: Cannot find the key 2728, SM_E_INDEXNUMTOOLARGE: Index number too large (create index) 2729, SM_E_KEYLENGTHTOOLONG: Index key length is too long 2730, SM_E_BADSLOTCOUNT: Negative slot count 2731, SM_E_KEYALREADYEXISTS: Key already exists 2732, SM_E_FILENAMETOOLONG: File name too long 2733, SM_E_NOOIDMATCH: The index to be deleted is not found 2734, SM_E_ILLEGALCURSOR: Bad cursor for index scan 2735, SM_E_VOLNOTOPEN: Volume not open 2736, SM_E_NOSUCHFILE: No file by that name 2737, SM_E_VOLALREADYOPEN: Volume already open 2738, SM_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS: File already exists 2739, SM_E_NOMOREMEMORY2: Failed to allocate memory 2740, SM_E_TOOMANYVOLUMES: Too many volumes currently in use 2741, SM_E_FILESTILLOPEN: Attempt to remove a currently opened file 2742, SM_E_BADOPENFILENUM: Open file id is out of range 2743, SM_E_WRONGUSER: This open file belongs to another user 2744, SM_E_TOOMANYOPENFILES: Too many open files 2745, SM_E_UNKNOWNMODE: Unknown access mode 2746, SM_E_MODECONFLICT: Access modes conflict 2747, SM_E_UNKNOWNPROT: Unknown protection mode 2748, SM_E_PERMISSIONDENIED: File permission denied 2749, SM_E_NOPERMISSION: No file permission 2750, SM_E_DEVSEEKERROR: Device seek error 2751, SM_E_DEVREADERROR: Device read error 2752, SM_E_DEVWRITEERROR: Device write error 2753, SM_E_MOUNTFAILED: Device mount failed 2754, SM_E_DISMOUNTFAILED: Device dismount failed 2755, SM_E_VOLNOTMOUNTED: Referenced volume not mounted 2756, SM_E_TOOMANYVOLS: Too many volumes mounted 2757, SM_E_TOOMANYFILES: Too many files created 2758, SM_E_NOSPACEONDISK: No space on system disk 2759, SM_E_NOMOREMEMORY0: Insufficient main memory 2760, SM_E_FIDPIDNOTMATCH: Volume IDs in the file id and page id are inconsistent 2761, SM_E_FILENOTINUSE: Reference a non-existent file 2762, SM_E_INVALIDPID: Invalid page number 2763, SM_E_INVALIDFID: Invalid file number 2764, SM_E_BADHEADER: Bad volume header 2765, SM_E_NULLPIDPTR0: Null page id pointer 2766, SM_E_NULLFIDPTR0: Null file id pointer 2767, SM_E_NULLBUFPTR: Null memory buffer pointer 2768, SM_E_NAMEINUSE: File name already in use 2769, SM_E_BADSLOTNUMBER: Invalid slot number 2770, SM_E_LISTOFEMPTYSLOTS: Empty slots at end of page 2771, SM_E_NOROOMONPAGE: No space for expansion on page 2772, SM_E_NULLOIDPTR: Null object id pointer 2773, SM_E_NULLPIDPTR2: Null page id pointer 2774, SM_E_NULLFIDPTR2: Null file id pointer 2775, SM_E_NULLPAGEPTR: Null page buffer pointer 2776, SM_E_NULLOBJADDR: Null object buffer address 2777, SM_E_DELNOEXTOBJ: Deleting a non-existing object 2778, SM_E_PAGENOTINFILE: Referenced page not in file 2779, SM_E_ENDOFFILE: End of file reached 2780, SM_E_OBJWONTFIT: No space for object on this page 2781, SM_E_CANTINSERTOBJ: Cannot insert object for unknown reason 2782, SM_E_VOLUMESTILLACTIVE: Attempt to dismount a volume with open files 2783, SM_E_NOMORESLICES: Attempt to grow a long data item beyond limit 2784, SM_E_BADDATATYPE: Bad data type detected 2785, SM_E_ILLEGALOP: Illegal operator found 2786, SM_E_VOLMOUNTED: Volume already mounted 2787, SM_E_VOLEXISTS: Volume already exists 2788, SM_E_CREATFAILED: Volume create failed 2789, SM_E_PARTITIONALREADYEXISTS: Partition already exists 2790, SM_E_VAERROR: VA internal error 2800, SM_E_INVALID_PASSWORD: Invalid Password specified 2801, SM_E_CANNOT_CHANGE_PASSWORD: Cannot Change Password 2802, SM_E_NULL_PASSWORD: No Password 2803, SM_E_INVALID_USER: The user has no password and is not logged into the OS as that user 2901, SM_LOCK_WOULDBLOCK: Lock on $(loid) would have blocked process 2902, SM_LOCK_DEADLOCK: Deadlock detected on attempt to lock $(loid) 2903, SM_LOCK_TIMEDOUT: Lock wait Timed out on $(loid) 2904, SM_LOCK_DELETED: Object deleted 2905, SM_LOCK_NOUPGRADE: Lock upgrade not allowed 2906, SM_LOCK_INVALID: Invalid lock mode 2907, SM_LOCK_MODLM: Lock model modified 2908, SM_LOCK_LMNOTCHANGED: Cannot change lock model 2909, SM_LOCK_NOTSUPER: Not a superset of Versant Standard Lock Model 2910, SM_LOCK_NOLKONOBJ: Found no lock on obj 2911, SM_LOCK_NO_EXCACC: Not holding exclusive access 2912, SM_LOCK_OWN_EXCACC: Own exclusive access 2913, SM_LOCK_TS_CHANGED: Object may have changed 2921, SM_TR_EXISTS: Transaction already exists 2922, SM_TR_FAIL: Transaction failed 2923, SM_TR_NOTFOUND: Transaction not found 2924, SM_TR_NO_LOG: No log => no save point 2925, SM_TR_OBJ_NOTFOUND: Object isn't in its hash chain 2926, SM_TR_MULTIPLE_LOCKS: Multiple locks on the same transaction and object 2927, SM_TR_COMPATIBILITY: Unknown relation between transactions 2928, SM_TR_LOG_RECORD_TYPE: Unknown log record type 2929, SM_TR_CANT_LOCK_OBJECT: Cannot lock object 2930, SM_TR_WRONG_COUNT: Number of to be recovered transaction changed 2931, SM_TR_RECOVERING: Recovering of distributed transactions in progress 2932, SM_TR_ALREADY_ATTACHED: XA transaction already active in backend 2933, SM_TR_NEW_XACTS_BLOCKED: Database being stopped; new transactions are blocked 2934, SM_TR_UPDATES_BLOCKED: Database being stopped; new updates are blocked 2935, SM_TR_ADDVOL_BLOCKED: Another addvol is active; addvols is blocked 2936, SM_TR_NOT_ZOMBIE: Transaction is not a dead/zombie transaction 2937, SM_TR_INVALID_STATE: Transaction is in the wrong state 2961, SM_SHM_NOT_READY: SDA not ready 2962, SM_SHM_SHUTTING_DOWN: SDA is shutting down 2981, SM_PS_NOT_FOUND: Process not found 2982, SM_CANT_FLUSH_BUFFER: Page buffer not flushable 2983, SM_CANT_GET_CONFIG_INFO: Unable to obtain configuration info 2984, SM_KILL_FE_CLEANUP: Killing the front end cleanup process[%d] 2985, SM_KILL_BE_CLEANUP: Killing the back end cleanup process[%d] 2986, SM_KILL_PROCESS: Killing process[%d] 2987, SM_DBA_ONLY: Only the DBA can access the database currently 2988, SM_DBA_NOT_ALONE: Only one process can access the database 2989, SM_DBA_MODE_SET: DBA-only mode is already set 2990, SM_DB_IS_UNSTARTABLE: Database is unstartable. Use dbinfo to change mode. 2991, SM_UNSTARTABLE_MODE_SET: Unstartable mode is already set 2994, SM_NOT_IN_USER_LIST: Not in userlist. Use DBUSER to add. 2995, SM_E_SAMEKEYFOUND: Identical key not allowed on unique index 2996, SM_E_OUTOF_CACHE_MEMORY: No BufferPool Mem Available 2997, SM_E_INVALIDBUF: Buffer not useful for reading 2998, SM_E_BUF_WRONGSIZE: Buffer with wrong size 3000, NET_EINPTR: Invalid pointer (condef) 3001, NET_ETIMEO: Network layer timeout 3002, NET_ENOMEM: Unable to allocate memory 3003, NET_ENOPN: Connection is not opened 3004, NET_EREAD: Network layer read error 3005, NET_EWRITE: Network layer write error 3006, NET_ENODNAM: Unable to obtain node name 3007, NET_INVREQ: Invalid RPC function 3008, NET_INVHOST: Invalid host name ($(string)), OS error = #$(oserr) 3009, NET_ECONNECT: Low level connect error 3010, NET_TCP_ESOCK: Error obtaining socket 3011, NET_INVUSRNM: Invalid user name/password string ($(string)) 3012, NET_INVCONSTR: Invalid connection string 3013, NET_ENOSTREAM: Expected stream to follow 3014, NET_INVREQ2: Invalid request (lower level) 3015, NET_EPCREAT: Unable to start local OBE 3016, NET_ECONLOST: Network connection lost 3017, NET_E2MANYOBJ: Read/write object count exceeded 3018, NET_ENOOSCGRP: OSC_GROUP not on host 3019, NET_NULLDRVR: Null driver called 3020, NET_INVSERV: Invalid service ($(string)), OS err #$(oserr) 3021, NET_PURGE_STREAM: Unable to purge stream 3022, NET_INVSERV_INFO: Invalid server process info 3023, NET_NETWORK_TYPE: Invalid network type for server 3024, NET_NETINIT: Unable to init server network 3025, NET_INTERNAL: Internal error 3026, NET_INITMSG: Unable to get initial message 3027, NET_CLIENT_NAME: Unable to get peer name of client 3029, NET_ROOTPATH: Unable to obtain root path 3030, NET_EXECSERV: Unable to exec backend server 3031, NET_NOT_IN_USERLIST: Not in userlist. Use DBUSER to add. 3032, NET_NO_POLLING_YET: Polling has not come in yet 3033, NET_OBSOLETE: RPC is no longer supported. 3034, NET_UNIMPLEMENTED: RPC is not yet implemented 3035, NET_EACCESS: User authentication failed 3036, NET_RW_ACCESS_REQUIRED: Read/Write access is required 3037, NET_THREADS_REQUIRED: You must link with the threads library to use 1p connections 3038, NET_NO_UNUSED_PORT: Cannot find an unused port, all ports specified in VERSANT_SERVER_PORTS are in use 3039, NET_XID_CONVERTION_ERR: Convert xid from 32/64 bit to 64/32 bit failed 3040, NET_RETRY: Local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server. Try again later, OS err #$(oserr) 3041, NET_NO_RECOVERY: An unrecoverable error occured, OS err #$(oserr) 3042, NET_NO_ADDRESS: The hostname ($(string)) is valid but does not have an Internet address at the name server, OS err #$(oserr) 3043, NET_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: None of the name services configured are running or available, OS err #$(oserr) 3044, NET_NO_NAME: The requested address parameter ($(string)) is valid but does not have a name at the name server, OS err #$(oserr) 3045, NET_EINVALIDPORTS: VERSANT_SERVER_PORTS contains invalid value 4000, OM_SE_NOT_FOUND: Not in the session 4001, OM_SE_ALREADY_IN: Already in a session 4002, OM_SE_NAME_EXISTS: Session name exists 4003, OM_SE_INVAL: Invalid argument 4004, OM_SE_NOT_PARENT: Not a parent process 4005, OM_SE_PARENT: Parent process 4006, OM_SE_NO_SESSION: No session to join 4007, OM_SE_NO_JOIN: No dynamic join in 4008, OM_SE_INVAL_USERNAME: Invalid username 4009, OM_SE_INVAL_SESSNAME: Invalid session name 4010, OM_SE_NOT_IN_THREAD: o_beginthread must be called 4011, OM_SE_IN_THREAD: o_beginthread already called 4012, OM_SE_NOT_IN_SESSION: o_setsession must be called 4013, OM_SE_NOT_IN_TABLE: invalid session specified 4014, OM_SE_INVALID_PID: invalid process id 4015, OM_SE_NOT_THREAD_SAFE: O_THREAD option required 4016, OM_SE_SHARE_UNSUPPORTED: O_SHARE option unsupported 4017, OM_SE_THREADS_REQUIRED: You must link with the threads library to use shared or threaded sessions 4018, OM_BAD_OPTIONS: Invalid options specified by user 4019, OM_SE_SESSION_IN_USE: Session is in use by other threads 4020, OM_SE_FE_LOCKFILE_ERR: Error opening the FE lock file 4021, OM_TR_NOT_EXISTS: No such transaction 4024, OM_TR_EXISTS: Transaction already exists 4025, OM_TR_INVAL_ACTION: Invalid action 4026, OM_TR_NO_LOGGING: Logging not turned on 4027, OM_TR_IS_ABORTABLE: Current transaction is abortable 4028, OM_TR_JOIN_IMPLICIT: Cannot end transaction implicitly started by o_joinsession. 4029, OM_TR_BEGIN_IMPLICIT: Cannot end transaction implicitly started by o_beginsession. 4030, OM_TR_IMPLICIT: Cannot end implicitly started transaction. 4031, OM_TR_PARENT_PROC: Child process cannot end a transaction in the parent process. 4032, OM_TR_INVAL_TRNAME: Invalid short transaction name. 4033, OM_TR_INVAL_LONG_TRNAME: Invalid long transaction name. 4034, OM_TR_BEGIN_FAIL: Cannot begin transaction 4035, OM_TR_DBDOWN: database is down at commit time 4036, OM_TR_INVALID_TS: Failed time stamp validation 4037, OM_TR_INVALID_XID: Transaction has either incorrect or no xid 4038, OM_TR_PRIMDBDOWN: Primary database $(dbname) is down at commit time 4039, OM_TR_REPDBDOWN: Replica database $(dbname) is down at commit time 4041, OM_PS_NOT_FOUND: No such process 4042, OM_PS_NARGS: Too many arguments 4043, OM_PS_WAITING: Waiting by someone else 4044, OM_PS_NO_ROOT: process has no root act 4061, OM_SHM_NOT_READY: ODA not ready 4062, OM_ODA_STACK_SIZE: Stack size mismatch 4063, OM_INVALID_OID_TABLE: Invalid object id table 4064, OM_INVALID_CLASS_TABLE: Invalid class name table 4081, OM_DB_NOT_FOUND: Not connected to this DB 4082, OM_DB_NOT_STARTED: Cannot start this DB 4083, OM_DB_NAME_INVALID: Invalid DB name or not connected 4084, OM_DB_TOO_MANY_CONN: Increase estimated_connections fe profile parameter 4085, OM_DB_CANT_DISCONN_PRIM: Can't disconnect primary db 4086, OM_DB_PERSONAL: Non-primary connection to personal database 4087, OM_DB_DISCONN_DIRTY: Cannot disconnect a database with dirty objects (commit or rollback before disconnecting) 4088, OM_DB_LIST_DB_NOT_FOUND: Database cannot be found in this logical database 4089, OM_DB_LIST_NOT_FOUND: Logical database was not initialized 4090, OM_DB_LIST_EXISTS: Logical database already exists 4091, OM_DB_OUT_OF_SPACE: Database out of DataVolume Space 4101, OM_LO_FE_IN_USE: Long transaction in use 4102, OM_LO_FE_INVAL_OBJECT: Unknown object 4103, OM_LO_FE_NO_LONG_TR: No long transaction operations 4104, OM_LO_FE_NO_PRIMARY: No persistent lock to primary DB 4107, OM_LO_BE_WOULDBLOCK: Persistent lock would have blocked process 4108, OM_LO_FE_INVAL: Invalid argument for p-lock 4109, OM_LO_BE_LOCK_BROKEN: Soft lock was broken 4110, OM_LO_BE_NO_UPGRADE: Lock cannot be upgraded 4112, OM_LO_BE_NOTFOUND: Lock not found 4113, OM_LO_RESERVED: cannot lock comp object 4114, OM_LO_BE_INVAL: Invalid argument for p-lock 4115, OM_LO_BE_INCOMPAT: incompatible p-locks 4116, OM_LO_PLOCK_NOTFOUND: Cannot get persistent lock info 4121, OM_PROF_DONE: Processing completed 4122, OM_PROF_SYNTAX: Syntax error 4123, OM_PROF_NEGATIVE: Negative number 4124, OM_PROF_FILE: Cannot open file 4125, OM_PROF_EOF: Unexpected EOF 4126, OM_INTERNAL_ERROR: Internal OM error 4161, OM_HEAP_NOMEM: Out of front-end heap memory 4163, OM_COD_PAGE_INFO: Invalid cod page info 4164, OM_COD_ALIGNMENT: COD is aligned wrong 4165, OM_COD_ALREADY_FREE: COD is already free 4201, OM_LK_MODELEXISTS: Lock model object exists 4202, OM_LK_MODELSIZE: Lock model size mismatch 4203, OM_LK_MODELTABLESIZE: Lock model table size mismatch 4204, OM_LK_NOTALLOWED: Operation not allowed 4205, OM_LK_MODELNOTFOUND: Lock model object not found 4206, OM_LK_MODELNOTUNIQUE: Duplicate lock models 4230, OM_SERIAL_NEG_ADD: Negative addend to serial number 4231, OM_SERIAL_OVERFLOW: Serial number overflow 4232, OM_REPLICA_MISMATCH: Replica db information mismatch 4233, OM_REPLICA_DOUBLE_FAIL: Both replica database pair fail 4234, OM_REPLICA_WRONG_LIST: Illegal replication deferred list 4235, OM_REPLICA_NET_PARTITION: Network Partition Error 4236, OM_REPLICA_SYN_FAIL: Database unavailable for synchronization 4237, OM_REPLICA_SYN_DONE: Sync. to replica is done 4238, OM_REPLICA_REC_FAIL: Recursive failure during polling 4239, OM_FE_DELETE_VERSIONED_OBJS: Let front end delete generic or versioned objects 4240, OM_REPLICA_UNSUPPORTED: API does not support replication 4241, OM_SYMT_TABLE_NOT_FOUND: Symbol table could not be found 4242, OM_REP_ACTICE_XA_XACT: Active external transactions present 4243, OM_REP_TR_CANT_COMMIT: Could not commit the transaction because concerned fts database $(dbname) is down. 4260, STAT_AUTOCOLLECT_OPEN: Could not open statistics automatic collection file. 4261, STAT_AUTOCOLLECT_NOT_STARTED: Statistics automatic collection is not turned on. 4262, STAT_AUTOCOLLECT_ALREADY_STARTED: Statistics automatic collection is already turned on. 4263, STAT_ERRORTABLE_NO_MATCH: Error or message not found in error table. 4264, STAT_BAD_TIME_ENV: Could not parse VERSANT_STAT_TIME environment variable. 4265, STAT_BAD_STATS_ENV: Could not parse VERSANT_STAT_STATS environment variable. 4266, STAT_BAD_FUNCS_ENV: Could not parse VERSANT_STAT_FUNCS environment variable. 4267, STAT_FILE_WRITE: Error writing to statistics automatic collection file. 4268, STAT_INVALID_STATISTIC: Invalid statistic 4269, STAT_MISSING_STATISTIC: Missing one or more statistic 4280, OM_CM_WRONG_MODE: o_beginsession must use O_CONFIG option 4281, OM_CM_INCOMPATIBLE: CM does not work with versioned objects or checkin/checkout 4282, OM_CM_ISSMART: Object itself is a smart object. Hence operations like o_cmsetsmart, o_cmgetsmart are not allowed on it 4283, OM_CM_ISNOTSMART: Cannot apply smart object function on non-smart objects 4284, OM_CM_HAS_MEMBERS: invalid delete operation attempted on a smart object which is associated with target objects 4285, OM_CM_HAS_SMART: invalid delete operation. attempted to delete a target object which has a smart object 4286, OM_CM_INVALID_MIGRATE: 4287, OM_CM_NO_SMART_CLASS: cannot find the class for smart objects 4341, OM_PSR_NOMEM: VQL PARSE ERR: Parser unable to allocate memory 4342, OM_PSR_NULLQUERY: Null query statement 4343, OM_PSR_SYNTAX_ERROR: VQL PARSE ERR: $(errmsg): on/near token "$(token)". 4344, OM_PSR_MIXED_TYPE: VQL PARSE ERR: Mixed types in set of constants. 4345, OM_PSR_TYPE_OVERFLOW: VQL PARSE ERR: Value $(string) overflows or underflows $(type) type. 4346, OM_PSR_SET_PREDICATE_NOT_SUPPORTED: VQL PARSE ERR: Multi-value constant in predicate is not supported in this release. 4347, OM_PSR_ATTR_NOT_FOUND_IN_DOMAIN: VQL PARSE ERR: Attribute $(attr) not in domain: $(domain) 4348, OM_PSR_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND: VQL PARSE ERR: Domain: $(domain) not found. 4349, OM_PSR_NOT_AGG_TO_SCALAR: VQL PARSE ERR: Cant assign aggregate to scalar 4350, OM_PSR_NOT_AGG_OF_CHAR: VQL PARSE ERR: Aggregates of char not yet supported. 4351, OM_PSR_UNSUPPORTED_DBTYPE: VQL PARSE ERR: Encounter Versant Type that is not yet supported. 4352, OM_PSR_OBJCLASS_NOT_FOUND: VQL PARSE ERR: Class for object $(object) not found. 4353, OM_PSR_ATTRCLASS_NOT_FOUND: VQL PARSE ERR: Domain for attribute $(attr) not found. 4354, OM_PSR_CLASS_NOT_FOUND: VQL PARSE ERR: Class $(class) not found. 4355, OM_PSR_TYPE_MISMATCH: VQL PARSE ERR: Type mismatch on attribute $(attr). 4356, OM_PSR_FIND_ATTR_FAIL: VQL PARSE ERR: Failed to find all attribute objects for class $(class). 4357, OM_PSR_ATTR_NOT_FOUND: VQL PARSE ERR: Attribute $(attr) not found. 4358, OM_PSR_NO_VALUE_INSERT: VQL PARSE ERR: No value to insert for Attr $(attr). 4359, OM_PSR_NULL_RESULT: VQL PARSE ERR: NULL parseresult pointer is passed in. 4360, OM_PSR_ATTRS_OUTBOUND: VQL PARSE ERR: Number of Attributes in SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT list can not be bigger than $(limit). 4361, OM_PSR_PATHATTRS_OUTBOUND: VQL PARSE ERR: Number of Attributes in path expression cannot be bigger than $(limit). 4362, OM_PSR_BCD_NOT_SUPPORT: VQL PARSE ERR: BCD type input value is not supported yet. 4363, OM_PSR_PARAMETER_TWICE: VQL PARSE ERR: $(index) th paramter can not be used twice in the query. 5000, OB_BADLOCK: Illegal lock mode 5001, OB_WLOCK: WLOCK is required if an object is modified 5002, OB_NULL: NULL object is not allowed 5003, OB_NOPIN: Object must be pinned 5004, OB_RESIDENT: Object cannot be deleted 5005, OB_WRONG_DB: Wrong destination db 5006, OB_NO_SUCH_OBJECT: Cannot find the object, loid = $(loid) 5008, OB_CANT_DEL_CHKOUT_OBJ: Cannot delete checked out object 5009, OB_COMP_OBJ: Operation not supported on comp object 5010, OB_ANON_NOT_IN_CONT: Anonymous object not in container 5011, OB_NULL_LOID_PTR: NULL pointer to logical object id 5012, OB_INVALID_ANON: Invalid anonymous object 5013, OB_NULL_CLS_OBJ: Object has no class 5014, OB_NOT_ARCHIVED: Object was not archived from the list of input or connected databases 5015, OB_INVALID_OBJ_TYPE: Invalid object type 5016, OB_NO_REGION_NUMBERS: Ran out of region numbers 5017, OB_ROOT_PIN_REGION: Can't end activity root pin region 5018, OB_BAD_PRINTABLE_LOID: Printable LOID is in bad format 5019, OB_LOCK_COUNTER_ZERO: Lock counter is zero 5020, OB_LOCK_COUNTER_MAXIMUM: Lock counter is at maximum value 5021, OB_NULL_OBJECTS: The input objects parameter is NULL 5022, OB_OBJ_NOT_REGULAR: Object is not regular 5023, OB_NO_LOCK_TO_DOWNGRADE: No locks to downgrade because of no database connection 5024, OB_DOWNGRADE_TO_NOLOCK_ONLY: Can only downgrade to no locks 5025, OB_CANT_DEL_SCHEMA_OBJ: Cannot delete class objects, attribute objects, and method objects 5026, OB_NEWOBJ: New object must be dirty 5027, OB_SINGLE_GRW_MRSW: Only one process can do group write at any time in MRSW session 5028, OB_OBJS_FROM_DIFF_DBS: All objects need to be from the same database 5029, OB_BAD_COD: Invalid COD entry 5200, ARC_BASE: 5202, ARC_ARCNAME_TOOLONG: The input archive database name is too long 5203, ARC_NULL_ARCNAME: The input archive database name is null 5204, ARC_SAME_DBS: The input archive and source databases are the same 5205, ARC_NULL_OBJECTS: The input objects parameter is null 5206, ARC_BAD_ARCNAME: The input archive database is invalid: error when trying to connect to it 5207, ARC_NO_VALID_OBJS: No valid objects to archive 5208, ARC_INCOMPLETE: The archive was incomplete 5209, ARC_SYSOBJ: Trying to archive a system object 5210, ARC_CHKOUT_OBJ: Trying to archive a checked out object 5211, ARC_OBJ_NOT_REGULAR: Trying to archive an object that is not regular 5212, ARC_VSNOBJ: Trying to archive a versioned object 5213, ARC_CLSOBJ: Trying to archive a class object 5214, ARC_CLS_NOT_IN_DB: The object's class is not in the source database 5215, ARC_INCOMPAT_SCHEMA: Incompatible class schema between the source and archive databases 5216, ARC_NO_DBA: There is no dba associated with the source database 5217, RST_ARCNAME_TOOLONG: The input archive database name is too long 5218, RST_NULL_ARCNAME: The input archive database name is null 5219, RST_BAD_ARCNAME: The input archive database is invalid: error when trying to connect to it 5220, RST_INVALID_OBJ: Invalid object 5221, RST_NO_VALID_OBJS: No valid objects to restore 5222, RST_INCOMPLETE: The restore was incomplete 5223, RST_OBJ_NOT_IN_ARCHIVE: The object to restore was not in the archive database 5224, ARCHIVED_OBJ: The object has been archived 5225, OP_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_ARCDB: This operation is not allowed on an archive database 5226, RST_NO_TOMBSTONE_ENTRY: There's no tombstone entry for the object 5227, ARC_MORE_THAN_ONE_PDB: Cannot archive from more than one personal database to the same archive 5400, QRY_BASE: For query processor 5401, QRY_BAD_OP: Bad comparison operator in query 5402, QRY_BAD_ATTRIBUTE: Bad attribute in query 5403, QRY_LOID_EXPECTED: Attribute type of loid expected in a (not_)isa_exact operation 5404, QRY_BAD_DOMAIN: Bad attribute to query 5405, QRY_FIRST_PATH_NOT_LOID: First attribute in path query is not a link 5406, QRY_TYPETYPE_NOT_SPECIFIED: keytype must be specified for path query 5407, QRY_TYPETYPE_UNKNOWN: Invalid keytype in o_predterm 5408, QRY_NOTREACHED: Internal error 5409, QRY_ZERO_TERM_BLOCK: Predblock with no terms not supported 5410, QRY_OR_BLOCK_NOT_SINGLE: O_OR Predblock must have exactly one member 5411, QRY_NO_CLASS: Class name specified in O_(NOT_)ISA_EXACT operation does not exist 5412, QRY_CLS_WITH_VSTR: cannot have classname with O_SELECT_WITH_VSTR 5413, QRY_OBJ_WITHOUT_VSTR: cannot have vstr_holder without O_SELECT_WITH_VSTR 5414, QRY_ATTR_WITHOUT_VSTR: cannot have vstr_attr without O_SELECT_WITH_VSTR 5415, QRY_NO_CLS_WITHOUT_VSTR: must have classname without O_SELECT_WITH_VSTR 5416, QRY_NO_OBJ_WITH_VSTR: must have vstr_holder with O_SELECT_WITH_VSTR 5417, QRY_NO_ATTR_WITH_VSTR: cannot have vstr_attr with O_SELECT_WITH_VSTR 5418, QRY_TYPETYPE_BAD: key typetype cannot be used with this relop 5419, QRY_BAD_KEYLEN: predicate keylen incompatible with typetype 5420, QRY_STPTR_NOT_IMP: typetype O_STPTR_TYPE not implemented 5421, QRY_BAD_OPTIONS: invalid query options 5422, QRY_VA_NOT_SUPPORTED: usage of Virtual Attribute is not supported with this option 5423, QRY_OP_NOT_ALLOWED: illegal operator-key combination 5425, QRY_CLAUSE_NOT_SUPPORTED: Unknown or Unsupported Query Clause 5440, QRY_REWRT_CANNOT_INVERT_OP: The inversion of this operator is not defined 5441, QRY_REWRT_SIGNOF_NONNUMERIC_TYPE: An attempt was made to get sign of a non-numeric value 5442, QRY_UNEXPECTED_FORMAT: Received invalid query rpc format from front end 5443, QRY_OPERAND_NOT_COLLECTION_TYPE: Operand is not of collection type. 5444, QRY_UNEXPECTED_COLLECTION_TYPE: Unexpected collection type. 5445, QRY_INCOMPATIBLE_OPERANDS_TYPE: Incompatible operands type. For an operation to be evalualted successfully, its operands must be of compatible types. 5446, QRY_SET_OPERATORS_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_STRINGS: Set operators are not supported on string type operands. 5447, QRY_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND: Attribute not present in class version 5448, QRY_SORT_MEMORY_EXCEEDED_QUERY_MAX: The maximum amount of sorting memory allocated to this query was exceeded 5449, QRY_SORT_MEMORY_EXCEEDED_TOTAL_MAX: The maximum amount of sorting memory allocated for all queries was exceeded 5450, QRY_PSR_SYNTAX_ERROR: VQL parser error: $(errmsg) at $(token). 5451, QRY_UNSUPPORTED_QUERY_TYPE: Unsupported query type. 5452, QRY_UNSUPPORTED_QUERY_PROJECTION: Unsupported projection type. 5453, QRY_UNSUPPORTED_QUERY_SOURCE: Unsupported query class. 5454, QRY_INPUT_INVALID_LOID: Invalid loid value. 5455, QRY_VAR_ALREADY_DEFINED: Variable redefined. 5456, QRY_VARIABLE_EXPECTED: Variable expected. 5457, QRY_UNSUPPORTED_ORDERBY_EXPRESSION: Unsupported order by expression. 5458, QRY_BAD_COLLECTION: Invalid or bad collection. 5459, QRY_BAD_CLASS_NAME: Invalid or bad class name. 5460, QRY_ATTR_TYPE_LOID: Attribute type loid expected. 5461, QRY_INVALID_TYPE: Not a valid data type. 5462, QRY_INVALID_COLLECTION_TYPE: Not a valid collection type. 5463, QRY_COLLECTION_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED: Unsupported collection type. 5464, QRY_ATTR_NOT_FOUND: Attribute does not exist for class. 5465, QRY_INVALID_PARSE_BLOCK: Invalid parse block. 5466, QRY_PREDICATE_UNEXPECTED_TYPE: Unexpected query predicate type 5467, QRY_PREDTERM_UNEXPECTED_TYPE: Unexpected query predterm type 5468, QRY_UNSUPPORTED_COND_OP: Unsupported conditional operator in query 5469, QRY_PARAM_NOT_SUBSTITUTED: Query parameter $(paramName) not substituted 5470, QRY_CAN_NOT_TAKE_CANDIDATE_COLLECTION: Candidate collection can not be set for select with vstr or candidate collection queries 5471, QRY_UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE: This data type is not supported in queries 5472, QRY_INVALID_DATA_TYPE: This data type is invalid 5473, QRY_PARAM_SIZE_MISMATCH: Given param size does not match with size of parameter's data type 5474, QRY_PARAM_STRING_NOT_NULL_TERMINATED: Given param string is not null terminated 5475, QRY_PARAM_STRING_SIZE_MISMATCH: Given param string length does not match with specified param size 5476, QRY_PARAM_NOT_FOUND: Param $(paramName) not found 5477, QRY_CANDIDATE_NOT_FOUND: Candidate $(candidateName) not found 5478, QRY_API_NULL_ARGUMENT: Api argument $(argnum) is NULL 5479, QRY_API_INVALID_START_POS: Invalid start position 5480, QRY_UNSUPPORTED_COND_OP_IN_COMPLEX_EXPR: Conditional operator $(condop) in complex expression not yet supported 5481, QRY_FETCH_SIZE_EXCEEDED_MAX: Fetch size exceeded allowed maximum value 5482, QRY_MAX_RESULT_COUNT_EXCEEDED_MAX: Max result count exceeded allowed maximum value 5483, QRY_INVALID_HANDLE: Query handle is invalid 5484, QRY_INCORRECT_SESSION: This query does not belong to this session 5485, QRY_RESULT_UNUSABLE: Query result is unusable and should be destroyed 5486, QRY_RESULT_INVALID_HANDLE: Query result handle is invalid 5487, QRY_RESULT_INCORRECT_SESSION: This query result does not belong to this session 5488, QRY_RESULT_BACKWARD_SEEK_NOT_SUPPORTED: Moving backward in query result is not supported 5489, QRY_RESULT_RECORDNUM_EXCEEDED_MAX: Recordnum exceeded allowed maximum value 5490, QRY_RESULT_CURRENT_POSITION_AT_BEFORE_FIRST: Current cursor position is at before the first record 5491, QRY_RESULT_ENCOUNTERD_END: Encountered end of query result 5492, QRY_RESULT_INVALID_PROJNUM: Invalid projnum 5493, QRY_RESULT_INVALID_RECORDNUM: Invalid record number 5494, QRY_NULL_DOMAIN_ATTRIBUTE: Null domain attribute in path expression 5495, QRY_NULL_UNSUPPORTED: NULL value not yet supported in queries 5500, CSR_BASE: For cursor processor 5501, CSR_NOEXIST: The specified cursor is not currently open 5502, CSR_BAD_FLAGS: reserved values not zero or invalid options 5503, CSR_POS_UNDEF: severe error occured on previous cursor operation 5504, CSR_RELS_CURSOR: cannot release cursor 5505, CSR_BAD_OPTIONS: O_CSR_DROP_RLOCK bit is not allowed to be set in the options parameter 5600, VSN_NON_VERSION: Must be a versioned object 5601, VSN_CANT_DELE_RELEASE: Can't delete released version 5602, VSN_NO_CLASSOBJ: Class object is not allowed 5603, VSN_BAD_STATUS: Bad version status 5604, VSN_NO_SUCH_VERSION: Version does not exist 5605, VSN_CLASS_NOT_COMP: Class of version object not compatible 5606, VSN_BAD_CLASSNAME: Bad class name 5607, VSN_CANT_UPD: Can't update working or released version 5608, VSN_NON_LEAF: Non-leaf version cannot be transient 5609, VSN_COUT_NON_VSN: Can't version checked out non-versioned object 5610, VSN_NO_CYCLIC_VDG: Cyclic VDG is not allowed 5611, VSN_CANT_VSN_COMPOBJ: Can't version comp object 5612, VSN_BAD_INDEX: Bad index into pinned objects 5613, VSN_BAD_DEFAULT: No default version 5614, VSN_BAD_VSNNO: No version number 5615, VSN_BAD_NODE: No node in VDG for version 5616, VSN_BAD_INPUT: Bad input arguments 5617, VSN_DELETED: Version has been deleted 5800, CHK_BASE: For checkin/out 5801, CHK_CLS_IN_RW: Can't checkout class object in read-write mode 5802, CHK_NULL_DBNAME: Null database name 5803, CHK_BAD_DBNAME: Bad database name 5806, CHK_INTO_WRONG_DB: Checkin into wrong DB 5807, CHK_FROM_WRONG_DB: Checkout from wrong DB 5808, CHK_CANT_CHK_INTO_PDB: Can't check into personal DB 5809, CHK_CANT_CHK_FROM_PDB: Can't check from personal DB 5810, CHK_CANT_CHKIN_GLOBOBJ: Can't check in global object 5811, CHK_CANT_CHK_SAME_DB: Can't checkin/out from the same DB 5812, CHK_BAD_PLOCK_MODE: Bad lock mode 5813, CHK_NULL_CLSNAME: Null class name 5814, CHK_CANT_CHECK_SYSOBJ: Can't check system object 5815, CHK_CANT_CHECK_COMPOBJ: Can't check composite object 5816, CHK_NO_PERSONAL_DB: Personal db is not allowed 5817, CHK_NULLDB_FOR_NEWOBJ: Null database name for check in newly created objects 5818, CHK_CANT_CHECKOUT_VSN_FROM_PDB: Can't checkout a versioned object from a personal database 6000, SCH_BASE: For schema manager 6001, SCH_CLASS_DEFINED: Class already defined 6002, SCH_CLASS_UNDEFINED: Class undefined 6003, SCH_NULL_CLSNAME: Null class name 6004, SCH_BAD_SUPERCLASS: Bad superclass 6005, SCH_BAD_ATTRNAME: Bad attribute name 6006, SCH_BAD_METHNAME: Bad method name 6007, SCH_BAD_DOMAIN: Bad domain 6008, SCH_BAD_BUFFER: Bad return buffer 6009, SCH_NOMEM: Out of schema memory 6010, SCH_NON_LEAF_CLASS: Update to non-leaf class 6011, SCH_BAD_CACHE: Bad object cache 6012, SCH_BAD_CLSOBJ: Bad class object on disk 6013, SCH_CREATE_CLSOBJ: Can't create class object 6014, SCH_NULL_DBNAME: Null database name 6015, SCH_NULL_ATTRNAME: Null attribute name 6016, SCH_NULL_METHNAME: Null method name 6017, SCH_BAD_ATTROBJ: Bad attribute object 6018, SCH_BAD_METHOBJ: Bad method object 6019, SCH_CANT_CACHE_GDBCLS: Can't cache global class 6020, SCH_CANT_UPD_CLS: Can't update class 6021, SCH_NO_SUCH_INDEX: Non-existing index 6022, SCH_NON_INDEXABLE: Specified index can not be defined on the given attribute 6023, SCH_NULL_OBJECT: A NULL object 6024, SCH_DBNAME_NOTMATCH: Object does not reside on the database specified 6025, SCH_CANT_MOVE_VSNOBJ: Can't migrate version 6026, SCH_CANT_MOVE_CLSOBJ: Can't migrate class 6028, SCH_CANT_DROP_INHR_ATTR: Can't drop inherited attribute 6029, SCH_CANT_DROP_INHR_METH: Can't drop inherited method 6030, SCH_BAD_CLS_STRUCT: Bad class structure 6031, SCH_CLSNAME_TOOLONG: Class name too long 6032, SCH_ATTRNAME_TOOLONG: Attribute name too long 6033, SCH_METHNAME_TOOLONG: Method name too long 6035, SCH_CANT_UPD_SYSCLS: Can't update system class 6036, SCH_CANT_INDEX_SYSCLS: Can't index on system class 6037, SCH_CANT_UPD_SYSOBJ: Can't update system object 6038, SCH_CANT_CREATE_SYSOBJ: Can't create system object 6039, SCH_CANT_MOVE_SYSOBJ: Can't move system object 6040, SCH_CANT_UPD_INHRDOMAIN: Can't update inherited domain 6041, SCH_CANT_UPD_DOMAIN: Can't update non-null domain 6042, SCH_BAD_CLS_TBL: Bad front-end class cache 6043, SCH_BAD_SCH_CACHE: Bad back-end schema cache 6044, SCH_CANT_INHERIT_SELF: Can't inherit from itself 6045, SCH_OBJ_NOT_FOUND: Can't find object 6046, SCH_CLSDEF_CONFLICT: conflicting class definitions in databases 6047, SCH_CANT_EXPAND_MEM: Can't expand memory - internal only 6048, SCH_CANT_MOVE_CHKOUT_OBJ: Can't migrate checked out obj 6049, SCH_BAD_ATTR_OFF: Bad attribute offset 6050, SCH_BAD_ATTR_POS: Bad attribute position 6051, SCH_CANT_MOVE_COMP: Can't migrate composite 6052, SCH_REF_TO_ANON: Ref to anonymous object 6053, SCH_DUP_ATTRNAME: Duplicate attribute name 6054, SCH_DUP_METHNAME: Duplicate method name 6055, SCH_BAD_INDEXTYPE: Index type must be O_IT_BTREE or O_IT_HASH 6056, SCH_OBJ_SIZE_MISMATCH: Mismatch between bufdesc length and object size in the database 6057, SCH_NO_CLASS_CLASS: Can't find storage of class class 6058, SCH_GENERATE_RESOBJ_FAILED: Failed to generate resident schema objects 6059, SCH_CLS_INIT_FAILED: Failed to init schema class variables 6060, SCH_RELEASE_RESOBJ_FAILED: Failed to release resident objects or class table 6061, SCH_CRT_RESOBJ_FAILED: Failed to create resident schema objects 6062, SCH_NULL_OBJECTS: The input objects parameter is NULL 6063, SCH_MIGR_NO_VALID_OBJS: No valid objects to migrate 6064, SCH_CLASS_NOT_IN_SOURCE_DB: The class of the object to migrate is not in the source database 6065, SCH_OBJ_NOT_REGULAR: Object is not regular. 6066, SCH_CANT_RENAME_INHR_ATTR: Cannot rename an inherited attribute. 6067, SCH_OBJ_HAS_NO_ATTR: Class instance has no attributes 6068, SCH_CLSDEF_CHANGED: Class definition has changed 6069, SCH_CANT_EVOLVE_IF_DBDOWN: Schema Evolution is not allowed if any connected replicated database is down 6070, SCH_WRONG_SIZE_VSTR: The input vstr size is incorrect 6071, SCH_LAYOUT_ATTR_NAME: Bad attribute name in o_attrlayout 6072, SCH_LAYOUT_ATTR_TYPE: Bad attribute type in o_attrlayout 6073, SCH_INDEX_CONFLICT: a similar index exists on attribute 6074, SCH_CLS_MUST_BE_EMPTY: Class must be empty to be clustered 6075, SCH_CANT_DROP_SYSTEM_CLASS_ATTR: Cannot drop attribute belonging to a system class 6076, SCH_CANT_DROP_SYSTEM_CLASS: Cant drop system class 6077, SCH_CANT_MODIFY_SYSTEM_CLASS: Cant modify system class 6078, SCH_CANT_RENAME_SYSTEM_CLASS_ATTR: Cant rename system class attribute 6079, SCH_CANT_RENAME_SYSTEM_CLASS: Cant rename system class 6080, SCH_DUP_PARTITIONS: Duplicate partition sequence 6200, FS_BASE: For fasload/fasdump 6203, FSD_BAD_ATTROBJ: Bad attribute object detected in fasdump 6204, FSL_BAD_ATTROBJ: Bad attribute object detected in fasload 6205, FSD_CANT_DUMP_REMOTEOBJ: Can't dump remote object 6206, FSL_CANT_LOAD_REMOTEOBJ: Can't load remote object 6207, FSD_CANT_DUMP_LOGGED: Can't dump with logging on 6208, FSL_OBJ_NOT_FOUND: Can't find object to load 6209, FSL_TOO_MANY_DBIDS: Too many different dbids in loids 6300, CONT_BASE: 6302, CONT_NULL_DBNAME: Db name is null 6303, CONT_OBJ_NOT_CONTAINER: Not a container object 6304, CONT_NULL_CLS_OBJECT: Null class object 6305, CONT_CANT_CREATE_SYSOBJ: Class object is resident class 6306, CONT_NULL_OBJECT: Null object 6307, CONT_NOT_ANON_OBJ: Cannot be an anonymous object 6308, CONT_CANNOT_INSERT_AT: Cannot insert container object into associative table 6309, CONT_BE_NO_OBJ_TO_DELETE: No object to delete 6310, CONT_MEM_NO_MEM: Out of mem writing cont 6311, CONT_OBJ_INVALID_OBJ: Bad object type passed 6312, CONT_CANNOT_EMBED_CONTAINERS: 6313, CONT_READ_NO_MEM: Out of mem reading container 6314, CONT_ROOT_NO_MEM: Out of mem read container object 6315, CONT_ROOT_BAD_TYPE: Bad object type in container 6316, CONT_SCH_OBJ_NOT_PINNED: Object not pinned 6317, CONT_SCH_NOT_ANON_OBJ: Trying to upgrade non-anonymous object 6318, CONT_VAR_NO_MEM: Out of memory in variable size attribute 6319, CONT_CANNOT_REF_OWN_CONTAINER: Ref to own container object 6320, CONT_WRITE_NO_DISK_SPACE: Out of disk space 6322, CONT_MEM_NULL_DB: Bad db 6323, CONT_VAR_REF_TO_ANON: Ref to anonymous object 6324, CONT_SCH_NULL_ANON: Ref to ext anon 6325, CONT_VAR_REF_DEL_OBJ: Ref to deleted object 6326, CONT_WRITE_REF_DEL_OBJ: Ref to deleted object 6327, CONT_WRITE_BAD_TYPE: Unexpected object type 6328, CONT_NULL_PARAM: Null pointer was passed in 6329, CONT_SE_TOO_MANY_CONTAINERS: Too many container in session 6330, CONT_OBJ_SCH_OBJ: Can't put schema object in container 6331, CONT_MOVE_VERSIONED_OBJ: Can't add version object to container 6332, CONT_MOVE_PLOCK_OBJ: Can't add persistent lock object to container 6333, CONT_MEM_ROOT_IS_PINNED: Root is still pinned 6400, ACT_BASE: 6401, ACT_WRONG_MODE: Wrong session options 6402, ACT_NO_SESSION: Session has not been created 6403, ACT_NO_PROCESS: Proc has not been created 6404, ACT_NO_ACTIVITY: Act has not been created 6405, ACT_NO_MEM: Out of memory 6406, ACT_PROCROOT_ACT: Proc root act not allowed 6407, ACT_OUTSTANDING_ACT: There are active act's 6408, ACT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: Not implemented yet 6409, ACT_NOT_FOUND: Activity not found 6410, ACT_NO_NESTED_PROC: Missing nested process(es) 6411, ACT_NESTED_PROC_ERR: Nested proc exited in err 6412, ACT_SHOULD_ROLLBACK: Not a unanimous commit 6413, ACT_ROOT_ACT_EXISTS: cannot have multiple roots 6414, ACT_NULL_TRID: NULL transaction id 6500, EV_BASE: 6501, EV_BAD_USER_DATA: Invalid user input data 6502, EV_NULL_OID: NULL object logic id 6503, EV_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL: Buffer too small 6504, EV_BAD_BUFFER_PTR: Bad buffer pointer 6505, EV_AUX_INFO_MISMATCH: Aux info length mismatch 6506, EV_WRONG_EVENT_ORDER: Invalid event 6507, EV_INVALID_KEY: Invalid database path name 6508, EV_IPC_NOT_EXIST: 6509, EV_IPC_REMOVED: IPC queue removed 6510, EV_BAD_IPC_ID: Invalid IPC id 6511, EV_CANT_START_DD: Cannot start event daemon 6512, EV_EVENT_LOST: An event not delivered: %s 6513, EV_OP_NOT_ALLOWED: Not a front-end operation 6514, EV_PROCESS_INIT: Cannot initialize daemon 6515, EV_BAD_HANDLE: Bad event queue handle 6516, EV_NOT_ACTIVATED: event notification disabled 6517, EV_INVALID_REG_ID: invalid registration id 6518, EV_NOT_REG_OWNER: not owner of registration 6519, EV_BAD_EVENT_PAIR: lower event greater than higher event 6520, EV_BAD_DEF_FLAGS: 6521, EV_BAD_EVENT_TYPE: not a proper event type 6522, EV_BAD_OPTION: invalid option 6523, EV_BAD_FLAGS: invalid flags 6524, EV_DAEMON_NOT_RUN: event daemon not running 6525, EV_NULL_EVENT: NULL events 6526, EV_OBJ_NOT_EXIST: object $(loid) does not exist 6527, EV_IPC_VIOLATED: permission denied to access message queue 6528, EV_NO_MSG: no message 6529, EV_NO_REG: no event registrations 6530, EV_STILL_ACTIVATED: event notifcation activated 6531, EV_NOT_INITIALIZED: ev in memory structure has not been initialized. (try calling o_initen(O_EV_ENABLE),and o_xact if in persistent registration mode) 6532, EV_PTR_CAN_NOT_NULL: user input pointer should not be null 6533, EV_CLASS_INVALID_NUM_OBJ: class %s has %d num instances, it should only have %d 6534, EV_BAD_DB: inconsistent pewcrsistent ev schema (possibly caused by user changing its schema) 6535, EV_ASSERT_FAIL: internal assertion failure 6536, EV_REG_ALL_OBJ_DEL: ev registration $(loid) is invalidated, all of its registered objects have been deleted. 6537, EV_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE: pre 5.0 app using event with new event mode is not supported 6538, EV_FE_DIED: frontend has died 6539, EV_ERR_DB_SHUTDOWN: db is shutting down. (possible by stopdb -st 6540, EV_ERR_DAEMON_EXIST: a event daemon exists. multiple event daemon is not supported in current release 6600, VA_BASE: 6601, VA_PARSE_FAILED: Invalid syntax of VA 6602, VA_NOT_INITIALIZED: VA is not initialized 6603, VA_VAT_NOT_FOUND: VAT is not defined 6604, VA_VA_INIT_ERR: VA initialization error 6605, VA_KEY_NOT_MATCH: key items doesn't match attribute items 6606, VA_KEY_PARSE_FAILED: key has wrong format 6607, VA_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED: wrong type or type is not supported yet 6608, VA_KEY_OVERFLOW: key value overflowed 6609, VA_NOT_VALID_CMP_FLAG: invalid compare method 6610, VA_INTERNAL_ERROR: va internal error 6611, VA_EMPTY_KEY: key is an empty string 6612, VA_HASH_INDEX_NOT_SUPPORTED: hash index on VA not suuported 6613, VA_INDEX_ALREADYEXISTS: duplicate index not allowed 6614, VA_NO_SUCH_INDEX: Non-existing index 6615, VA_INDEX_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_FTS: index operations on replica databases not supported yet 6616, VA_EXISTED_IN_HASHTABLE: entry is in hashtable already 6617, VA_NO_CLASS_VERSION_FOUND: class doesn't have any instance 6618, VA_NOT_INDEXABLE: indexing not supported on this virtual attribute 6619, VA_INSUF_ARGS: insufficient no. of arguments 6620, VA_MEMALLOC_ERROR: memory allocation error 6621, VA_INCORRECT_TYPE: received incorrect type of argument 6622, VA_NULL_SPECIFIC: va_getSpecific returned NULL 6623, VAT_CONSTRUCTOR_ERROR: error $(err) in vat_constructor 6624, VAT_DESTRUCTOR_ERROR: error $(err) in vat_destructor 6625, VAT_VALUES_ERROR: error $(err) in vat_values 6626, VAT_COMPARE_ERROR: error $(err) in vat_compare 6627, VA_QUERY_OPERATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED: operator not supported 7000, UT_OK: No error 7001, UT_DB_NOT_FOUND: DB directory not found 7002, UT_DB_NOT_PERSONAL: Not a personal DB 7003, UT_DB_NO_ACCESS: No access rights to DB dir 7004, UT_BE_PROFILE_ERROR: Error parsing back-end profile 7005, UT_FE_PROFILE_ERROR: Error parsing front-end profile 7006, UT_ER_NOFILE: Can't find error message file error.msg 7007, UT_ER_NO_MSG: Can't find error message 7008, UT_DB_ALREADY_STARTED: Database already started in another machine 7009, UT_WRONG_OBE_VERS: OBE version doesn't match client's 7010, UT_UNKNOWN_UTILITY: Unknown database utility 7011, UT_DB_EXISTS: Database already exists 7012, UT_INVALID_PARAMETER: Invalid parameter 7013, UT_ER_CREATE_DBDIR: Failed to create database directory 7014, UT_ER_CHGOWNER_DBDIR: Failed to change owner of database directory 7015, UT_ER_CHGGROUP_DBDIR: Failed to change group of database directory 7016, UT_ER_CREATE_BEPROFILE: Could not create server process profile. Check disk space, permissions, etc. 7017, UT_ER_CHGOWNER_BEPROFILE: Failed to create default database profiles 7018, UT_ER_CREATE_FEDIR: Could not create application process profile. Check disk space, permissions, etc. 7019, UT_ER_CHGOWNER_FEPROFILE: Failed to change owner of FE profile 7020, UT_ER_CHGGROUP_BEPROFILE: Failed to change group of database BE profile 7021, UT_ER_DBDIR_NOACCESS: Database directory not found or no access permission 7022, UT_ER_SYSTEMVOL_NOACCESS: No access to system volume 7023, UT_ER_SYSTEMVOL_FILE_TYPE: System volume already exists and is not a raw device 7024, UT_ER_SYSTEMVOL_CREATE: Unable to create system volume 7025, UT_ER_PHYSICALLOG_NOACCESS: No access to physical log volume 7026, UT_ER_PHYSICALLOG_FILE_TYPE: Physical log volume already exists and is not a raw device 7027, UT_ER_PHYSICALLOG_CREATE: Unable to create physical log volume 7028, UT_ER_LOGICALLOG_NOACCESS: No access to logical log volume 7029, UT_ER_LOGICALLOG_FILE_TYPE: Logical log volume already exists and is not a raw device 7030, UT_ER_LOGICALLOG_CREATE: Unable to create logical log volume 7031, UT_ER_DBID_NOACCESS: Failed to access database ID file 7032, UT_ER_FORMAT_LOGFILES: Failed to format log files 7033, UT_ER_FORMAT_DATABASE: Failed to format database 7034, UT_ER_SDA_INIT: Failed to initialize shared memory 7035, UT_ER_VOLUME_SIZE: Invalid volume size 7036, UT_ER_STARTDB: Failed to start database 7037, UT_ER_VOLUME_OFFSET: Invalid volume offset 7038, UT_ER_VOLUME_NOACCESS: No access to volume 7039, UT_ER_VOLUME_EXISTS: Volume already exists 7040, UT_ER_VOLUME_CREATE: Unable to create volume 7041, UT_ER_VOLUME_FORMAT: Failed to format volume 7042, UT_ER_VOLUME_DELETE: Failed to delete volume 7043, UT_ER_BEGIN_SESSION: Failed to begin session 7044, UT_ER_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS: Unauthorized access 7045, UT_ER_DB_INUSE: Database is in use 7046, UT_ER_DB_INCONSISTENT: Database may be inconsistent 7047, UT_ER_USER_NOTFOUND: Database user not found 7048, UT_ER_USER_FOUND: Database user found 7049, UT_ER_USER_IS_DBA: User is DBA 7050, UT_ER_ROLLBACK: Failed to rollback database 7051, UT_ER_SDA_CRASHED: Shared memory crashed 7052, UT_ER_SDA_GRPSHARE: Unable to share SDA for group 7053, UT_ER_PROCESS_INIT: Process initialization failed 7054, UT_ER_RECOVERY: Database recovery failed 7055, UT_ER_CLEANBE: Failed to start cleanbe process 7056, UT_ER_HEAP_NOMEM: No more heap space 7057, UT_ER_MOUNT_TAPE: Tape not not mounted 7058, UT_ER_FE_CLEANUP: Failed to clean up front resources 7059, UT_ER_UNKNOWN_DB: Unknown database 7060, UT_ER_LOCKMODEL_FILE: Cannot get new lock model from file 7061, UT_ER_DB_LOCKED: Database already started 7062, UT_ER_DETACH_ODA: Failed to detach from ODA 7063, UT_ER_PARSE_BEPROFILE: Error %d: parsing back-end profile at %s 7064, UT_ER_NOT_DB_OWNER: Not Database owner 7065, UT_ER_NOT_GROUP_MEMBER: Not a group member 7066, UT_ER_DBID_CREATE: Cannot create database ID file at %s 7067, UT_ER_DBID_LOCK: Error %d: obtaining lock on DBID file 7068, UT_ER_MAKE_DB_DIRECTORY: Failed to make db directory 7069, UT_ER_REMOTE_ACCESS: Failed to invoke utility remotely 7070, UT_ER_INTERNAL: Internal error 7071, UT_ER_READ_BE_PROFILE: can't read back-end profile 7072, UT_ER_WRITE_BE_PROFILE: can't write back-end profile 7073, UT_ER_READ_FE_PROFILE: can't read front-end profile 7074, UT_ER_WRITE_FE_PROFILE: can't write front-end profile 7075, UT_ER_EXCEED_MAXVOLUMES: exceed maximum number of volumes 7076, UT_ER_OSC_DBID_EXISTS: osc-dbid file already exists 7077, UT_ER_BAD_GEN_OP: Invalid operation for ut_genericRPC 7078, UT_ER_BAD_GEN_REP_MODEL: Invalid replicaModel for rep_genericRPC 7079, UT_SS_INVALID_PORTRANGE: Invalid Port range specified (valid range 1 thru 32767) 7080, UT_SS_UNKNOWN_CLIENT: Unable to get peer name of client. %m 7081, UT_SS_LOGIN_ERROR: Error receiving login message from %s. %m 7082, UT_SS_SEND_ERROR: Unable to send response to %s. errno: %m 7083, UT_SS_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS: Unauthorized remote login: %d 7084, UT_SS_UNKNOWN_PATH: Unable to obtain oscpath to %s. errno: %m 7085, UT_SS_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: Connection from %s has been timed out. 7086, UT_SS_CONNECTION_DROPPED: Connection from %s has been dropped. 7087, UT_SS_INCOMPATIBLE_RELEASE: Fail to find a compatible release 7088, UT_ER_WRONG_OSC_PATH: Wrong osc path %s 7089, UT_ER_OSC_PATH_NOT_FOUND: osc path %s not found 7090, UT_SS_BAD_BUFSIZE: Network buffer size is too large 7091, UT_INCOMPATIBLE_LOCKFILE: Incompatible .lock file 7092, UT_DB_IS_UNSTARTABLE: Database is unstartable 7093, UT_LOCKFILE_NOT_FOUND: .lock file not found 7094, UT_ER_ADD_USR_TO_PDB: Cannot add users to personal databases 7095, UT_ALIGN_NOT_POWER_OF_2: O_ALIGN not on a power of 2 7096, UT_ER_DBDIR_EXISTS: Database directory already exists 7097, UT_ER_BEPROF_EXISTS: Back end profile file already exists 7098, UT_ER_FEPROF_EXISTS: WARNING: Using an existing front end profile 7099, UT_ER_CLEANFE: cleanfe terminated abruptly 7100, UT_ER_UNKNOWN_LEVEL: Unknown level 7101, UT_ER_NEED_LEVEL_0: Restore level 0 first 7102, UT_ER_NEED_LEVEL_1: Restore level 1 first 7103, UT_ER_WRONG_DBID: Wrong dbid 7104, UT_ER_NO_DBID: Cannot create dbid 7105, UT_ER_NO_DIRECTORY: A database directory is required. Create one with makedb or vutil. 7106, UT_ER_BACKING_UP: Another process is backing up already 7107, UT_UNCONVERTED_AND_STARTED: Convertdb requires that the database be stopped. 7108, UT_DIFFERENT_HOSTS: Both databases must be on the same machine -- "$(db1)" and "$(db2)" are not. 7109, UT_LOCAL_ONLY: Remote databases are unsupported. Try running on "$(host)". 7110, UT_TRIAL_EXPIRED: Trial period expired on evaluation copy 7111, UT_DBID_EXCEED_LIMIT: dbid can not exceed UT_DBID_USER_MAX (0xFF7F) 7112, UT_ER_VOLUME_DUPENTRY: Database profile.be has duplicate entry for data volume 7113, UT_ER_VOLUME_NEEDADD: Need run 'addvol' for the data volume entry in profile.be 7114, UT_ER_RESTORE_PREV_VER: Restore from backup of previous version not allowed 7115, UT_ER_PASSWDS_DONOTMATCH: The Passwords do not match!!! 7116, UT_ER_2PROCESS: Must be a two process connection. 7117, UT_ER_SOME_OBJECTS_DIFFERENT: Some objects are different in two databases 7118, UT_DB_IS_UNRESTORED_HABACKUP: The database device is an unrestored habackup. 7119, UT_ER_DBALOGGING_LEVEL_IS_ZERO: The DBA logging level is zero, so DBA logging disallowed. 7120, UT_ER_DBID_EXISTS: Database id already exists in osc-dbid file 7121, UT_ER_DB_ENTRY_EXISTS: Database entry already exists in osc-dbid file 7122, TARGET_DB_NOT_CREATED: vmovedb requires that target database be created. 7123, UT_FAILED_TO_MOVE_ALL_OBJECTS: Could not move all objects. 7124, UT_NO_OBJECTS_TO_MOVE: No objects to move 7125, UT_NO_REPLICA_MOVE: vmovedb is not allowed on a replica pair of databases 7126, UT_VMOVEDB_INVALID_TARGET: The specified database is invalid for vmovedb 7127, UT_VBACKUP_INCOMPLETE: vbackup did not backup all pages 7128, UT_ER_MAKEDB_PROFILE_NOTFOUND: makedb did not find the profile file at the specified location 7129, UT_ER_ADDVOL_PROFILE_UPDATION_FAILED: addvol failed to update server profile file with datavol entry 7130, UT_ER_ADDVOL_DATAVOL_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS: datavol entry already exists in server profile file 7131, UT_ER_DATAVOL_ALREADY_EXISTS: data volume at the specified location already exists 7132, UT_ER_VBACKUP_RESTORE_REMOVE_DATABASE: vbackup restore process is unable to remove creation time database files of renamed database 7133, UT_ER_VBACKUP_DUPLICATE_RESTORE: Another process is doing restore already 7134, UT_ER_USER_ABORT_REQUEST: Aborted at user's request. 7135, UT_ER_ALREADY_CONVERTED: Database version is same as current release version. No need to convert. 7136, UT_ER_STARTUP_ABSOLUTE_PATH: Error launching startup executable. Absolute path is not allowed. 7137, UT_ER_STARTUP_IS_DIR: Error launching startup executable. $(file) is a directory. 7138, UT_ER_STARTUP_NOT_FOUND: OS err #$(oserr) while launching startup executable. $(file) could not be found. 7139, UT_ER_STARTUP_INCORRECT_PERMISSIONS: Error launching startup executable. $(file) has write permission for users other than DBA. 7140, UT_ER_STARTUP_IS_LINK: Error launching startup executable. $(file) is a symbolic link. 7141, UT_ER_STARTUP_WRITE_LOG: OS err #$(oserr) while writing to log file. Launching startup executable failed. 7142, UT_ER_STARTUP_LAUNCH: Launching startup executable $(file) failed. 7143, UT_ER_STARTUP_SET_PROCID: Error while trying to save the startup executable process-id 7144, UT_ER_STARTUP_ALREADY_RUNNING: Cannot start database. A previous instance of the startup script is already running with process-id $(pid) 7145, UT_ER_STARTUP_GET_DBDIR: Error retrieving database directory. 7146, UT_ER_STARTUP_OPEN_LOG: Error while opening $(file) for writing. 7147, UT_ER_STARTUP_NOT_EXECUTABLE: Error launching startup executable. $(file) does not have execute permission for DBA. 7180, LIC_ERR_ARGS: Error in arguments passed 7181, LIC_ERR_NODE: Component not licensed 7182, LIC_ERR_DATE: License expired 7183, LIC_ERR_ENVVARIABLE: Environment variable not set 7184, LIC_ERR_FILENOTFOUND: License file not found 7185, LIC_ERR_FILESYNTAX: Error in license file 7186, LIC_ERR_TEXTIGNORE: Ignoring text in license file 7200, UT_W_NOT_LATEST: There is a more recent backup of this level 7203, UT_W_NEWER_LEVEL_2: Level 2 more recent than level 1, restore level 2 again afterward 7204, UT_W_DB_MODIFIED: Db modified since last restore 7205, UT_W_END_OF_BACKUP: End of backup 7206, UT_DB_NOT_IN_DBID: Database not in osc-dbid file 7207, UT_ABNORMAL_EXIT: Utility process was killed or crashed. Command was '$(command)'. 7208, UT_ER_VBACKUP_FILE_READ: Cannot read vbackup status file for specified database 7209, UT_ER_VBACKUP_FILE_WRITE: Cannot write to vbackup status file for specified database 7210, UT_ER_VBACKUP_FILE_NO_ACCESS: Cannot access vbackup status file for specified database 4208, UT_API_UNSUPPORTED: 7220, UT_NO_REPLICA_ENTRY: No entry for database in VERSANT_ROOT/replica. 7221, UT_IS_ALREADY_A_REPLICA_DB: Database is already replicated 7222, UT_MULTIPLE_REPLICA_INFOS: Multiple instances of replica_info were detected 7223, UT_FAILED_TO_CLONE_OBJECTS: Could not replicate all the objects 7224, UT_OBJECT_NOT_IN_DB1: Object `%s' is in `%s' but not `%s' 7225, UT_OBJECT_NOT_IN_DB2: Object `%s' is in `%s' but not `%s' 7226, UT_OBJECT_VALUES_DIFFERENT: Object `%s' has different values in `%s' and `%s' 7227, UT_LOGGING_REQUIRED: CREATEREPLICA requires that logging be ON. 7228, UT_GROUP_REQUIRED: replication does not support personal databases 7229, UT_USE_REMOVEREPLICA: Use REMOVEREPLICA to remove a replicated database 7230, UT_ER_DBID_IN_USE: Attempt to assign a dbid that is already in use. 7231, UT_ER_NOT_SUPER_USER: Must be super user for the operation 7232, UT_OPEN_REPLICA_FILE_FAIL: Attempt to open replica file failed 7233, UT_ER_ALREADYON: Roll forward already on 7234, UT_ER_ALREADYOFF: Roll forward already off 7235, UT_ER_INVALIDARG: Invalid argument to RF 7236, UT_ER_ARCHIVING_OFF: Archiving not turned on 7237, UT_ER_BACKUP_OFF: Backup not started 7238, UT_ER_BACKUP_NOCONFIRM: Prev backup not confirmed 7239, UT_ER_WRONGID: Confirmation for wrong ID 7240, UT_ER_ARCHIVING_PENDING: Archiving not turned on 7241, UT_ER_RECOVERY_OFF: RF recovery not started 7242, UT_ER_RFREC_TOO_LARGE: RF Record > 256K len 7243, UT_ER_RF_INVALIDREC: Rec-aligned RF rec needed 7244, UT_CANT_CONNECT_PDB: Cannot connect to personal database 7245, UT_DBA_PRIVILEGE: You need dba privilege to do this operation 7246, UT_ER_TERM_LOGGER: Logging process terminated 7247, UT_ER_ARCHIVE_REP: Cannot archive a replicated database 7248, UT_ER_INVALID_SEQNO: Out-of-order record seqno 7249, UT_ER_PTN_EXIST: Partition exists 7250, UT_FTS_INVALID_PDELAY: Invalid polling delay. Must be either 0 or -1 7251, UT_ER_BACKUP_NO_LEVEL_0: No level 0 backup 7252, UT_DB_NOT_EMPTY: Destination database must be empty 7253, UT_DB_WRONG_STATE: Database is in the wrong state 7254, UT_DB_ALREADY_SUSPENDED: ftstool -stopsync has already been applied on the database 7255, MSG_VERSANT_UTILITY: VERSANT Utility $(utility) Version $(version) $(comment) 7256, MSG_VERSANT_COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) $(from_year)-$(current_year) VERSANT Corporation 7257, MSG_PANIC: Versant panicking in file '%s' at line %d 7258, MSG_YES: Yes 7259, MSG_NO: No 7260, MSG_ERROR: Error 7261, MSG_WARNING: Warning 7262, MSG_ABORT_ACTION: Do you want to abort? 7263, MSG_ANSWER_YES: Y 7264, MSG_ANSWER_NO: N 7275, MSG_UDLTOOL_USAGE: %% %s [-d ddbname] [-l sdbname] [-n] [-p] [-s [lm]] [filename] 7276, MSG_UDLTOOL_USAGE_1: -d ddbname db name where the lock model will be set 7277, MSG_UDLTOOL_USAGE_2: -l sdbname db name where the lock model object is/will be located 7278, MSG_UDLTOOL_USAGE_3: -n store the new lock model object into sdbname 7279, MSG_UDLTOOL_USAGE_4: -p print info of the lock model currently used in ddbname 7280, MSG_UDLTOOL_USAGE_5: -s [lm] set the lock model lm in sdbname to be used in ddbname 7281, MSG_UDLTOOL_USAGE_6: filename name of the input file that describes the lock model 7282, MSG_UDLTOOL_USAGE_7: if -n is specified, both filename and sdbname are required 7283, MSG_UDLTOOL_USAGE_8: if -s or -p is specified, ddbname is required 7284, MSG_UDLTOOL_USAGE_9: if -s is specified and if sdbname is not provided, ddbname will be used 7285, MSG_UDLTOOL_USAGE_10: to retrieve the lock model object 7286, MSG_UDLTOOL_USAGE_11: if -s is specified, the lock model name can be obtained either from the 7287, MSG_UDLTOOL_USAGE_12: command line or from the input file 7288, MSG_UDLTOOL_USAGE_13: if -s is specified and the lock model name is not provided, the Versant 7289, MSG_UDLTOOL_USAGE_14: Standard Lock Model will be used 7290, MSG_UDLTOOL_USAGE_15: ddbname can be specified in the environment variable O_DBNAME 7291, MSG_UDLTOOL_USAGE_END: End of UDL help 7292, MSG_UDL_PARSE_ERROR: UDL Parser [line %d column %d] 7293, MSG_UDL_COMMENT_ERROR: UDL Parser: at line %d: no comment delimiter 7295, MSG_ADDVOL_USAGE: Usage: addvol parameters [options] 7296, MSG_ADDVOL_USAGE_1: parameters: 7297, MSG_ADDVOL_USAGE_2: -n volName logical name for volume 7298, MSG_ADDVOL_USAGE_3: -p volPath path of volume device/file 7299, MSG_ADDVOL_USAGE_4: options: 7300, MSG_ADDVOL_USAGE_5: -s volSize volume size, default to 128M 7301, MSG_ADDVOL_USAGE_6: -e extSize extent size, default to use backend profile 7302, MSG_ADDVOL_USAGE_7: -i pre-allocate and initialize volume 7303, MSG_ADDVOL_USAGE_8: -noprint suppress display messages 7304, MSG_ADDVOL_USAGE_9: dbname: database name 7305, MSG_ADDVOL_USAGE_END: Usage: Addvol 7315, MSG_CREATEDB_USAGE: Usage: createdb [options] 7316, MSG_CREATEDB_USAGE_1: options: 7317, MSG_CREATEDB_USAGE_2: -i pre-allocate and initialize the database 7318, MSG_CREATEDB_USAGE_3: -il pre-initialize the physical and logical logs to logvolmaxsize 7319, MSG_CREATEDB_USAGE_4: -noprint suppress display messages 7320, MSG_CREATEDB_USAGE_5: dbname: database name 7321, MSG_CREATEDB_USAGE_END: Usage: createdb 7325, MSG_DBUSER_USAGE: Usage: dbuser [options] 7326, MSG_DBUSER_USAGE_1: command: 7327, MSG_DBUSER_USAGE_2: -list list database user access list (default) 7328, MSG_DBUSER_USAGE_3: -add add user to database access list 7329, MSG_DBUSER_USAGE_4: '-n' or '-P' options required , '-passwd' option maybe specified 7330, MSG_DBUSER_USAGE_5: -delete delete user from access list 7331, MSG_DBUSER_USAGE_6: '-n' or '-P' options required 7332, MSG_DBUSER_USAGE_7: -chpasswd change the password for an existing user 7333, MSG_DBUSER_USAGE_8: '-n' options required '-opasswd' and '-passwd' options may be specified 7334, MSG_DBUSER_USAGE_9: options: 7335, MSG_DBUSER_USAGE_10: -n name user name 7336, MSG_DBUSER_USAGE_11: -passwd password password 7337, MSG_DBUSER_USAGE_12: -opasswd old-password old password 7338, MSG_DBUSER_USAGE_13: -P public access 7339, MSG_DBUSER_USAGE_14: -m r | rw access mode 7340, MSG_DBUSER_USAGE_15: -noprint suppress display messages 7341, MSG_DBUSER_USAGE_16: dbname: database name 7342, MSG_DBUSER_USAGE_END: Usage: dbuser 7345, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE: Usage: makedb [options] 7346, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_1: options: 7347, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_2: [ -g | -p ] 7348, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_3: -g group database 7349, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_4: -p personal database 7350, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_5: -owner user make user as owner of database directory 7351, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_6: -cpprofile db copy profiles from the specified db 7352, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_7: directory 7353, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_8: -nofeprofile do not create front-end profile 7354, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_9: -logging turn logging on 7355, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_10: -locking turn locking on 7356, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_11: -sglatch turn multi_latch off 7357, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_12: -noprint suppress display messages 7358, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_13: -promptpasswd prompt for DBA's password 7359, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_14: -beprofile filepath copy server profile file from specified location 7360, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_15: -feprofile filepath copy application profile file from specified location 7361, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_16: -feprofile and -nofeprofile cannot be specified together 7362, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_17: -feprofile and -beprofile cannot be used with -cpprofile 7363, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_18: dbname: database name 7364, MSG_MAKEDB_USAGE_END: Usage: makedb 7365, MSG_DBLIST_USAGE: Usage: dblist [options] 7366, MSG_DBLIST_USAGE_1: options: 7367, MSG_DBLIST_USAGE_2: -all list all db in the system (default) 7368, MSG_DBLIST_USAGE_3: -owner owner list db owned by owner 7369, MSG_DBLIST_USAGE_4: -d dbName list only the named database 7370, MSG_DBLIST_USAGE_5: -dir list all databases and empty 7371, MSG_DBLIST_USAGE_6: database directories 7372, MSG_DBLIST_USAGE_7: -noprint suppress display messages 7373, MSG_DBLIST_USAGE_END: Usage: dblist 7375, MSG_DBINFO_USAGE: Usage: dbinfo 7376, MSG_DBINFO_USAGE_1: options: 7377, MSG_DBINFO_USAGE_2: [ -m | -0 | -1 | -d ] 7378, MSG_DBINFO_USAGE_3: -m set multi-user mode 7379, MSG_DBINFO_USAGE_4: -0 set unstartable mode 7380, MSG_DBINFO_USAGE_5: -1 set DBA-only single-connection mode 7381, MSG_DBINFO_USAGE_6: -d set DBA-only multi-connection mode 7382, MSG_DBINFO_USAGE_7: -p print existing database mode 7383, MSG_DBINFO_USAGE_8: -c create a new .lock file 7384, MSG_DBINFO_USAGE_9: dbname: database name 7385, MSG_DBINFO_USAGE_END: Usage: dbinfo 7387, MSG_REMOVEDB_USAGE: Usage: removedb [options] 7388, MSG_REMOVEDB_USAGE_1: options: 7389, MSG_REMOVEDB_USAGE_2: -f force removing database 7390, MSG_REMOVEDB_USAGE_3: -rmdir remove database directory 7391, MSG_REMOVEDB_USAGE_4: -noprint suppress display messages 7392, MSG_REMOVEDB_USAGE_5: dbname: database name 7393, MSG_REMOVEDB_USAGE_END: Usage: removedb 7395, MSG_STARTDB_USAGE: Usage: startdb 7396, MSG_STARTDB_USAGE_END: Usage: startdb 7403, MSG_STOPDB_USAGE: Usage: stopdb [options] 7404, MSG_STOPDB_USAGE_1: options: 7405, MSG_STOPDB_USAGE_2: [ -f | -s | -st ] 7406, MSG_STOPDB_USAGE_3: -f force killing all active transactions 7407, MSG_STOPDB_USAGE_4: -s wait for update RPCs to be done 7408, MSG_STOPDB_USAGE_5: -st wait for all active transactions to be done 7409, MSG_STOPDB_USAGE_6: -noprint suppress display messages 7410, MSG_STOPDB_USAGE_7: dbname: database name 7411, MSG_STOPDB_USAGE_END: Usage: stopdb 7415, MSG_MAKEPROFILE_USAGE: Usage: makeprofile [options] 7416, MSG_MAKEPROFILE_USAGE_1: options: 7417, MSG_MAKEPROFILE_USAGE_2: -cpprofile db copy profiles from the specified db 7418, MSG_MAKEPROFILE_USAGE_3: directory 7419, MSG_MAKEPROFILE_USAGE_4: -nofeprofile do not create front-end profile 7420, MSG_MAKEPROFILE_USAGE_5: -logging turn logging on 7421, MSG_MAKEPROFILE_USAGE_6: -locking turn locking on 7422, MSG_MAKEPROFILE_USAGE_7: -sglatch turn multi_latch off 7423, MSG_MAKEPROFILE_USAGE_8: -noprint suppress display messages 7424, MSG_MAKEPROFILE_USAGE_9: dbname: database name 7425, MSG_MAKEPROFILE_USAGE_END: Usage: makeprofile 7426, MSG_DBID_USAGE: Usage: dbid [options] 7427, MSG_DBID_USAGE_1: options: 7428, MSG_DBID_USAGE_2: -N Create an osc-dbid file. is not specified 7429, MSG_DBID_USAGE_3: -c Create an entry in osc-dbid file for database 7430, MSG_DBID_USAGE_4: -C Create an entry in osc-dbid file for database 7431, MSG_DBID_USAGE_5: and database id as . 7432, MSG_DBID_USAGE_6: -t Specify the type of database ( group or personal ) 7433, MSG_DBID_USAGE_7: Must be used with -c or -C options. 7434, MSG_DBID_USAGE_8: Default database type is group. 7435, MSG_DBID_USAGE_9: -d Remove the database entry from the osc-dbid file 7436, MSG_DBID_USAGE_10: -r Print the database id of the database 7437, MSG_DBID_USAGE_11: -noprint Suppress display messages 7438, MSG_DBID_USAGE_12: dbname: database name 7439, MSG_DBID_USAGE_13: type: database type 7440, MSG_DBID_USAGE_14: 1: personal database 7441, MSG_DBID_USAGE_15: 2: group database 7442, MSG_DBID_USAGE_END: Usage: dbid 7445, MSG_REORGDB_USAGE: Usage: reorgdb parameters 7446, MSG_REORGDB_USAGE_1: parameters: 7447, MSG_REORGDB_USAGE_2: options: 7448, MSG_REORGDB_USAGE_3: -noprint suppress display messages 7449, MSG_REORGDB_USAGE_4: dbname: database name 7450, MSG_REORGDB_USAGE_END: Usage: reorgdb 7455, MSG_RESTOREDB_USAGE: Usage: restoredb parameters 7456, MSG_RESTOREDB_USAGE_1: parameters: 7457, MSG_RESTOREDB_USAGE_2: -if device input device name 7458, MSG_RESTOREDB_USAGE_3: options: 7459, MSG_RESTOREDB_USAGE_4: -nowait don't wait for operator assistance 7460, MSG_RESTOREDB_USAGE_5: -noprint suppress display messages 7461, MSG_RESTOREDB_USAGE_6: dbname: database name 7462, MSG_RESTOREDB_USAGE_END: Usage: restoredb 7465, MSG_OSCP_USAGE: Usage: oscp [options] 7466, MSG_OSCP_USAGE_1: options: 7467, MSG_OSCP_USAGE_2: -d database path 7468, MSG_OSCP_USAGE_3: -i environment information 7469, MSG_OSCP_USAGE_4: -l product version number with patch 7470, MSG_OSCP_USAGE_5: -n dbid node name 7471, MSG_OSCP_USAGE_6: -o osc-dbid path 7472, MSG_OSCP_USAGE_7: -p Versant runtime path 7473, MSG_OSCP_USAGE_8: -r Versant root path 7474, MSG_OSCP_USAGE_9: -v product version number 7475, MSG_OSCP_USAGE_10: -b patch information 7476, MSG_OSCP_USAGE_END: Usage: oscp 7477, MSG_SSD_USAGE: Usage: ss.d [options] 7478, MSG_SSD_USAGE_1: Command: 7479, MSG_SSD_USAGE_2: -start start the system services daemon, requires '-port' option 7480, MSG_SSD_USAGE_3: Options: 7481, MSG_SSD_USAGE_4: -port port-number port number where ss.d has to accept new versant connection 7482, MSG_SSD_USAGE_5: -log log-file-name logs additional information to specified log file 7483, MSG_SSD_USAGE_END: Usage: ss.d 7495, MSG_CONVERTDB_USAGE: Usage: convertdb 7496, MSG_CONVERTDB_USAGE_1: Options: 7497, MSG_CONVERTDB_USAGE_2: -noprint suppress display messages 7498, MSG_CONVERTDB_USAGE_END: Usage: convertdb 7505, MSG_DBUSER_NAME: User Name 7506, MSG_DBUSER_READ_ACCESS: R 7507, MSG_DBUSER_WRITE_ACCESS: W 7508, MSG_DBUSER_DBA: DBA 7509, MSG_DBUSER_CREATION_DATE: Creation Date 7515, MSG_DBID_HEADER_INFO: DBID file header 7516, MSG_DBID_MAX_ID: max ID = %d 7517, MSG_DBID_VERSION: version = %d 7518, MSG_DBID_VERSION2: version2 = %d 7519, MSG_DBID_ENTRIES: entries = %d 7520, MSG_DBID_VALID_ENTRIES: valid entries = %d 7521, MSG_DBID_PATH: path = %s 7525, MSG_DBLIST_ENTRY: ID = %d 7526, MSG_DBLIST_ENTRY_EMPTY: ID = EMPTY DB DIRECTORY 7527, MSG_DBLIST_DBNAME: DB name = %s 7528, MSG_DBLIST_CREATOR: creator = %s 7529, MSG_DBLIST_DATE_CREATED: date created = %s 7530, MSG_DBLIST_TYPE_PERSONAL: db type = PERSONAL DATABASE 7531, MSG_DBLIST_TYPE_GROUP: db type = GROUP DATABASE 7532, MSG_DBLIST_TYPE_UNIVERSAL: db type = PUBLIC DATABASE 7533, MSG_DBLIST_TYPE_UNKNOWN: db type = UNKNOWN 7534, MSG_DBLIST_VERSION: db version = %s 7535, MSG_DBLIST_GROUPID: db group id = %d 7545, MSG_DBID_ENTRY: DBID entry %d 7546, MSG_DBID_ENTRY_EMPTY: ID = EMPTY DB DIRECTORY 7547, MSG_DBID_ID: ID = %d 7548, MSG_DBID_DBNAME: DB name = %s 7549, MSG_DBID_CREATOR: creator = %s 7550, MSG_DBID_DATE_CREATED: date created = %s 7551, MSG_DBID_DBVERSION: version = %s 7555, MSG_VERSION: Versant Product Version: %s 7556, MSG_ROOT_PATH: Versant Root Path: %s 7557, MSG_ROOT_NOACCESS: WARNING: no access to root path 7558, MSG_TOO_MANY_LINK_LEVELS: WARNING: too many level of links 7559, MSG_RUNTIME_PATH: Versant Runtime Path: %s 7560, MSG_DB_DIRECTORY: Versant DB Directory: %s 7561, MSG_DB_NOACCESS: WARNING: no access to db directory 7562, MSG_VERSANT_CFG: VERSANT_CFG: %s 7563, MSG_ROOT_ENV: VERSANT_ROOT: %s 7564, MSG_DB_ENV: VERSANT_DB: %s 7565, MSG_DBID_ENV: VERSANT_DBID: %s 7566, MSG_REL_ENV: VERSANT_REL: %s 7567, MSG_SSD_NOACCESS: WARNING: CANNOT LOCATE ss.d 7568, MSG_SSD: Versant ss.d Location: %s 7569, MSG_DBID_NODE: Versant osc-dbid node name: %s 7570, MSG_DBID_PATH_IS: Versant osc-dbid path: %s 7575, MSG_ADD_USER: Adding User Name = %s 7576, MSG_ADD_USER_INFO: User Inserted 7577, MSG_DELETE_USER: Deleting User Name = %s 7578, MSG_DELETE_USER_INFO: User Deleted 7585, MSG_WRONG_VOLUME_MOUNTED: WRONG VOLUME SEQUENCE NUMBER 7586, MSG_CHECK_VOLUME_NUMBER: ATTENTION: Is new tape #%d mounted and ready? 7587, MSG_VOLUME_INFO: volume %s at %s, size=%d 7595, MSG_REORGDB_INFO: Reorganizing database 7596, MSG_REORGDB_DEVICE: device path = %s 7605, MSG_RESTOREDB_INFO: Restoring database 7606, MSG_RESTOREDB_NAME: database name = %s 7607, MSG_RESTOREDB_VOLUMES: total volumes = %d 7615, MSG_COMPRESSDB_INFO: Compress Database 7616, MSG_COMPRESSDB_FAILED: ERROR: Compress Database Failed 7617, MSG_COMPRESSDB_RESTORE: Restoring database 7625, MSG_REMOVEDB_WARNING: Attempt to force removal of database 7626, MSG_REMOVEDB_SYSVOL: Warning: system volume may be corrupted 7627, MSG_REMOVEDB_DATAVOL: user volumes created by addvol utility are not removed 7628, MSG_REMOVEDB_RETRY: Retrying (this may take up to 2 minutes) 7629, MSG_REMOVEDB_DBID: Database entry %d removed from ID file 7630, MSG_REMOVEDB_VOLNAME: deleting volume at %s 7631, MSG_REMOVEDB_DBDIR: Removing database directory %s 7635, MSG_ADDVOL_INFO: Add Volume 7636, MSG_ADDVOL_NAME: volume name = %s 7637, MSG_ADDVOL_SIZE: volume size = %u pages ( page size = %d bytes ) 7638, MSG_ADDVOL_PATH: volume path = %s 7639, MSG_ADDVOL_OFFSET: volume offset = %d 7640, MSG_ADDVOL_EXTSIZE: extent size = %d 7641, MSG_ADDVOL_NUMOFEXT: number extents = %d 7642, MSG_ADDVOL_INSERT_ENTRY: Inserting volume entry 7645, MSG_CREATEDB_DBID: database ID is %d 7646, MSG_CREATEDB_PLOG: Physical log volume created at %s 7647, MSG_CREATEDB_PLOG_INFO: size=%u pages ( page size = %d bytes ) 7648, MSG_CREATEDB_LLOG: Logical log volume created at %s 7649, MSG_CREATEDB_LLOG_INFO: size=%u pages ( page size = %d bytes ) 7650, MSG_CREATEDB_SYSVOL: System volume created at %s 7651, MSG_CREATEDB_SYSVOL_INFO: size=%u pages ( page size=%d bytes ), extent size=%d, number of extents=%d 7652, MSG_CREATEDB_FORMAT: Formatting system volume 7653, MSG_CREATEDB_SYSCLASS: Creating system classes 7655, MSG_STOPDB_WARNING: Database may be inconsistent while attempting to remove shared memory 7656, MSG_STOPDB_RETRY: Retrying (this may take up to 3 minutes) 7657, MSG_MAKE_DIRECTORY: Making directory at %s 7665, MSG_BEPROFILE: Back end profile created at %s 7666, MSG_FEPROFILE: Front end profile created at %s 7675, MSG_LOCK_MODES: %s Lock Model has %d lock modes 7676, MSG_LOCK_RS_TABLE: Relative Strength Table 7677, MSG_LOCK_COMP_TABLE: Compatibility Table 7678, MSG_LOCK_IPEL_TABLE: Implicit Promotion of Explicit Locks Table 7679, MSG_LOCK_PROMO_TABLE: Other Promotions Table 7685, MSG_MSG_NOTFOUND: Non-existent error message 7686, MSG_MSG_FILE_NOTFOUND: Can't find error message file error.msg 7687, MSG_MSG_CREATE_INDEX: Can't create error message index file error.msi 7688, MSG_MSG_WRITE_INDEX: Error while writing error message index file error.msi 7689, MSG_MSG_REMOVE_INDEX: Error while removing faulty error message index file error.msi 7690, MSG_MSG_SEEK_ERROR: Error while seeking on error message index file error.msi 7691, MSG_MSG_LINE_ERROR: Error: A line in error message file error.msg does not begin with a number 7695, MSG_DBMODE: Database is in %s mode 7696, MSG_CREATE_DBLOCK: Database lock file is created 7705, MSG_STARTDB_BEGIN_PHY_REC: Beginning physical recovery phase 7706, MSG_STARTDB_END_PHY_REC: Ending physical recovery phase 7707, MSG_STARTDB_BEGIN_LOG_REC: Beginning logical recovery phase 7708, MSG_STARTDB_END_LOG_REC: Ending logical recovery phase 7709, MSG_STARTDB_BEGIN_PREINIT_PLOG: Beginning physical log pre-initialization phase 7710, MSG_STARTDB_BEGIN_PREINIT_LLOG: Beginning logical log pre-initialization phase 7711, MSG_STARTDB_END_PREINIT_PLOG: Ending physical log pre-initialization phase 7712, MSG_STARTDB_END_PREINIT_LLOG: Ending logical log pre-initialization phase 7713, MSG_STARTDB_LAUNCH_STARTUP_SCRIPT: Launching startup executable 7715, MSG_CREATEREPLICA_USAGE: Usage: createreplica [options] 7716, MSG_CREATEREPLICA_USAGE_1: options: 7717, MSG_CREATEREPLICA_USAGE_2: -i pre-allocate and initialize the database 7718, MSG_CREATEREPLICA_USAGE_3: -noprint suppress display messages 7719, MSG_CREATEREPLICA_USAGE_4: -nocreate copy to existing database 7720, MSG_CREATEREPLICA_USAGE_5: -threads N fork N threads for copying 7721, MSG_CREATEREPLICA_USAGE_6: -batchsize M copy M objects per transaction (default = 1000) 7722, MSG_CREATEREPLICA_USAGE_7: dbname: name of database to replicate 7723, MSG_CREATEREPLICA_USAGE_8: replica-dbname: database name for replica 7724, MSG_CREATEREPLICA_USAGE_9: -nocreate and -i cannot be used together 7725, MSG_CREATEREPLICA_USAGE_END: Usage: createreplica 7726, MSG_REMOVEREPLICA_USAGE: Usage: removereplica [options] 7727, MSG_REMOVEREPLICA_USAGE_1: options: 7728, MSG_REMOVEREPLICA_USAGE_2: -f force removing of database 7729, MSG_REMOVEREPLICA_USAGE_3: -rmdir remove database directory 7730, MSG_REMOVEREPLICA_USAGE_4: -noprint suppress display messages 7731, MSG_REMOVEREPLICA_USAGE_5: replica-dbname: name of replica database 7732, MSG_REMOVEREPLICA_USAGE_END: Usage: removereplica 7735, MSG_COMPAREDB_USAGE: Usage: comparedb [options] 7736, MSG_COMPAREDB_USAGE_1: options: 7737, MSG_COMPAREDB_USAGE_2: -value compare object values 7738, MSG_COMPAREDB_USAGE_3: -noprint suppress display messages 7739, MSG_COMPAREDB_USAGE_4: -advanced -classes ... compare only the listed classes 7740, MSG_COMPAREDB_USAGE_5: -classes ... compare only the listed classes 7741, MSG_COMPAREDB_USAGE_6: -fullcompare list all the differences (option incompatible with -noprint) 7742, MSG_COMPAREDB_USAGE_7: db1: name of first database 7743, MSG_COMPAREDB_USAGE_8: db2: name of second database 7744, MSG_COMPAREDB_USAGE_END: Usage: comparedb 7745, MSG_SETDBID_USAGE: Usage: setdbid [options] 7746, MSG_SETDBID_USAGE_1: options: 7747, MSG_SETDBID_USAGE_2: -noprint suppress display messages 7748, MSG_SETDBID_USAGE_3: dbid: new dbid number 7749, MSG_SETDBID_USAGE_4: dbname: name of the database 7750, MSG_SETDBID_USAGE_END: Usage: setdbid 7755, MSG_SETMINDBID_USAGE: Usage: setmindbid [options] 7756, MSG_SETMINDBID_USAGE_1: options: 7757, MSG_SETMINDBID_USAGE_2: -noprint suppress display messages 7758, MSG_SETMINDBID_USAGE_3: dbid: new minimum dbid number 7759, MSG_SETMINDBID_USAGE_END: Usage: setdbid 7765, MSG_CREATEREPLICA_DONE: The replica has been successfully created. 7766, MSG_REMOVEREPLICA_DONE: The replica has been successfully removed. 7767, MSG_REPLICA_FILE_REMINDER: **REMEMBER TO UPDATE THE REPLICA FILE** 7768, MSG_COMPAREDB_VALUE_SUCCESS: Success! Object LOIDs and values are the same in both databases. 7769, MSG_COMPAREDB_LOID_SUCCESS: Success! Object LOIDs are the same in both databases. 7770, MSG_COMPAREDB_DIFFERENCES: Some of the objects are different in two databases. 7775, MSG_ADDUSER_USAGE: Usage: adduser [options] 7776, MSG_ADDUSER_USAGE_1: options (either -n or -P is required): 7777, MSG_ADDUSER_USAGE_2: -n name user name 7778, MSG_ADDUSER_USAGE_3: -P public access 7779, MSG_ADDUSER_USAGE_4: -noprint suppress display messages 7780, MSG_ADDUSER_USAGE_5: dbname: database name 7781, MSG_ADDUSER_USAGE_END: Usage: adduser 7785, MSG_DELUSER_USAGE: Usage: deluser [options] 7786, MSG_DELUSER_USAGE_1: options (either -n or -P is required): 7787, MSG_DELUSER_USAGE_2: -n name user name 7788, MSG_DELUSER_USAGE_3: -P public access 7789, MSG_DELUSER_USAGE_4: -noprint suppress display messages 7790, MSG_DELUSER_USAGE_5: dbname: database name 7791, MSG_DELUSER_USAGE_END: Usage: deluser 7792, MSG_POLLING_BEGIN: Polling process %d begins 7793, MSG_POLLING_BEGINSESSION: Polling begin session on %s 7794, MSG_POLLING_ENDSESSION: Polling end session 7795, MSG_POLLING_CONNECTDB: Polling connectdb to %s 7796, MSG_POLLING_DISCONNECTDB: Polling disconnect from %s 7797, MSG_POLLING_SETDBUP: Polling set %s to UP 7798, MSG_POLLING_SETDBSYNC: Polling set %s to SYNC 7799, MSG_POLLING_RECURSIVE_FAIL: Polling gets recursive failure on %s 7800, MSG_POLLING_FAIL: Polling process fails on %s with err %d 7801, MSG_POLLING_EXIT_OK: Polling exits successfully 7802, MSG_POLLING_EXIT_FAIL: Polling exits with err %d 7803, MSG_POLLING_SETDB_FAIL: Polling set db status on %s fails with err %d 7804, MSG_POLLING_BEGINSESSION_FAIL: Polling begin session on %s fails with err %d 7805, MSG_POLLING_ENDSESSION_FAIL: Polling end session fails with err %d 7806, MSG_POLLING_CONNECTDB_FAIL: Polling connectdb fails with err %d 7807, MSG_POLLING_BEGIN_SYNC: Polling begins to do the sync from %s to %s 7808, MSG_POLLING_SYNC_FAIL: Polling sync fails with err %d 7809, MSG_POLLING_DISCONNECTDB_FAIL: Polling disconnectdb fails with err %d 7810, MSG_POLLING_SET_UNSTARTABLE: Polling has set %s to unstartable mode automatically 7811, MSG_POLLING_SET_MULTIUSER: Polling has set %s back to multi-user mode 7812, MSG_POLLING_USAGE: Usage: polling 7813, MSG_POLLING_COMMIT: Polling does a commit 7814, MSG_POLLING_COMMIT_FAIL: Polling commit fails with err %d 7815, MSG_POLLING_SYNC_OK: Polling finishes the sync successfully 7816, MSG_POLLING_RUNNING: Polling already running 7817, MSG_POLLING_VANISH: Polling disappeared 7818, MSG_VCOPYDB_USAGE: Usage: vcopydb [options] 7819, MSG_VCOPYDB_USAGE_1: options: 7820, MSG_VCOPYDB_USAGE_2: -nolock ignore locks in source db 7821, MSG_VCOPYDB_USAGE_3: -i pre-allocate and initialize the database 7822, MSG_VCOPYDB_USAGE_4: -noprint suppress display messages 7823, MSG_VCOPYDB_USAGE_5: -nocreate copy to existing database 7824, MSG_VCOPYDB_USAGE_6: -threads N fork N threads for copying 7825, MSG_VCOPYDB_USAGE_7: -batchsize M copy M objects per transaction (default = 1000) 7826, MSG_VCOPYDB_USAGE_8: dbname: name of database to replicate 7827, MSG_VCOPYDB_USAGE_9: replica-dbname: database name for replica 7828, MSG_VCOPYDB_USAGE_10: -nocreate and -i cannot be used together 7829, MSG_VCOPYDB_USAGE_END: Usage: vcopydb 7832, MSG_POLLING_SETTING_MULTIUSER: Polling is setting %s back to multi-user mode 7835, MSG_FTSTOOL_USAGE: Usage: ftstool [options] 7836, MSG_FTSTOOL_USAGE_1: options: 7837, MSG_FTSTOOL_USAGE_2: -p T fork a polling process after T seconds 7838, MSG_FTSTOOL_USAGE_3: T can be either: 7839, MSG_FTSTOOL_USAGE_4: 0: no delay, or 7840, MSG_FTSTOOL_USAGE_5: -1: disable automatic forking 7841, MSG_FTSTOOL_USAGE_6: -disable/-forcedisable 7842, MSG_FTSTOOL_USAGE_7: -enable 7843, MSG_FTSTOOL_USAGE_8: -stopsync [-batchsize N] change database to SUSPEND state 7844, MSG_FTSTOOL_USAGE_9: polling records are discarded in batches: default N = 1000 7845, MSG_FTSTOOL_USAGE_10: -status 7846, MSG_FTSTOOL_USAGE_11: dbname: database name 7847, MSG_FTSTOOL_USAGE_END: Usage: ftstool 7848, MSG_FTSTOOL_CURRENTPD: Current polling delay: %d 7849, MSG_FTSTOOL_SETPD: Setting polling delay to %d 7850, MSG_FTSTOOL_SUSPEND: Database state changed to SUSPEND 7855, MSG_VERSANT_RELEASE: Versant Release Version: %s 7856, MSG_PLATFORM: Platform: %s 7857, MSG_OS: Operating System: %s 7858, MSG_OS_PATCH: OS Patch Info: %s 7859, MSG_C: C Version: %s 7860, MSG_CPLUSPLUS: C++ Version: %s 7861, MSG_CPLUSPLUS_PATCH: C++ Patch Info: %s 7865, MSG_VARCOMPARE_USAGE: Usage: varcompare -classes ... 7866, MSG_VARCOMPARE_USAGE_1: db1: name of first database 7867, MSG_VARCOMPARE_USAGE_2: db2: name of second database 7868, MSG_VARCOMPARE_USAGE_END: Usage: varcompare 7869, MSG_VMOVEDB_USAGE: Usage: vmovedb [options] [-C c1 c2 c3 ...] 7870, MSG_VMOVEDB_USAGE_1: options: 7871, MSG_VMOVEDB_USAGE_2: -subclasses select all subclasses for the specified classes 7872, MSG_VMOVEDB_USAGE_3: -closure L move objects in closure set for L levels 7873, MSG_VMOVEDB_USAGE_4: -threads N fork N threads in vmovedb 7874, MSG_VMOVEDB_USAGE_5: -batchsize S move S objects per transaction (default = 1000) 7875, MSG_VMOVEDB_USAGE_6: -C .... select objects from classes c1, c2, c3 only (default = all user defined classes) 7876, MSG_VMOVEDB_USAGE_7: source: name of source database 7877, MSG_VMOVEDB_USAGE_8: target: name of the target database 7878, MSG_VMOVEDB_USAGE_END: Usage: vmovedb 7879, MSG_VMOVEDB_DONE: Vmovedb completed successfully 7880, MSG_GETVBACKUPSTATUS_USAGE: Usage: getvbackupstatus 7881, MSG_GETVBACKUPSTATUS_USAGE_END: Usage: getvbackupstatus 7882, MSG_GETVBACKUPSTATUS_DONE: getvbackupstatus executed successfully 7885, MSG_VLICVRFY_USAGE: Usage: vlicvrfy [ ] 7886, MSG_VLICVRFY_USAGE_END: Usage: vlicvrfy 7887, MSG_VLICCHK_USAGE: Usage: vlicchk -c -v [ ] 7888, MSG_VLICCHK_USAGE_END: Usage: vlicchk 31000, STAT_FE_BEGIN: DO NOT ADD FRONTEND STATISTICS BEFORE HERE 31001, STAT_FE_NET_READS: Reads from back end 31002, STAT_FE_NET_BYTES_READ: Bytes read from back end 31003, STAT_FE_NET_READ_TIME: Seconds reading from back end 31004, STAT_FE_NET_WRITES: Writes to back end 31005, STAT_FE_NET_BYTES_WRITTEN: Bytes written to back end 31006, STAT_FE_NET_WRITE_TIME: Seconds writing to back end 31007, STAT_FE_SWAPPED: Dirty objects swapped out of object cache 31008, STAT_FE_READS: Objects read into object cache 31009, STAT_FE_VM_MAJ_FAULTS: Virtual memory major page faults 31010, STAT_FE_USER_TIME: Seconds not in OS kernel functions 31011, STAT_FE_SYSTEM_TIME: Seconds in OS kernel functions 31012, STAT_FE_REAL_TIME: Seconds of real time 31013, STAT_FE_WRITES: Objects written from object cache 31014, STAT_FE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME: Seconds waiting for latch 31015, STAT_FE_SWAPPED_DIRTY: Objects written as a result of object swapping 31016, STAT_FE_END: DO NOT ADD FRONTEND STATISTICS AFTER HERE 32000, STAT_SE_BEGIN: DO NOT ADD SESSION STATISTICS BEFORE HERE 32001, STAT_SE_NET_READS: Reads from back end 32002, STAT_SE_NET_BYTES_READ: Bytes read from back end 32003, STAT_SE_NET_READ_TIME: Seconds reading from back end 32004, STAT_SE_NET_WRITES: Writes to back end 32005, STAT_SE_NET_BYTES_WRITTEN: Bytes written to back end 32006, STAT_SE_NET_WRITE_TIME: Seconds writing to back end 32007, STAT_SE_SWAPPED_DIRTY: Objects written as a result of object swapping 32008, STAT_SE_CODS: CODs in object cache 32009, STAT_SE_OBJS: Objects in object cache 32010, STAT_SE_OBJS_DIRTY: Dirty objects in cache 32011, STAT_SE_SWAPPED: Objects swapped out of object cache 32012, STAT_SE_READS: Objects read into object cache 32013, STAT_SE_WRITES: Objects written from object cache 32014, STAT_SE_HEAP_USED: Bytes used in front-end heap 32015, STAT_SE_HEAP_FREE: Bytes free in front-end heap 32017, STAT_SE_HEAP_ALLOCATES: Number of "allocate" operations on front-end heap 32016, STAT_SE_HEAP_FREES: Number of "free" operations on front-end heap 32018, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_USED: Bytes used for allocations smaller than 1 page 32019, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREE: Bytes free for allocations smaller than 1 page 32020, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES: Number of "allocate" operations smaller than 1 page 32021, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES: Number of "free" operations smaller than 1 page 32022, STAT_SE_HEAP_MAX_GAP: Size of largest free area in front-end heap in bytes 32023, STAT_SE_HEAP_TOTAL_SEGMENTS: Number of segments in front-end heap 32024, STAT_SE_HEAP_EMPTY_SEGMENTS: Number of empty segments in front-end heap 32025, STAT_SE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME: Seconds waiting for latch 32026, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_0: Allocates in size class 0 (1-8 bytes) 32027, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_1: Allocates in size class 1 (9-12 bytes) 32028, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_2: Allocates in size class 2 (13-16 bytes) 32029, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_3: Allocates in size class 3 (17-20 bytes) 32030, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_4: Allocates in size class 4 (21-24 bytes) 32031, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_5: Allocates in size class 5 (25-32 bytes) 32032, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_6: Allocates in size class 6 (33-40 bytes) 32033, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_7: Allocates in size class 7 (41-48 bytes) 32034, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_8: Allocates in size class 8 (49-64 bytes) 32035, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_9: Allocates in size class 9 (65-80 bytes) 32036, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_10: Allocates in size class 10 (81-96 bytes) 32037, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_11: Allocates in size class 11 (97-128 bytes) 32038, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_12: Allocates in size class 12 (129-160 bytes) 32039, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_13: Allocates in size class 13 (161-192 bytes) 32040, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_14: Allocates in size class 14 (193-256 bytes) 32041, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_15: Allocates in size class 15 (257-336 bytes) 32042, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_16: Allocates in size class 16 (337-408 bytes) 32043, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_17: Allocates in size class 17 (409-512 bytes) 32044, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_18: Allocates in size class 18 (513-680 bytes) 32045, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_19: Allocates in size class 19 (681-816 bytes) 32046, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_20: Allocates in size class 20 (817-1024 bytes) 32047, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_21: Allocates in size class 21 (1025-1360 bytes) 32048, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_22: Allocates in size class 22 (1361-1632 bytes) 32049, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_23: Allocates in size class 23 (1633-2048 bytes) 32050, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_24: Allocates in size class 24 (2049-2720 bytes) 32051, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_25: Allocates in size class 25 (2721-3072 bytes) 32052, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_26: Allocates in size class 26 (3073-4096 bytes) 32053, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_27: Allocates in size class 27 (4097-5120 bytes) 32054, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_28: Allocates in size class 28 (5121-6144 bytes) 32055, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_29: Allocates in size class 29 (6145-10240 bytes) 32056, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_30: Allocates in size class 30 (10241-12288 bytes) 32057, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_ALLOCATES_31: Allocates in size class 31 (12289-20480 bytes) 32058, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_0: Number of frees in size class 0 (1-8 bytes) 32059, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_1: Number of frees in size class 1 (9-12 bytes) 32060, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_2: Number of frees in size class 2 (13-16 bytes) 32061, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_3: Number of frees in size class 3 (17-20 bytes) 32062, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_4: Number of frees in size class 4 (21-24 bytes) 32063, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_5: Number of frees in size class 5 (25-32 bytes) 32064, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_6: Number of frees in size class 6 (33-40 bytes) 32065, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_7: Number of frees in size class 7 (41-48 bytes) 32066, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_8: Number of frees in size class 8 (49-64 bytes) 32067, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_9: Number of frees in size class 9 (65-80 bytes) 32068, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_10: Number of frees in size class 10 (81-96 bytes) 32069, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_11: Number of frees in size class 11 (97-128 bytes) 32070, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_12: Number of frees in size class 12 (129-160 bytes) 32071, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_13: Number of frees in size class 13 (161-192 bytes) 32072, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_14: Number of frees in size class 14 (193-256 bytes) 32073, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_15: Number of frees in size class 15 (257-336 bytes) 32074, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_16: Number of frees in size class 16 (337-408 bytes) 32075, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_17: Number of frees in size class 17 (409-512 bytes) 32076, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_18: Number of frees in size class 18 (513-680 bytes) 32077, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_19: Number of frees in size class 19 (681-816 bytes) 32078, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_20: Number of frees in size class 20 (817-1024 bytes) 32079, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_21: Number of frees in size class 21 (1025-1360 bytes) 32080, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_22: Number of frees in size class 22 (1361-1632 bytes) 32081, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_23: Number of frees in size class 23 (1633-2048 bytes) 32082, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_24: Number of frees in size class 24 (2049-2720 bytes) 32083, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_25: Number of frees in size class 25 (2721-3072 bytes) 32084, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_26: Number of frees in size class 26 (3073-4096 bytes) 32085, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_27: Number of frees in size class 27 (4097-5120 bytes) 32086, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_28: Number of frees in size class 28 (5121-6144 bytes) 32087, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_29: Number of frees in size class 29 (6145-10240 bytes) 32088, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_30: Number of frees in size class 30 (10241-12288 bytes) 32089, STAT_SE_HEAP_SMALL_FREES_31: Number of frees in size class 31 (12289-20480 bytes) 32090, STAT_SE_END: DO NOT ADD SESSION STATISTICS AFTER HERE 33000, STAT_BE_BEGIN: DO NOT ADD BACKEND STATISTICS BEFORE HERE 33001, STAT_BE_NET_RPCS: Database RPCs received from clients 33002, STAT_BE_NET_READS: Reads from front end 33003, STAT_BE_NET_BYTES_READ: Bytes read from front end 33004, STAT_BE_NET_READ_TIME: Seconds reading from front end 33005, STAT_BE_NET_WRITES: Writes to front end 33006, STAT_BE_NET_BYTES_WRITTEN: Bytes written to front end 33007, STAT_BE_NET_WRITE_TIME: Seconds writing to front end 33008, STAT_BE_LOCKS_GRANTED: Locks requested and granted 33009, STAT_BE_LOCK_WAITS: Lock waits which occurred 33010, STAT_BE_OBE_LOCKS_WAITING: 1 if waiting for lock, 0 otherwise 33011, STAT_BE_LOCK_TIMEOUTS: Timeouts waiting for locks 33012, STAT_BE_LOCK_WAIT_TIME: Seconds clients spent waiting for locks 33013, STAT_BE_LOCK_DEADLOCKS: Deadlocks occurred 33014, STAT_BE_OBJ_SENT: Objects sent to front end 33015, STAT_BE_OBJ_RECEIVED: Objects received from front end 33016, STAT_BE_DATA_READS: Pages read from sysvol + added volumes 33017, STAT_BE_DATA_WRITES: Pages written to sysvol + added volumes 33018, STAT_BE_XACT_STARTED: Transactions started 33019, STAT_BE_XACT_COMMITTED: Transactions committed 33020, STAT_BE_XACT_ROLLED_BACK: Transactions rolled back 33021, STAT_BE_XACT_ACTIVE: Active transactions 33022, STAT_BE_QRY_BTREE_OBJS: Objects read during B-tree query 33023, STAT_BE_QRY_HASH_OBJS: Objects read during hash query 33024, STAT_BE_QRY_SCAN_OBJS: Objects read during sequential scan query 33025, STAT_BE_QRY_BTREE_TIME: Seconds spent in B-tree query 33026, STAT_BE_QRY_HASH_TIME: Seconds spent in hash query 33027, STAT_BE_QRY_SCAN_TIME: Seconds spent in sequential scan query 33028, STAT_BE_DATA_LOCATED: Pages found in database page cache 33029, STAT_BE_VM_MAJ_FAULTS: Virtual memory major page faults 33030, STAT_BE_USER_TIME: Seconds not in OS kernel functions 33031, STAT_BE_SYSTEM_TIME: Seconds in OS kernel functions 33032, STAT_BE_REAL_TIME: Seconds elapsed 33033, STAT_BE_EV_DEFINED: Events defined 33034, STAT_BE_EV_SYS_RAISED: System events raised 33035, STAT_BE_EV_SYS_DELIVERED: System events delivered 33036, STAT_BE_EV_USER_RAISED: User events raised 33037, STAT_BE_EV_USER_DELIVERED: User events delivered 33038, STAT_BE_LATCH_RELEASED: Number of latches released of any type 33039, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED: Number of latches granted of any type 33040, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_SDA: Number of SDA latches granted 33041, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_HEAP: Number of HEAP latches granted 33042, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_VOLDEV: Number of VOLDEV latches granted 33043, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_ST: Number of ST latches granted 33044, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_SS: Number of SS latches granted 33045, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_SDHS: Number of SDHS latches granted 33046, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_SDHS_BKT: Number of SDHS_BKT latches granted 33047, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_PS: Number of PS latches granted 33048, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_TR: Number of TR latches granted 33049, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_EV: Number of EV latches granted 33050, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_PLOG: Number of PLOG latches granted 33051, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_LLOG: Number of LLOG latches granted 33052, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_CP: Number of CP latches granted 33053, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_CP_WAIT: Number of CP_WAIT latches granted 33054, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_SCH: Number of SCH latches granted 33055, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_SCE: Number of SCE latches granted 33056, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_PHY: Number of PHY latches granted 33057, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_BF: Number of BF latches granted 33058, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_BF_BKT: Number of BF_BKT latches granted 33059, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_BF_FREE: Number of BF_FREE latches granted 33060, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_L2FILE: Number of L2FILE latches granted 33061, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_SD: Number of SD latches granted 33062, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_SC: Number of SC latches granted 33063, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_BF_DIRTY: Number of BF_DIRTY latches granted 33064, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_LOG_UNIT: Number of LOG_UNIT latches granted 33065, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_TRE: Number of TRE (transaction entry) latches granted 33066, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_LOCK: Number of LOCK latches granted 33067, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_L2FILE_DA: Number of L2FILE_DA latches granted 33068, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_RES3__: reserved for future latches 33069, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_RES4__: reserved for future latches 33070, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_RES5__: reserved for future latches 33071, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_RES6__: reserved for future latches 33072, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_RES7__: reserved for future latches 33073, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_RES8__: reserved for future latches 33074, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_RES9__: reserved for future latches 33075, STAT_BE_LATCH_GRANTED_RES10__: reserved for future latches 33076, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS: Number of waits for any latch 33077, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_SDA: Number of waits for SDA latch 33078, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_HEAP: Number of waits for HEAP latch 33079, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_VOLDEV: Number of waits for VOLDEV latch 33080, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_ST: Number of waits for ST latch 33081, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_SS: Number of waits for SS latch 33082, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_SDHS: Number of waits for SDHS latch 33083, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_SDHS_BKT: Number of waits for SDHS_BKT latch 33084, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_PS: Number of waits for PS latch 33085, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_TR: Number of waits for TR latch 33086, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_EV: Number of waits for EV latch 33087, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_PLOG: Number of waits for PLOG latch 33088, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_LLOG: Number of waits for LLOG latch 33089, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_CP: Number of waits for CP latch 33090, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_CP_WAIT: Number of waits for CP_WAIT latch 33091, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_SCH: Number of waits for SCH latch 33092, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_SCE: Number of waits for SCE latch 33093, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_PHY: Number of waits for PHY latch 33094, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_BF: Number of waits for BF latch 33095, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_BF_BKT: Number of waits for BF_BKT latch 33096, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_BF_FREE: Number of waits for BF_FREE latch 33097, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_L2FILE: Number of waits for L2FILE latch 33098, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_SD: Number of waits for SD latch 33099, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_SC: Number of waits for SC latch 33100, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_BF_DIRTY: Number of waits for BF_DIRTY latch 33101, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_LOG_UNIT: Number of waits for LOG_UNIT latch 33102, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_TRE: Number of waits for TRE (transaction entry) latch 33103, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_LOCK: Number of waits for LOCK latch 33104, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_L2FILE_DA: Number of waits for L2FILE_DA latch 33105, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_RES3__: reserved for future latches 33106, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_RES4__: reserved for future latches 33107, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_RES5__: reserved for future latches 33108, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_RES6__: reserved for future latches 33109, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_RES7__: reserved for future latches 33110, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_RES8__: reserved for future latches 33111, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_RES9__: reserved for future latches 33112, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAITS_RES10__: reserved for future latches 33113, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME: Seconds waiting for any latch 33114, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_SDA: Seconds waiting for SDA latch 33115, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_HEAP: Seconds waiting for HEAP latch 33116, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_VOLDEV: Seconds waiting for VOLDEV latch 33117, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_ST: Seconds waiting for ST latch 33118, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_SS: Seconds waiting for SS latch 33119, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_SDHS: Seconds waiting for SDHS latch 33120, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_SDHS_BKT: Seconds waiting for SDHS_BKT latch 33121, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_PS: Seconds waiting for PS latch 33122, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_TR: Seconds waiting for TR latch 33123, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_EV: Seconds waiting for EV latch 33124, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_PLOG: Seconds waiting for PLOG latch 33125, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_LLOG: Seconds waiting for LLOG latch 33126, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_CP: Seconds waiting for CP latch 33127, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_CP_WAIT: Seconds waiting for CP_WAIT latch 33128, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_SCH: Seconds waiting for SCH latch 33129, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_SCE: Seconds waiting for SCE latch 33130, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_PHY: Seconds waiting for PHY latch 33131, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_BF: Seconds waiting for BF latch 33132, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_BF_BKT: Seconds waiting for BF_BKT latch 33133, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_BF_FREE: Seconds waiting for BF_FREE latch 33134, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_L2FILE: Seconds waiting for L2FILE latch 33135, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_SD: Seconds waiting for SD latch 33136, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_SC: Seconds waiting for SC latch 33137, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_BF_DIRTY: Seconds waiting for BF_DIRTY latch 33138, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_LOG_UNIT: Seconds waiting for LOG_UNIT latch 33139, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_TRE: Seconds waiting for TRE (transaction entry) 33140, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_LOCK: Seconds waiting for LOCK 33141, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_L2FILE_DA: Seconds waiting for L2FILE_DA 33142, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_RES3__: reserved for future statistics 33143, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_RES4__: reserved for future statistics 33144, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_RES5__: reserved for future statistics 33145, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_RES6__: reserved for future statistics 33146, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_RES7__: reserved for future statistics 33147, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_RES8__: reserved for future statistics 33148, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_RES9__: reserved for future statistics 33149, STAT_BE_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_RES10__: reserved for future statistics 33150, STAT_BE_END: DO NOT ADD BACKEND STATISTICS AFTER HERE 34000, STAT_DB_BEGIN: DO NOT ADD DATABASE STATISTICS BEFORE HERE 34001, STAT_DB_DISK_FREE: Bytes of storage available 34002, STAT_DB_DISK_RESERVED: Bytes of storage reserved by classes 34003, STAT_DB_NET_RPCS: Database RPCs received from clients 34004, STAT_DB_NET_READS: Reads from front end 34005, STAT_DB_NET_BYTES_READ: Bytes read from front end 34006, STAT_DB_NET_READ_TIME: Seconds reading from front end 34007, STAT_DB_NET_WRITES: Writes to front end 34008, STAT_DB_NET_BYTES_WRITTEN: Bytes written to front end 34009, STAT_DB_NET_WRITE_TIME: Seconds writing to front end 34010, STAT_DB_LOCKS_GRANTED: Locks requested and granted 34011, STAT_DB_LOCK_WAITS: Lock waits which occurred 34012, STAT_DB_OBE_LOCKS_WAITING: Connections waiting for locks 34013, STAT_DB_LOCK_TIMEOUTS: Timeouts waiting for locks 34014, STAT_DB_LOCK_WAIT_TIME: Seconds clients spent waiting for locks 34015, STAT_DB_LOCK_DEADLOCKS: Deadlocks occurred 34016, STAT_DB_OBJ_SENT: Objects sent to front end 34017, STAT_DB_OBJ_RECEIVED: Objects received from front end 34018, STAT_DB_DATA_READS: Pages read from sysvol + added volumes 34019, STAT_DB_DATA_WRITES: Pages written to sysvol + added volumes 34020, STAT_DB_XACT_STARTED: Transactions started 34021, STAT_DB_XACT_COMMITTED: Transactions committed 34022, STAT_DB_XACT_ROLLED_BACK: Transactions rolled back 34023, STAT_DB_CHECKPOINTS: System checkpoints 34024, STAT_DB_XACT_ACTIVE: Active transactions 34025, STAT_DB_QRY_BTREE_OBJS: Objects read during B-tree query 34026, STAT_DB_QRY_HASH_OBJS: Objects read during hash query 34027, STAT_DB_QRY_SCAN_OBJS: Objects read during sequential scan query 34028, STAT_DB_QRY_BTREE_TIME: Seconds spent in B-tree query 34029, STAT_DB_QRY_HASH_TIME: Seconds spent in hash query 34030, STAT_DB_QRY_SCAN_TIME: Seconds spent in sequential scan query 34031, STAT_DB_DATA_LOCATED: Pages found in database page cache 34032, STAT_DB_EV_DEFINED: Events defined 34033, STAT_DB_EV_SYS_RAISED: System events raised 34034, STAT_DB_EV_SYS_DELIVERED: System events delivered 34035, STAT_DB_EV_USER_RAISED: User events raised 34036, STAT_DB_EV_USER_DELIVERED: User events delivered 34037, STAT_DB_BF_LLOG_FLUSHES: number of writes to logical log 34038, STAT_DB_BF_PLOG_FLUSHES: number of writes to physical log 34039, STAT_DB_LATCH_RELEASED: Number of latches released of any type 34040, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED: Number of requests for any latch 34041, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_SDA: Number of SDA latches granted 34042, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_HEAP: Number of HEAP latches granted 34043, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_VOLDEV: Number of VOLDEV latches granted 34044, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_ST: Number of ST latches granted 34045, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_SS: Number of SS latches granted 34046, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_SDHS: Number of SDHS latches granted 34047, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_SDHS_BKT: Number of SDHS_BKT latches granted 34048, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_PS: Number of PS latches granted 34049, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_TR: Number of TR latches granted 34050, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_EV: Number of EV latches granted 34051, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_PLOG: Number of PLOG latches granted 34052, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_LLOG: Number of LLOG latches granted 34053, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_CP: Number of CP latches granted 34054, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_CP_WAIT: Number of CP_WAIT latches granted 34055, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_SCH: Number of SCH latches granted 34056, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_SCE: Number of SCE latches granted 34057, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_PHY: Number of PHY latches granted 34058, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_BF: Number of BF latches granted 34059, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_BF_BKT: Number of BF_BKT latches granted 34060, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_BF_FREE: Number of BF_FREE latches granted 34061, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_L2FILE: Number of L2FILE latches granted 34062, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_SD: Number of SD latches granted 34063, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_SC: Number of SC latches granted 34064, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_BF_DIRTY: Number of BF_DIRTY latches granted 34065, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_LOG_UNIT: Number of LOG_UNIT latches granted 34066, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_TRE: Number of TRE (transaction entry) latches granted 34067, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_LOCK: Number of LOCK latches granted 34068, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_L2FILE_DA: Number of L2FILE_DA latches granted 34069, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_RES3__: reserved for future latches 34070, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_RES4__: reserved for future latches 34071, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_RES5__: reserved for future latches 34072, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_RES6__: reserved for future latches 34073, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_RES7__: reserved for future latches 34074, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_RES8__: reserved for future latches 34075, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_RES9__: reserved for future latches 34076, STAT_DB_LATCH_GRANTED_RES10__: reserved for future latches 34077, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS: Number of waits for any latch 34078, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_SDA: Number of waits for SDA latch 34079, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_HEAP: Number of waits for HEAP latch 34080, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_VOLDEV: Number of waits for VOLDEV latch 34081, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_ST: Number of waits for ST latch 34082, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_SS: Number of waits for SS latch 34083, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_SDHS: Number of waits for SDHS latch 34084, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_SDHS_BKT: Number of waits for SDHS_BKT latch 34085, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_PS: Number of waits for PS latch 34086, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_TR: Number of waits for TR latch 34087, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_EV: Number of waits for EV latch 34088, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_PLOG: Number of waits for PLOG latch 34089, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_LLOG: Number of waits for LLOG latch 34090, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_CP: Number of waits for CP latch 34091, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_CP_WAIT: Number of waits for CP_WAIT latch 34092, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_SCH: Number of waits for SCH latch 34093, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_SCE: Number of waits for SCE latch 34094, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_PHY: Number of waits for PHY latch 34095, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_BF: Number of waits for BF latch 34096, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_BF_BKT: Number of waits for BF_BKT latch 34097, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_BF_FREE: Number of waits for BF_FREE latch 34098, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_L2FILE: Number of waits for L2FILE latch 34099, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_SD: Number of waits for SD latch 34100, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_SC: Number of waits for SC latch 34101, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_BF_DIRTY: Number of waits for BF_DIRTY latch 34102, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_LOG_UNIT: Number of waits for LOG_UNIT latch 34103, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_TRE: Number of waits for TRE (transaction entry) latch 34104, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_LOCK: Number of waits for LOCK latch 34105, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_L2FILE_DA: Number of waits for L2FILE_DA latch 34106, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_RES3__: reserved for future latches 34107, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_RES4__: reserved for future latches 34108, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_RES5__: reserved for future latches 34109, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_RES6__: reserved for future latches 34110, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_RES7__: reserved for future latches 34111, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_RES8__: reserved for future latches 34112, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_RES9__: reserved for future latches 34113, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAITS_RES10__: reserved for future latches 34114, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME: Seconds waiting for any latch 34115, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_SDA: Seconds waiting for SDA latch 34116, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_HEAP: Seconds waiting for HEAP latch 34117, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_VOLDEV: Seconds waiting for VOLDEV latch 34118, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_ST: Seconds waiting for ST latch 34119, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_SS: Seconds waiting for SS latch 34120, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_SDHS: Seconds waiting for SDHS latch 34121, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_SDHS_BKT: Seconds waiting for SDHS_BKT latch 34122, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_PS: Seconds waiting for PS latch 34123, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_TR: Seconds waiting for TR latch 34124, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_EV: Seconds waiting for EV latch 34125, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_PLOG: Seconds waiting for PLOG latch 34126, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_LLOG: Seconds waiting for LLOG latch 34127, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_CP: Seconds waiting for CP latch 34128, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_CP_WAIT: Seconds waiting for CP_WAIT latch 34129, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_SCH: Seconds waiting for SCH latch 34130, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_SCE: Seconds waiting for SCE latch 34131, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_PHY: Seconds waiting for PHY latch 34132, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_BF: Seconds waiting for BF latch 34133, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_BF_BKT: Seconds waiting for BF_BKT latch 34134, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_BF_FREE: Seconds waiting for BF_FREE latch 34135, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_L2FILE: Seconds waiting for L2FILE latch 34136, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_SD: Seconds waiting for SD latch 34137, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_SC: Seconds waiting for SC latch 34138, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_BF_DIRTY: Seconds waiting for BF_DIRTY latch 34139, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_LOG_UNIT: Seconds waiting for LOG_UNIT latch 34140, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_TRE: Seconds waiting for TRE (transaction entry) 34141, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_LOCK: Seconds waiting for LOCK 34142, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_L2FILE_DA: Seconds waiting for L2FILE_DA 34143, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_RES3__: reserved for future statistics 34144, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_RES4__: reserved for future statistics 34145, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_RES5__: reserved for future statistics 34146, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_RES6__: reserved for future statistics 34147, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_RES7__: reserved for future statistics 34148, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_RES8__: reserved for future statistics 34149, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_RES9__: reserved for future statistics 34150, STAT_DB_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_RES10__: reserved for future statistics 34151, STAT_DB_BF_LLOG_BYTES_WRITTEN: bytes written to logical log 34152, STAT_DB_BF_PLOG_BYTES_WRITTEN: bytes written to physical log 34153, STAT_DB_BF_LLOG_FULL: number of logical log buffer full encountered 34154, STAT_DB_BF_LLOG_END: number of logical log buffer end encountered 34155, STAT_DB_BF_PLOG_FULL: number of physical log buffer full encountered 34156, STAT_DB_BF_PLOG_END: number of physical log buffer end encountered 34157, STAT_DB_END: DO NOT ADD DATABASE STATISTICS AFTER HERE 50000, USER_DEFINED_ERROR: User defined error is $(userdefined) 8001, CXX_CANT_CAST: Can not cast object of type %s to type %s You attempted to cast a pointer or a link to some other type of pointer that it is not compatible with. This often occurs when using the AS() or L_AS() macros. It can also happen if a parameterized collection class contains an object of the wrong class, although C++ compile-time type-safety should prevent this. [ used by ` PClass::offsetof(PClass *type)'] [ used by ` the AS macro, the L_AS macro, PObject::as()'] 8002, CXX_NO_CONTAINER: No containers named %s were found on database %s [ used by ` class Container'] 8003, CXX_DUP_CONTAINER: Multiple containers named %s were found in database %s [ used by ` class Container'] 8004, CXX_BAD_DATE: The date %s %d, %d is illegal [ used by ` class Date (vnih)'] 8005, CXX_BAD_DAY: %s is not the name of a day of the week [ used by ` class Date (vnih)'] 8006, CXX_NOT_PERSISTENT_VEC: Can not convert % object to pHandle_vec as it contains transient elements 8007, CXX_NOT_VERSION: %s method invoked on non-version %s object 8008, CXX_BAD_ALLOC_SIZE: Allocated %s size must be positive 8009, CXX_BAD_INDEX: Index of %d applied to %s object is out of bounds %d - %d [ used by ` Vstr<>'] [ used by ` VArray<>, VList<> '] [ used by ` LinkedList (vnih)'] 8010, CXX_NOT_FOUND: %s object was not found in %s for operation %s 8011, CXX_REMOVE_ERR: %s object to be removed was not found in %s [ used by ` class Set (vnih)'] 8012, CXX_BAD_PRED: Illegal predicate %s was applied to class %s [ used by ` old PClass::select()'] 8013, CXX_BAD_ATTR: %s is not an attribute of class %s [ used by ` old PClass::select()'] 8014, CXX_SUBSTRING_ERR: Illegal substring from position %d length %d on %s of length %d [ used by ` class SubString (vnih)'] 8015, CXX_BAD_CLASS: Got object of class %s when class %s was expected 8016, CXX_BAD_SPECIES: Got object of species %s whe species %s was expected 8017, CXX_BAD_ARG_CLASS: Got argument of class %s when class %s was expected by method %s 8018, CXX_BAD_ARG_SPECIES: Got argument of species %s when species %s was expected by method %s 8019, CXX_BAD_RANGE: Range from %d of length %d in %s method %s is invalid [ used by ` class String, SubString (vnih)'] 8020, CXX_BAD_DATE_RANGE: The date %s %d, %d is outside the legal range [ used by ` class Time (vnih)'] 8021, CXX_EMPTY: The %s is empty for operation %s [ used by ` class LinkedList (vnih)'] [ used by ` class OrderedCltn (vnih)'] [ used by ` class VEList<>'] 8022, CXX_BAD_TIME: %d:%d:%d %s %s %d,%d is an invalid time [ used by ` class Time (vnih)'] 8023, CXX_BAD_DBLLINK: Bad double linked node in %s for operatorion %s [ used by ` class LinkedList (vnih)'] 8024, CXX_BAD_MONTH: No such month as %s [ used by ` class Date (vnih)'] 8025, CXX_BAD_MONTH_NUM: %d is a bad month number [ used by ` class Date (vnih)'] 8026, CXX_BAD_DAY_NUM: %d is a bad day number [ used by ` class Date (vnih)'] 8027, CXX_DUPLICATE_KEY: Attempt to use duplicate %s key with %s value in %s 8028, CXX_KEY_NOT_FOUND: %s key not found in %s A key could not be found in a dictionary. [ used by ` class Dictionary (vnih)'] [ used by ` class V??Dictionary<>'] 8029, CXX_UNKNOWN: Unknown error number %d was thrown 8030, CXX_ZERO_DENOM: Zero denominator in %s [ used by ` class Fraction (vnih)'] 8031, CXX_NO_MEM: Local memory is exhausted 8032, CXX_FUNC_OVER: Double %g conversion to %s yielded large exponent %d [ used by ` class Fraction (vnih)'] 8033, CXX_FUNC_UNDEFINED: Double %g conversions is undefined for exponent %d [ used by ` class Fraction (vnih)'] 8034, CXX_BAD_LINK: %s next shoud be zero [ used by ` class Link (vnih)'] 8035, CXX_DERIVED: Virtual method %s should have been implemented by derived class %s It is the responsibility of subclasses of LookupKey to redefine virtual methods value() and value(const Object&). [ used by ` class LookupKey (vnih)'] 8036, CXX_SHOULD_NOT: %s should not implement method %s The operation cannot be done on an instance of this class. [ used by ` vnih classes'] 8037, CXX_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: Method %s is not implemented in this release 8038, CXX_INVALID_ITERATOR: Iterator is invalid in %s [ used by ` VERSANT Collection classes'] 8039, CXX_NO_CLSOBJ: database does not know about class %s The schema for this class has not been installed into the database. Use sch2db to put the schema from the .sch file into the database. 8040, CXX_NO_CXXCLS: C++ interface does not know about class %s There is no PClassObj<> for the class compiled into your application, and yet your running application has encountered an instance of that class, or for some other reason needs to find the PClassObj<> for that class. 8041, CXX_CORRUPT_CLSOBJ: database contains corrupt class %s object 8042, CXX_NO_SUCH_ATTR: no such attribute %s in class %s 8043, CXX_BAD_DOMAIN: cannot select on domain of attribute %s in class %s 8044, CXX_COMPARE_UNDEFINED: comparison method undefined It is the responsibility of a subclass of PVirtual to define a compare method. This error is thrown by the default PVirtual::compare(). 8045, CXX_HASH_UNDEFINED: hashing method undefined It is the responsibility of a subclass of PVirtual to define a hash method. This error is thrown by the default PVirtual::hash(). 8046, CXX_INTERNAL_ASSERT: C++ interface internal assertion failed This error should never happen. Report it to Versant. 8047, CXX_THIS_NULL: got NULL for this in method %s 8048, CXX_BAD_F_ARG: bad argument for %s in function %s 8049, CXX_BAD_M_ARG: bad argument for %s in method %s 8050, CXX_ZERO_F_ARG: bad zero argument for %s in function %s 8051, CXX_ZERO_M_ARG: bad zero argument for %s in method %s 8052, CXX_OM_PANIC: internal object manager panic: %s (line %d file %s) This is a serious error. No other database object manager operations will be possible for this process after this error. This is cause for terminating your program and trying again. It may indicate database corruption. 8054, CXX_CLASS_SIGNATURE: for class %s, compiled class signature %x does not match schema signature %x in database %s A 32-bit signature is calculated for each class during schema capture using a CRC function across the class and its attributes. This 32-bit signature is compiled into your application and is also deposited in the .sch file. sch2db will read it from the .sch file, and put it into the database. When your application runs, the signatures in your program are compared against the signatures in the database whenever database classes are used. If the signatures do not match, this exception is throw. This can happen when you have a different defintion of the classes in your application than there are in the database, because you installed the wrong .sch files into the database. To correct the problem, use sch2db to install the correct .sch files into the databases. 8055, CXX_NOT_MUNCHED: problem in munch -- static objects did not construct The binary you are executing did not "munch" correctly when it was compiled. It will have to be recompiled properly before it can be used. 8056, CXX_ASSERTT: An assert macro failed (see "paux.h") The header paux.h contains two macros, assertt() and assertts(), which throw this error when they fail. "assertt()" puts the source filename and linenumber in the error, and assertts() puts a second argument, a string, in the error. Versant uses assertts() inside their class library at positions that should never fail. These will print the extra agrument beginning with the word "bomb_" if they do fail. Contact Versant if one of our assertions fails. 8057, CXX_OM_VSTR_OUTSIDE_SESSION: A vstr that was created during a session was released or resized after endsession Links and Vstrs created during a session can only be used during that session. In this case a vstr that was created during a session was changed or released after the session. Often this happens when a transient object (perhaps a spurious temporary object) is created during a session, and then is deleted after endsession. Often you can avoid this by putting braces { } around the work within a session, and closing them before calling ensession: dom->beginsession() { ..... your work ..... } dom->endsession() This is a problem because C++ compilers often do not delete these temporary objects as soon as they could. 8058, CXX_BOMB: internal assertion failed: %s This error should never occur. Report it to Vesant. 8059, CHL_NCOMP: NCOMP not yet supported by checking The object this link references seems to be of type NCOMP. NCOMP is a new versant kernel object type which is not supported by the Check Facility yet. ( Bad Links can also produce this error. ) 8060, CH_INTERNAL: internal failure within checking A problem occurred during checking that is probably not your fault. Please inform Versant of this problem. 8061, CHL_NO_SESSION: a link was used while no session exists You cannot use links (or PHandle or PCOD* or o_object) outside of a session, because the object cache does not exist except during a session. (Likewise, a link from one session is invalid in another seesion.) 8062, CHL_XCOD: a COD is referenced outside of COD-space You seem to have a bad link (or PHandle or PCOD* or o_object), because it points to an address which cannot possibly be a COD, because it is outside of the range of addresses in which a COD could be formed. 8063, CHL_NO_COD_TYPE: problem in COD You seem to have a bad link (or PHandle or PCOD* or o_object). 8064, CHL_DELETED: a link to a deleted object was used This error is not actually enforced; it seems to be too useful to have links to deleted objects. (You are still using a link to an object which has been deleted.) 8065, CHL_TOP_XHEAP: persistent object located outside object space You seem to have a bad link (or PHandle or PCOD* or o_object). We intuit that because the object associated with this non-link would be located outside of the range of permissible addresses for persistent objects. 8066, CHL_BAD_LOOP: problem in COD You seem to have a bad link (or PHandle or PCOD* or o_object). 8067, CHH_NULL: null object header pointer Something is wrong which lead us to beleive that an object has a null header pointer, which cannot happen. You probably have trashed your object or link. 8068, CHH_NO_CLASS: problem in object header 8069, CHH_CLASS_XCOD: problem in object header 8070, CHH2_XHEAP: problem in extended object header 8071, CHH2_XCOD: problem in extended object header 8072, CHH_XHEAP: object header not in heap 8073, CHP_WHAT: object has bad PObject::__what slot 8074, CH_ADDR: pointer has illegal value 8075, CHV_S_FREED: vstr has already been freed 8076, CHV_S_TFREED: transient vstr has already been freed 8077, CHV_S_BOGUS: vstr pointer does not point to a vstr 8078, CHP_PERSIST: use of persistent object located outside of heap 8079, CHL_MUST_PERSIST: link to transient object where persistent object is required 8080, CHV_MUST_PERSIST: transient vstr where persistent vstr is required 8081, CH_FAILURE: The Check Facility found an inconsistency: %s The "Check Facility" detected an inconsistent state when asserting some pointer. The check facility could have been invoked directly by you, because you used CheckL(), CheckP(), CheckV(), etc. Or it could have been built into the Versant-provided library libcxxchk.a or libcxxvnch.a. If you use libcxxchk.a, the entire front end cache is checked before dom methods that will use the entire cache, such as dom->commit(), dom->abort(), dom->endsession(), dom->savepoint(), dom->exit(), etc. If you cannot figure out why this error occurs, you might try turning on all checking and tracking facilities, and look in that output for the address given in this error. This may help you figure out what object or vstr pointer is wrong. You may have a bad pointer, or something may have trashed the memory at a valid pointer, which confused the Check Facility. 8082, CH_FAIL_L: Problem while checking a link at address The "Check Facility" detected an inconsistent state when asserting some link. The address of the link is printed after the "{=" in the description, along with a clue as to which operation requested the check. See comments at error "CH_FAILURE" A link is represented in Versant by various data types, including o_object, struct ob_buf*, PHandle, PCOD*, PLink, and Link. The check facility could have been invoked directly by you, because you CheckL() or CheckCache(), or it could have been built into the Versant-provided library libcxxchk.a or libcxxvnch.a. If you use libcxxchk.a, CheckCache() is called automatically before transaction-oriented methods such as dom->commit(), dom->abort(), dom->endsession(), dom->savepoint(), etc. The phrase appears in the output if CheckCache() is called. Another message will be presented, which might give you a better hint about what is wrong. The exact problem could have occured within some other object, which is linked to by an attribute of this object. If that is the case, you will be told which attribute points to it, and the index if the attribute is a linkvstr. 8083, CH_FAIL_H: Problem while checking a header at address The "Check Facility" detected an inconsistent state when asserting some object. The address of the object header is printed after the "{=" in the description, along with a clue as to which operation requested the check. See comments at error "CH_FAILURE" 8084, CH_FAIL_T: Problem while checking a persistent object at address The "Check Facility" detected an inconsistent state when asserting some object. The first address in the object data is printed after the "{=" in the description, along with a clue as to which operation requested the check. See comments at error "CH_FAILURE" 8085, CH_FAIL_P: Problem while checking a pointer to PObject at address The "Check Facility" detected an inconsistent state when asserting some link. The PObject* address of the object is printed after the "{=" in the description, along with a clue as to which operation requested the check. See comments at error "CH_FAILURE" 8086, CH_FAIL_V: Problem while checking a vstr at address The "Check Facility" detected an inconsistent state when asserting some link. The address of the vstr is printed after the "{=" in the description, along with a clue as to which operation requested the check. See comments at error "CH_FAILURE" 8087, CH_FAIL_LV: Problem while checking a link vstr at address The "Check Facility" detected an inconsistent state when asserting some link. The address of the vstr is printed after the "{=" in the description, along with a clue as to which operation requested the check. See comments at error "CH_FAILURE" 8088, CH_FAIL_ATTR: failure occurred within attribute The checking assertion that failed actually concerns the value of the named attribute within the object being checked. The attribute is either a link, a vstr, or a linkvstr, and this link or vstr does not look right. 8089, CH_FAIL_INDEX: failure occurred at linkvstr index The checking assertion that failed was at the given index within the linkvstr being checked. 8090, CXX_BAD_VIRTUAL_EVENT: virtual event %d not understood by object Experimental. 8091, CXX_DOM_IS_NULL: global variable ::dom is NULL 8092, CXX_REL_MISMATCH: release %s calls %s of release %s Two different releases are being mixed together. This will probably cause trouble. The thing that was called is complaining that the caller is of a different release. 8093, CXX_LINK_TO_EMBEDDED: link is set to an embedded C++ object Links reference other objects by their "object identity". Embedded objects in C++ are not first class objects and do not have "object identity" in the database. When CHECKING is enabled this error will be detected. 8094, CXX_IS_TRANSIENT: transient object used in persistent object operation Some operations can only be done on persistent objects. Object versioning operations are a good example. One of these operations was attempted on a transient object. [ used by ` vpp scap'] 8095, CXX_BILINK_NOTFOUND: a bilink of bilinkvstr relation is missing in the bilink table Some BiLink or BiLinkVstr relation is not inserted into the BiLink relation table. 8096, CXX_ERROR_HEAD_FMT: but you could not say After Employee [ used by ` vpp'] 8708, EVPP_NEST_TPL: Cannot nest Templates definition Template definitions may not occur inside a template definition. [ used by ` vpp'] 8709, EVPP_TPL_REDEF: Template redefined A template can only be defined once. [ used by ` vpp'] 8710, EVPP_OPTION: Undefined option flag A command line option to vpp (starting with a dash) was not understood. [ used by ` vpp'] 8711, EVPP_ARGV: No arguments needed The vpp command line does not take any arguments except for those beginning with a dash `-'. [ used by ` vpp'] 8712, EVPP_STDOUT: Error writing standard output The vpp command sends its output to standard output. A write failed. This could be because the disk filled, or due to a hardware error. [ used by ` vpp'] 8713, EVPP_NO_IMP: There is no Implementation for this Template You have said to Implement a template that does not have an Implement clause. [ used by ` vpp'] 8714, EVPP_CLAUSE: Undefined Template clause A clause of a Template is undefined. This could be a clause named in another After clause, or it could be a clause that is special to the Versant C++ interface. The latter should not happen if you include pobject.h. [ used by ` vpp'] 8715, EVPP_NEST_EXPSUP: Cannot nest VPP_EXPAND_SUPER Customers should not be using the special VPP_EXPAND_SUPER statement. Versant's own code should never have nested VPP_EXPAND_SUPER statements. So this error should not happen. [ used by ` vpp'] 8716, EVPP_OUT_OF_MEMORY: out of memory in parser The vpp program ran out of memory. Adding more swap space could help, as could removing some processes from the machine. Using "stopdb" on a Versant database can also help a lot. [ used by ` vpp'] 8717, EVPP_SYNTAX_ERROR: general syntax error The lexer or parser of vpp has detected a syntax error. These are very often mismatched parentheses or curly braces. Some nonstandard C++ constructs can also confuse vpp. [ used by ` vpp parser'] 8718, EVPP_MULTIPLE_IMPLEMENT: multiple implement clauses in template definition There can only be one Implement clause in a template definition. [ used by ` vpp'] 8719, EVPP_PRIMITIVE_UNDEFINED: primitive template undefined Some templates are special to the Versant interface, and must be there if you are using the primative Versant classes. These templates should all be defined if you included pobject.h. [ used by ` vpp'] 8720, EVPP_BAD_LINE_MARKER: bad line marker The vpp program reads and writes filename-and-linenumber marker lines in the format that the standard C preprocessor understands. Examples: # "filename" 88 or #line "filename" 88 Something must have created a marker line that vpp cannot understand. [ used by ` vpp'] 8721, EVPP_BAD_PARAMETER: parameter is not a word Vpp template occurances only accept simple C++ identifiers and other template occurances as parameters. [ used by ` vpp'] 8722, EVPP_TPL_RECURSION: recursive template name Vpp has seen a template (or a group of templates) that invoke themselves to get longer and longer template names. This can happen if you have recursive templates. For instance, template Foo which uses Foo> which uses Foo>> etc. would create this error. [ used by ` vpp'] 8723, EVPP_INFINITE_TDEF: infinite typedef recursion The vpp program attempts to understand simple typedef statements so that it will not generate redundant template definitions. This error occurs if the typedefs create an infinite loop. [ used by ` vpp'] 8750, EVPP_TOO_MANY_NESTED_CLASSES: VPP abort --- more than %d nested class levels! The vpp parser has a limit of the nesting class level. It is unusal to reach this limit in a normal program. [ used by ` vpp'] 8751, EVPP_NO_MEMORY_SCANNER: VPP abort --- out of memory. No memory is available. Either the input file is too huge or there is not enough virtual memory. [ used by ` vpp'] 8752, EVPP_LONG_LINE: VPP abort --- input line too long. Input file of VPP has huge long lines. [ used by ` vpp'] 8753, EVPP_SYN_ERROR: VPP finds syntax errors in the following files: VPP finds some syntax errors. If these errors are not reported by your C++ compiler, there might be a bug in VPP. [ used by ` vpp'] 8754, EVPP_ACTION_UNKNOWN: VPP abort --- internal error: unknow action. This is an internal error. Please report it to Versant. [ used by ` vpp'] 8755, EVPP_TOO_MANY_TMPL_ARGUMENT: VPP abort ---- too many template arguments. This is an internal error. Please report it to Versant. [ used by ` vpp'] 8801, CIH_OFFSET_NO_MEMORY_ATTR: Offset calculation function is not able to allocate enough memory for offset table 8802, CIH_INTERNAL_NAME_COMPOSTION_ERROR: Offset calculation function is not able to compose the attribute name, please report to Versant. 8803, CIH_OFFSET_FUNCTION_NULL: The pointer for offset calculation in the PClass object is NULL. 8804, CIH_OFFSET_NO_MEMORY_OBJECT: Offset calculation function is not able to allocate enough memory for the object. 8805, CIH_NO_CXX_ACTIVATOR: The pointer for class activator is NULL. The virtual table pointer and virtual base pointer value cannot be set. 8806, CIH_OFFSET_CALCULATION_ERROR: The offset calculation function internal error: cannot allocate enough memory. 8807, CXX_TRANSIENT_NO_WHAT: The transient object doesn't have RTTI information. You need to call O_ACTIVATE_RTTI on the transient object. 8808, CXX_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND: Versant internal error. Attribute %s can not be found in the PClassObject of %s. 8900, VRT_BUFFER_SIZE_MISMATCH: Can not interpret an object of size %d as type %s. The VRTBuffer class is used to access hetrogeniuos attribute values. There is a mismatch between the size of the attribute data type and the size of the data type that application interprets that attribute to be. 8925, VSO_MAGIC_NUMBER_MISMATCH: The shared object arena is corrupted A magic number is stored in the shared object arena. When an application connects to shared object arena the magic number is checked. The exception is thrown if the magic number is incorrect. 8926, VSO_VERSION_MISMATCH: The format of the shared object arena does not match the application A format version stored in the shared object arena does not match the number compiled into the application. 8927, VSO_CLASS_SIGNATURE_MISMATCH: for class %s, compiled class signature does not match schema signature in the shared object arena A 32-bit signature is calculated for each class during schema capture using a CRC function across the class and its attributes. This 32-bit signature is compiled into your application. The exception is thrown if the class signature for the same class is not the same in all applications which share the same object arena. 40101, T_SCAP_DEFINE_CLASS: Define class %s 40102, T_SCAP_DROP_CLASS: Drop class %s and all its instances 40103, T_SCAP_DROP_INSTANCES: Drop instances of class %s 40104, T_SCAP_GET_NEW_ATTR: Class %s gets new attribute %s 40105, T_SCAP_GET_DROP_ATTR: Class %s drop attribute %s 40106, T_SCAP_PRINT_VERSION: This is version %s 40107, T_SCAP_SCHEMA_CHANGES_NEEDED: Schema changes needed: 40108, T_SCAP_NO_CHANGES_APPLIED: NO CHANGES APPLIED. 40109, T_SCAP_APPLYING_SCHEMA_CHANGES: APPLYING SCHEMA CHANGES 40110, T_SCAP_WILL_DROP_INST: Will drop instances of: 40111, T_SCAP_OK_TO_APPLY_Q: Ok to apply changes ? 40112, T_SCAP_NOT_A_TTY: standard input is not a tty, so '-y' option is required for changes. 40113, T_SCAP_DROPPING_INSTANCES: DROPPING INSTANCES. 40114, T_SCAP_NO_SCHEMA_CH_REQ: No schema changes required. 40115, T_SCAP_NO_CLASSES_TO_DROP_INST: There are no classes of which to drop the instances. 40116, T_SCAP_GET_RENAME_ATTR: Class %s renames attribute %s as %s 40117, T_SCAP_GROUP_ADD_ATTR: Group add %d attributes 40118, T_SCAP_CLASS_NEEDS_REARRANGE: Class %s needs rearrange 40150, T_SCAP_USAGE_DROPCLASS_1: Usage: dropclass [-options....] class1 class2 ... 40151, T_SCAP_USAGE_DROPINST_1: Usage: dropinst [-options....] class1 class2 ... 40152, T_SCAP_USAGE_SCH2DB_1: Usage: sch2db [-options....] file1.sch file2.sch ... 40153, T_SCAP_USAGE_DASH_D: \t-D db\tdatabase: use database db (or use O_DBNAME environment) 40154, T_SCAP_USAGE_DASH_N: \t-n\tno: make no changes 40155, T_SCAP_USAGE_DASH_Y: \t-y\tyes: make any changes 40156, T_SCAP_USAGE_DASH_I: \t-i\tinteractive (default): ask yes or no (stdin must be tty) 40157, T_SCAP_USAGE_DASH_E: \t-e\tevolution: schema evolution is a potential strategy 40158, T_SCAP_USAGE_DASH_R: \t-r\trename: rename attribute is a potential strategy 40159, T_SCAP_USAGE_DASH_F: \t-f\tforce: dropping classes is a potential strategy 40160, T_SCAP_UNKNOWN_OPTION: Unknown Option 40161, T_SCAP_USAGE_DASH_U: \t-u\tuser: run as this DB user 40162, T_SCAP_USAGE_DASH_P: \t-p\tpassword: enter password for the DB user entered in -u 40171, T_SCAP_DB2TTY_USAGE: \n\tUsage 1: db2tty -D databaseName [options] [ classnames ... ]\n\tUsage 2: db2tty -D databaseName [-l] -o loids\n\t-i\tshow instances\n\t-a\tshow all classes (including system)\n\t-s\tshow schema infomation only\n\t-t LX\toperate in long transaction LX\n\t-l\tuse read locks (default is NOLOCK)\n\t-n \tnumber of objects per cursor fetch (default is 200,valid only with -i option)\n\t-o loids\tdisplay objects with specified loids 8951, E_VGC1_ERR_ROOT: Error occurred while finding roots. 8952, E_VGC1_ERR_COLLECT: Error occurred while collecting garbage. 8953, E_VGC1_ERR_DELETE: Error occurred while deleting garbage. 8954, E_VGC1_CANNOT_CONT: Cannot continue. 8955, E_VGC1_CANNOT_PRINT: Error occurred while printing -- some garbage may not be printed. 8956, E_VGC2_NO_ROOTS: No root classes or objects were specified 8957, E_VGC2_CANNOT_SELECT: Cannot select instances of class %s 8958, E_VGC2_CANNOT_LOCATE_ROOT_OJB: Cannot locate root object %s 8959, E_VGC2_BAD_ROOTSPEC: Bad root specifier %s 8960, E_VGC2_EXTERNAL_REF: external referance to loid %s 8961, E_VGC2_STDOUT: write to stdout failed 40201, T_VGC1_DEL_GARB: DELETING GARBAGE. 40202, T_VGC1_GARB_NOT_DEL: Garbage not deleted. 40203, T_VGC1_ASK_OK_DEL_GARB: Okay to delete garbage ? 40204, T_VGC1_DEL_N_OF_C: Delete %d instances of class %s 40205, T_VGC1_DEL_INST: Delete instance %s 40206, T_VGC1_DEL_N: There are %s garbage objects to be deleted. 40207, T_VGC1_DEL_NONE: There is no garbage to be deleted. 40208, T_VGC1_DEL_INST_OF: Delete instance %s of class %s 40209, T_VGC2_USAGE: Usage: vgc2 -d dbname [-y] [-n] [-i] [-q] Rootclasses... Rootobjects... 40210, T_VGC2_RUSAGE: . . . . %s 40211, T_VGC2_SELECTED_I_OF: selected %d instances of class %s 40212, T_VGC2_SWEPT_N_OBJ: swept %d objects 40213, T_VGC2_DELETED_N_OBJ: Deleted %d objects 40214, T_VGC2_ITERATING_ROOTS: phase: iterating roots 40215, T_VGC2_MARKING_OBJECTS: phase: marking objects 40216, T_VGC2_GETTING_EVERYTHING: phase: getting everything 40217, T_VGC2_SWEEPING_EVERYTHING: phase: sweeping everything 40218, T_VGC2_FINAL: phase: final 40219, T_VGC2_PUSHED_SIZE_PEAK: pushed %d size %d peak %d 40220, T_VGC2_NUM_ROOTS: number of roots: %d 40301, REBILINK_WARNING: \nDo you really want to change all\nold BiLink objects in the database?\n\nThe new BiLink objects are NOT compatible with old\napplications. You will need to recompile your old\napplications to access new BiLink objects.\n\nPress the ENTER key twice to continue, or press\nControl-C to abort this program.\n 40302, REBILINK_USAGE: %s [-Q] -D database_name\n 40303, REBILINK_LOCATE_SUPER: Problem locating superclass object [%ld] of class %s: 40304, REBILINK_LOCATE_ATTR: Problem locating attribute object [%ld] of class %s: 40401, d_Error_None: 40402, d_Error_DatabaseClassMismatch: for class %s, compiled class signature %x does not match schema signature %x in database %s 40404, d_Error_DatabaseClosed: database %s is either already closed or has not yet been opened 40405, d_Error_DatabaseOpen: database %s is already opened 40406, d_Error_DateInvalid: %d/%d/%d is an invalid date 40407, d_Error_IteratorExhausted: Iterator is invalid in %s 40408, d_Error_NameNotUnique: An object with name %s already exists in the database 40409, d_Error_PositionOutOfRange: Index of %d applied to %s object is out of bounds %d 40410, d_Error_QueryParameterCountInvalid: 40411, d_Error_QueryParameterTypeInvalid: 40412, d_Error_RefInvalid: 40413, d_Error_RefNull: d_Ref is NULL 40414, d_Error_TimeInvalid: %d:%d:%d is an invalid time 40415, d_Error_TimestampInvalid: invalid timestamp 40416, d_Error_TransactionOpen: a transaction has already opened 40418, d_Error_DatabaseNull: The database pointer is NULL 40419, d_Error_IteratorUninitialized: The iterator has not been initialized with a collection 40420, d_Error_TZInvalid: %d:%d is an invalid time zone time 40421, d_Error_Double_Fault: d_Error thrown while throwing d_Error d_Error thrown while throwing d_Error, an internal error 40422, d_Error_BadInterval: The d_Interval spcified is bad, check the hour, min and sec 40423, d_Error_Already_Connected: this group database has been connected already 40424, d_Error_SessionDatabaseOpened: A session database has already been opened 40425, d_Error_NameTransientObject: Cannot create name for a transient object 40426, d_Error_DuplicateRelSetInsertion: Try to insert an duplicated element to a d_Rel_Set 40427, d_Error_ElementNotInCollection: Cannot find the element in a collection 40428, d_Error_InvalidEventType: Invalid event type for function get_notified 40429, d_Error_IllegalDatabaseName: A null database name is not allowed 40430, d_Error_TransactionStillActive: Cannot close a database with active transactions 40431, d_Error_TransactionAlreadyDetached: The transaction had already detached from the database 40432, d_Error_TransactionAlreadyAttached: The transaction had already attached to the database 40433, d_Error_TransactionClosed: a transaction is either closed or not yet opened 40434, d_Error_NoTransactionDatabase: There is no database opened for current transaction 40435, d_Error_TransactionNotConnected: current transaction is not connected to database %s 40436, d_Error_DatabaseInvalid: Cannot open database %s. Check if the dbname is valid. 40437, d_Error_DeleteUnknownTransientObj: Cannot delete a transient object of unknown type 40600, d_Error_XA_OK: 40602, d_Error_XAER_ASYNC: Async. operation already outstanding 40603, d_Error_XAER_RMERR: An RM error occurred in the transaction branch 40604, d_Error_XAER_NOTA: The XID is not valid 40605, d_Error_XAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments were given 40606, d_Error_XAER_PROTO: XA routine invoked in improper context 40607, d_Error_XAER_RMFAIL: The Resouce Manager is unavailable 40608, d_Error_XAER_DUPID: XID already exists 40609, d_Error_XAER_OUTSIDE: RM doing work outside global transaction 40610, CXX_NO_SESSIONPOOL: The SessionPool is unavailable 20001, ST_INVALID_PARAMETER: Invalid parameter at: Parameter passed to the given VERSANT defined primitive method is not of the expected class at the indicated position. 20002, ST_MISSING_VCLASSINFO: Internal error - VClassInfo object missing An internal error not currently handled, please contact and report this error to Versant Object Technology Inc. 20003, ST_MISSING_CLASS_AUXINFO: Database class is found missing auxiliary information Start from 2.0 release, the VERSANT/Smalltalk interface will use a auxiliarly dictionary to hold information to be used by the language interface. And it is found to be missing from the database class currently being accessed. 20004, ST_NON_SMALLTALK_RELATED_CLASS: This class is not defined from the Smalltalk/VERSANT interface It is found that the corresponding database class doesn't have the same language bit set in the auxiliary info dictionary. This indicates that it is not a class defined with the 2.0 release of the VERSANT/Smalltalk interface. The Smalltalk interface would make needed checking to ensure that the a class defined from a pre 2.0 VERSANT/Smalltalk interface would be automatically converted. 20005, ST_CLASS_SIGNATURE_NOT_FOUND: The class is missing class signature Class signature is not found for the given class. It could mean that the database class is not defined and/or modified through the Smalltalk interface, and hence, you might not be able to access it through the VERSANT/Smalltalk interface. 20006, ST_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED: Memory allocation in UDP failed Memory allocation failed in the VERSANT/Smalltalk defined premitive, and it might mean that there is no memory left. 20007, ST_HIERARCHY_SIGNATURE_NOT_FOUND: The class is missing hierarchy signature The Smalltalk/VERSANT interface would compute a signature for the corresponding database class when it is described to the database, which will be used to find out if the database class has the same inheritance hierarchy as the the one the database class is defined from. 20008, ST_SOURCE_CHECKSUM_NOT_FOUND: The database class is missing source check sum The VERSANT/Smalltalk interface maintains a source check sum value to be used for tell if the source are the same between the database class and that of the Smalltalk class. And it is found that the class does not have this info. 20009, ST_STORAGE_TRANSFORM_NOT_FOUND: Database class misses storage transformation encoding VERSANT/Smalltalk interface maintains storage transformation encoding in the database class to indicate how a given attribute should be translated in the the Smalltalk space. And it is found to be missing. This might indicate the the class is not defined throught the VERSANT/Smalltalk interface. And you might not be able to access this class from VERSANT/Smalltalk. 20010, ST_CLASS_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND: Database class missing corresponding Smalltalk source Starting from 2.0 release, database classes defined through the VERSANT/Smalltalk interface will also hold the file-in source of the corresponding Smalltalk class. And that is found to be missing. 20011, ST_CLASS_TYPE_ENCODING_MISSING: Database class missing type encoding for the corresponding ST class Starting from 2.0 release, database classes defined through the VERSANT/Smalltalk interface will hold a type encoding to tell if the corresponding Smalltalk class is a variable class. 20012, ST_TIMESTAMP_NOT_FOUND: Database class missing time stamp When a database class is defined or updated through the VERSANT/Smalltalk interface, a time stamp will be generated and stored in the auxiliarly info dictionary. And it is found missing. 20013, ST_DEFINED_FROM_PRE_2_0_RELEASE: Class defined using 1.x interface Smalltalk classes defined using 1.x interface do not contain schema information necessary for schema evolution functionality added starting from version 2.x 20014, ST_PREDBLOCK_INVALID: Invalid Predicate specified for query The conjunctions in a predblock must all have the same type otherwise parsing error at smalltalk level has occurred 20101, ST_OE_SYS_NO_ERR: No failure code available Mapped from the Object Engine error for consistent error handling in VisualWorks Smalltalk interface. 20102, ST_OE_SYS_OUT_OF_RANGE: C argument out of range; probably not large enough data Mapped from the Object Engine error for consistent error handling in VisualWorks Smalltalk interface. 20103, ST_OE_SYS_NON_OOP: Oop argument not an oop Mapped from the Object Engine error for consistent error handling in VisualWorks Smalltalk interface. 20104, ST_OE_SYS_WRONG_CLASS: Oop argument incorrect type Mapped from the Object Engine error for consistent error handling in VisualWorks Smalltalk interface. 20105, ST_OE_SYS_OBJECT_TOO_SMALL: Smalltalk datum too small Mapped from the Object Engine error for consistent error handling in VisualWorks Smalltalk interface. 20106, ST_OE_SYS_ALLOCATION_FAILED: Smalltalk object memory allocation failed Mapped from the Object Engine error for consistent error handling in VisualWorks Smalltalk interface. 20107, ST_OE_SYS_STORE_FAILURE: The function illegally attempted to place an object reference into another object Mapped from the Object Engine error for consistent error handling in VisualWorks Smalltalk interface. 20201, SQL_ORACLE_ERROR: Oracle defined error An Oracle defined error is raised. The corresponding error message string also gives the error number defined by Oracle. Consult Oracle error message and codes manual for detail information. 20202, SQL_INTERNAL_ERROR: Internal error An internal error not currently handled, please contact and report this error to Versant Object Technology Inc. 20203, SQL_CANNOT_INITIALIZE_CONNECTION: Failed to initialize a database connection Fail to initialize a database connection. Should check if you have install the interface correctly. 20204, SQL_FAIL_TO_ACCESS_ERROR_MSG: Failed to access the Oracle error message A call to Oracle C interface function failed and a try in accessing the corresponding Oracle error message is also failed. You might need to check if you have you Oracle product installed and startup correctly. 20205, SQL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Unable to allocate run-time memory The interface failed to allocate run-time memory for use by a VERSANT defined primitive function. 20206, SQL_INVALID_PARAMETER: Invalid parameter at: Parameter passed to the given VERSANT defined primitive method is not of the expected class at the indicated position, or the value is invalid. 20207, SQL_INVALID_STATEMENT_INDEX: Invalid SQL statement handle index The handle instance variable associated with the VSQL instance is invalid. This is normally resulted from an image saving during an active database session. In a new database session, You have create new VSQL statement handle corresponding to newly created database connection. 20208, SQL_INVALID_CONNECTION_INDEX: Invalid SQL database connection handle index The handle instance varialbe associated with the VSQLDatabase instance is invalid. This is normally resulted from an image saving during an active database session. You might need to recreate a VSQLDatabase instance and connect to ORACLE database. 20209, SQL_INVALID_DATA_TYPE: Invalid SQL data type used It is found that a SQL data type is used which is not actually supported in the current release. Please contact and report this error to Versant Object Technology Inc. 20210, SQL_INVALID_COLUMN_NUMBER: Invalid column number encountered During the process of fetching data records from Oracle database, it is found that the column number associated with the VSQL statement handle is incorrect. This is normally caused by using an obsolete statement cursor. 19501, EXP_YACC_STACK: Parser stack overflow 19502, EXP_SYNTAX_ERROR: line %d: Syntax error, near ``%s'' 19503, EXP_MISSING_STAR_LP: Missing ``*)'' 19504, EXP_MISSING_STAR_LP_FROM: Missing ``*)'' from line %d 19505, EXP_UNEXPECTED_EOF: Unexpected end-of-file %s from line %d 19506, EXP_WARN_CPP_RESWORD: line %d: Warning, C++ reserved word ``%s'' 19507, EXP_WARN_RESWORD: line %d: Warning, Unsupporeted EXPRESS reserved word ``%s'' 19508, EXP_REDEFINED_SYMBOL: line %d: Symbol ``%s'' is redefined 19509, EXP_UNRESOLVED_REF: line %d: Unresolved symbol ``%s'' 19510, EXP_NON_ABBREVIATED: Warning, no abbreviations generated, file ``%s.a'' is empty. The ``-a'' option was specified for exp2cxx. However, all of the ENTITY names were short enough. Therefore the corresponding generated class name did not require any abbreviation defenitions in th ``.a'' file. 19511, EXP_INVALID_OPTION: Invalid compiler option ``%s'' 19512, EXP_OPEN_FILE: Cannot open ``%s'' file 19513, EXP_OUT_OF_MEMORY: System Error 19514, EXP_INIT_ENTITY_ITERATOR: System Error [ used by ` initEntityIterator()'] 19515, EXP_INIT_ATTR_ITERATOR: System Error [ used by ` initAttrIterator()'] 19516, EXP_INIT_TYPEDEF_ITERATOR: System Error [ used by ` initTypeDefIterator()'] 19517, EXP_INIT_SYMBOL_ITERATOR: System Error [ used by ` initSymbolIterator()'] 19518, EXP_INIT_AGGR_ITERATOR: System Error [ used by ` initAggrIterator()'] 10000, GUI__TEST_ERROR_MESSAGES: GUI__TEST_ERROR_MESSAGES During initialization, this test message is read in. If it does not match the string "GUI__TEST_ERROR_MESSAGES", the program is aborted with a message that the error message file could not be found. 10026, GUI_BOOLEAN__CLASSNAME: Boolean The name of the gui_boolean type 10027, GUI_BOOLEAN__TURN_ON: Turn On The name of the guiBoolean_turnOn operation. 10028, GUI_BOOLEAN__TURN_OFF: Turn Off The name of the guiBoolean_turnOff operation. 10029, GUI_BOOLEAN__TOGGLE: Toggle The name of the guiBoolean_toggle operation. 10051, GUI_BUTTON__CLASSNAME: Button The name of the gui_button type 10061, GUI_CALLBACK__CLASSNAME: Callback The name of the gui_callback type 10076, GUI_DIALOG__CLASSNAME: Dialog The name of the gui_dialog type 10101, GUI_DICTIONARY__CLASSNAME: Dictionary The name of the gui_dictionary type 10126, GUI_EDIT_FIELD__CLASSNAME: Edit Field The name of the gui_editField type 10151, GUI_ELEMENT__CLASSNAME: Element The name of the gui_element type 10176, GUI_ERROR__CLASSNAME: Error The name of the gui_error type 10177, GUI_ERROR__WARNING: Warning: format for warnings printed to stdout 10178, GUI_ERROR__ERROR: Error: format for errors printed to stdout 10179, GUI_ERROR__FATAL_ERROR: Fatal Error: format for fatal errors printed to stdout 10201, GUI_FIELD__CLASSNAME: Field The name of the gui_field type 10202, GUI_FIELD__CUT: Cut The name of the guiField_cut operation 10203, GUI_FIELD__PASTE: Paste The name of the guiField_paste operation 10204, GUI_FIELD__CLEAR: Clear The name of the guiField_clear operation 10226, GUI_FILE__CLASSNAME: File The name of the gui_file type 10251, GUI_FONT__CLASSNAME: Font The name of the gui_font type 10252, GUI_FONT__HELVETICA: Helvetica The name of the Helvetica font 10253, GUI_FONT__TIMES: Times The name of the Times font 10254, GUI_FONT__COURIER: Courier The name of the Courier font 10255, GUI_FONT__SYMBOL: Symbol The name of the Symbol font 10256, GUI_FONT__BOLD: Bold The name of the Bold style 10257, GUI_FONT__ITALIC: Italic The name of the Italic style 10258, GUI_FONT__UNDERLINE: Underline The name of the Underline style 10276, GUI_IPC__CLASSNAME: GUI IPC The name of the gui_ipc type 10277, GUI_IPC__CLEANUP: Cleaning up... The message shown during cleanup which happens after ctrl-C 10301, GUI_LABEL__CLASSNAME: Label The name of the gui_label type 10302, GUI_LABEL__COPY: Copy The name of the guiLabel_copy operation 10326, GUI_LIST__CLASSNAME: List The name of the gui_button type 10351, GUI_LIST_VIEW__CLASSNAME: List View The name of the gui_listView type 10371, GUI_MESSAGING__LOCALIZED_WB_FLAG: -workbench A localized alias for -workbench / -softbench 10372, GUI_MESSAGING__WB_NOT_AVAILABLE: This application was not compiled to support Worbench/Softbench. Error given when -workbench is used but the application was not Compiled with workbench support. 10376, GUI_MESSAGE_DIALOG__CLASSNAME: Message Dialog The name of the gui_messageDialog type 10401, GUI_MENU__CLASSNAME: Menu The name of the gui_menu type 10402, GUI_MENU__HELP_MENU_NAME: Help The name of the help menu 10426, GUI_NUMBER__CLASSNAME: Number The name of the gui_number type 10427, GUI_NUMBER__SECOND: Second The word to use for 1 second 10428, GUI_NUMBER__SECONDS: Seconds The word to use for n seconds 10429, GUI_NUMBER__MINUTE: Minute The word to use for 1 minute 10430, GUI_NUMBER__MINUTES: Minutes The word to use for n minutes 10431, GUI_NUMBER__HOUR: Hour The word to use for 1 hour 10432, GUI_NUMBER__HOURS: Hours The word to use for n hours 10433, GUI_NUMBER__DAY: Day The word to use for 1 day 10434, GUI_NUMBER__DAYS: Days The word to use for n days 10435, GUI_NUMBER__BYTE: Byte The word to use for 1 byte 10436, GUI_NUMBER__BYTES: Bytes The word to use for n bytes 10437, GUI_NUMBER__KILOBYTE: Kilobyte The word to use for 1 kilobytes 10438, GUI_NUMBER__KILOBYTES: Kilobytes The word to use for n kilobytes 10439, GUI_NUMBER__MEGABYTE: Megabyte The word to use for 1 megabytes 10440, GUI_NUMBER__MEGABYTES: Megabytes The word to use for n megabytes 10441, GUI_NUMBER__GIGABYTE: Gigabyte The word to use for 1 gigabytes 10442, GUI_NUMBER__GIGABYTES: Gigabytes The word to use for n gigabytes 10451, GUI_OBJECT__CLASSNAME: Object The name of the gui_object type 10476, GUI_OPERATION_DIALOG__CLASSNAME: Operation Dialog The name of the gui_operationDialog type 10477, GUI_OPERATION_DIALOG__OK: OK The name of the guiOperationDialog_ok operation used to implement the "OK" button in the operation dialog box. 10478, GUI_OPERATION_DIALOG_OK__EMPTY_FIELD: All the fields must be filled in. The message presented to the user when a field is left empty 10479, GUI_OPERATION_DIALOG__CANCEL: Cancel The name of the guiOperationDialog_cancel operation used to implement the "Cancel" button in the operation dialog box. 10480, GUI_OPERATION_DIALOG__WARNING: Warning The name of the guiOperationDialog_warning operation used to implement the warning dialog box for operations with warnings. 10481, GUI_OPERATION_DIALOG__HELP: Help The name of the guiOperationDialog_help operation used to implement the "Help" button on the dialog box 10482, GUI_OPERATION_DIALOG__YES: Yes Alternate label for "OK" button 10483, GUI_OPERATION_DIALOG__NO: No Alternate label for "Cancel" button 10501, GUI_OPERATION__CLASSNAME: Operation The name of the gui_operation type 10526, GUI_OPERATION_TYPE__CLASSNAME: Operation Type The name of the gui_operationType type 10551, GUI_OPTION__CLASSNAME: Option The name of the gui_option type 10831, GUI_PERCENT_VIEW__CLASSNAME: Percent Bar The name of the gui_percentView type 10836, GUI_PERCENT_DIALOG__CLASSNAME: Percent Dialog The name of the gui_percentDialog type 10837, GUI_PERCENT_DIALOG__ABORT: Cancel The name of the percentDialog_abort option 10841, GUI_TEXT_DIALOG__CLASSNAME: Text Dialog The name of the gui_textDialog type 10842, GUI_TEXT_DIALOG__ABORT: Cancel The name of the textDialog_abort option 10576, GUI_PULLDOWN__CLASSNAME: Pulldown Menu The name of the gui_pulldown type 10601, GUI_RECTANGLE__CLASSNAME: Rectangle The name of the gui_rectangle type 10626, GUI_REFERENCE_FIELD__CLASSNAME: Reference Field The name of the gui_referenceField type 10627, GUI_REFERENCE_FIELD__WRONG_TYPE: This field can only hold objects that are of type %s. The message given when an object of the wrong type is dropped in the field 10628, GUI_REFERENCE_FIELD__FIND_FAILED: Could not find an instance of %s which matches the string %s. The message given when the findInstance method returns NULL. 10651, GUI_SCROLLER__CLASSNAME: Scroller The name of the gui_scroller type 10676, GUI_SUBSET__CLASSNAME: Subset The name of the gui_subset type 10677, GUI_SUBSET__SELECT_ALL: Select All The name of the guiSubset_selectAll operation for setting the subset equal to the set 10678, GUI_SUBSET__UNSELECT_ALL: Unselect All The name of the guiSubset_unselectAll operation for clearing the subset. 10701, GUI_TEXT__CLASSNAME: Text The name of the gui_text type 10726, GUI_TEXT_VIEW__CLASSNAME: Option The name of the gui_option type 10751, GUI_TOGGLE__CLASSNAME: Toggle The name of the gui_toggle type 10776, GUI_TYPE__CLASSNAME: Type The name of the gui_type type 10801, GUI_VIEW__CLASSNAME: View The name of the gui_view type 10802, GUI_VIEW__UNDEFINED_DROP: Dropping an instance of %s on an instance of %s is undefined. By default, this message will be presented for drag and drop 10803, GUI_VIEW__CLOSE: Close The name of the guiView_close operation used for closing windows 10816, GUI_VMESSAGE__APPNAME: Versant Message The name of the application 10817, GUI_VMESSAGE__USAGE: usage: vmessage The usage message 10818, GUI_VMESSAGE__INVALID_TARGET: Invalid target. Error printed when sendmessage fails. 10819, GUI_VMESSAGE__MESSAGE_FAILED: Failed to send message. Error printed when sendmessage fails. 10820, GUI_VMESSAGE__VIEWS_UNAVAILABLE: The DISPLAY environment variable must be set. The error message to give when no X display is specified 10821, GUI_VMESSAGE__MINUS_INFO: -info Localized alias for -info 10822, GUI_VMESSAGE__MINUS_RESET: -reset Localized alias for -reset 10826, GUI_WINDOW__CLASSNAME: Window The name of the gui_window type 12026, VHELP_BROKER__WAITING_FOR_SERVER: Waiting for help server to start... This message appears if the server hasn't registered itself within a few seconds after it was started 12027, VHELP_BROKER__TIMEOUT: Time-out while waiting for help server to start. This message appears if after waiting a few more seconds it still is not registered. 12028, VHELP_BROKER__EXEC_FAILED: Could not execute vhelp. Check your installation. This message appears if execvp fails to execute vhelp. 12051, VHELP_HELP__CLASSNAME: Topic The name of the Help type 12052, VHELP_HELP__TTY_FLAG: -tty A localized alias for the -tty flag 12053, VHELP_HELP__RESET_FLAG: -reset A localized alias for the -reset flag 12054, VHELP_HELP__RESET_MESSAGE: Reseting help server entry in registry. Message displayed during a reset. 12055, VHELP_HELP__MATCHES_RELATION: Matches... The name of the relationship used to connect a keyword search with topics that matched the keyword. 12056, VHELP_HELP__SEARCHES_RELATION: Searches... The name of the relationship used to connect the general keyword search topic with all the keyword searches performed. 12057, VHELP_HELP__TTY_TOPIC_NAME_FORMAT: Topic Name: %s The format used for printing the name of a topic when -tty is used. 12058, VHELP_HELP__TTY_SEE_ALSO_FORMAT: See Also: The text used for labeling the "see also" list of adjacent topics when in -tty mode. 12059, VHELP_HELP__TTY_TOPIC_DIVIDER: -------- The text used for separating and terminating topics while in -tty mode. 12060, VHELP_HELP__BAD_TOPIC_FILE: The file %s could not be opened. The text displayed when a topic's file cannot be opened. 12061, VHELP_HELP__NO_LIB_VHELP: Could not find %s. The text displayed when $(OSCROOT)/lib/vhelp can't be found. 12062, VHELP_HELP__NON_EXISTENT_TOPIC: Received message to display non-existent topic %s. The text displayed when a message to display a non-existent topic is received. 12063, VHELP_HELP__KEYWORD_SEARCH: Keyword Search The name of the help_keywordSearch operation 12064, VHELP_HELP_KEYWORD_SEARCH__SEARCH_FOR: Search for: The name of the first argument -- the keyword to search for. 12065, VHELP_HELP_KEYWORD_SEARCH__NO_MATCH: No topics match %s. The message presented if no matches are found. 12066, VHELP_HELP__KEYWORD_TITLE: Keyword Search on %s The title of the text for automatically generated search topics 12067, VHELP_HELP__KEYWORD_BODY: This topic was automatically generated by a keyword search on %s. The main body the text for automatically generated search topics 12076, VHELP_HELP_VIEW__CLASSNAME: Topic View The name of the HelpView type 12077, VHELP_HELP_VIEW__PATH_TEXT: Navigation The text used when labeling the embedded path 12078, VHELP_HELP_VIEW__WINDOW_TITLE: Versant Help: Topic %s The title of a Help Topic Window 12079, VHELP_HELP_VIEW__PREVIOUS_TOPIC: Previous The title of the HelpView_previousTopic operation 12080, VHELP_HELP_VIEW__NEW_PATH: New Navigation Window The title of the HelpView_newPath operation 12081, VHELP_HELP_VIEW__GOTO_SELECTION: Go To Selection The title of the HelpView_gotoSelection operation (associated with the text) 12082, VHELP_HELP_VIEW__SEARCH_ON_SELECTION: Keyword Search On Selection The title of the HelpView_searchOnSelection operation (associated with the text) 12083, VHELP_HELP_VIEW_SEARCH_ON_SELECTION__NO_MATCH: No topics match %s. This error is given when no match is found. 12084, VHELP_HELP_VIEW__TEXT_NAME: Help Text The name of the text 12101, VHELP_MAIN__APP_NAME: Versant Help The name of the application 12102, VHELP_MAIN__NO_TOPIC: No help available on %s. This error generated when no help topic is found. 12126, VHELP_NODE__CLASSNAME: Node The name of the Node type 12151, VHELP_PATH_VIEW__CLASSNAME: Navigation The name of the PathView type 12152, VHELP_PATH_VIEW__WINDOW_TITLE: Versant Help: Navigation from %s The title of a Navigation Window 12153, VHELP_PATH_VIEW__PREVIOUS_PATH: Return To Previous State The name of the PathView_previousPath operation 12154, VHELP_PATH_VIEW__GOTO: Go To Selection The name of the PathView_goto operation 12155, VHELP_PATH_VIEW__VIEW: View Selection The name of the PathView_view operation 12156, VHELP_PATH_VIEW__LIST_NAME: Related Topics List The name of the lists in a PathView 12157, VHELP_PATH_VIEW__LIST_LABEL: Topics related to\n%s: The label for navigation list 12322, VBACKUP_TAPE__END_OF_VOLUME: Please mount the next tape. End of volume reached. 12323, VBACKUP_TAPE__COULD_NOT_OPEN: Error while opening the file. An error was encountered opening the file 12324, VBACKUP_TAPE__WRONG_FORMAT: Wrong file format. The file format was different from the one specified in open() 12325, VBACKUP_TAPE__WRONG_LABEL: Wrong file label. The label was different from the one specified in open() 12326, VBACKUP_TAPE__WRONG_VOLUME: Wrong volume number. The tapes were inserted in the wrong order for a multi volume file. 12327, VBACKUP_TAPE__WRONG_BLOCK: Block check failure. File is corrupted. The internal block field was wrong indicating file corruption. 12328, VBACKUP_TAPE__ABORTED: Aborted at user's request. the backup was aborted. 12329, VBACKUP_TAPE__ERROR: Error reading or writing the tape. error from read(), write(), or rmt connection. 12330, VBACKUP_TAPE__GET_STATUS_FAILED: Failed ioctl call while getting status of device. 12331, VBACKUP_TAPE__EOM_FAILED: Failed ioctl call while positioning tape after last file. 12332, VBACKUP_TAPE__BSF_FAILED: Failed ioctl call while adjusting the tape position backward. 12333, VBACKUP_TAPE__FSF_FAILED: Failed ioctl call while adjusting the tape position forward. 12334, VBACKUP_TAPE__INVALID_POSITION: Can not go to a negative tape position. 12335, VBACKUP_TAPE__EOF_FAILED: Failed ioctl call while writing end-of-file marker. 12336, VBACKUP_TAPE__CLOSE_FAILED: Could not close the device. OS error #%d. 12337, VBACKUP_TAPE__BROKEN_PIPE: The pipe connecting to the remote device was broken. 12338, VBACKUP_TAPE__NO_ACCESS_TO_HOST: Permission denied while trying to access remote host via rsh. 12339, VBACKUP_TAPE__PIPE_CREATION_FAILED: Error creating a pipe. 12340, VBACKUP_TAPE__FORK_FAILED: Could not fork the rsh process, probably due to lack of swap space. 12341, VBACKUP_TAPE__COULD_NOT_CLOSE_PIPE: Error while closing pipe to remote tape device. 12342, VBACKUP_TAPE__SEND_COMMAND_FAILED: Error while sending a command to the remote device. 12343, VBACKUP_TAPE__POSITION_0_ONLY: Files only support position 0. 12344, VBACKUP_TAPE__REWIND_FAILED: Failed ioctl call while rewinding the tape. 12345, VBACKUP_TAPE__FLUSH_FAILED: Error while syncing backup device. 12346, VBACKUP_TAPE__WRONG_VERSION: The backup was made with an old incompatible version of Versant. 12347, VBACKUP_TAPE__WRONG_BYTE_ORDERING: The backup was made on a machine with incompatible byte ordering. 12348, VBACKUP_TAPE__REWINDING: Warning: %s is a rewinding tape device.\nOnly non-rewinding tape devices are supported. 12349, VBACKUP_TAPE__DBUFFER_FULL: Double buffer used for backup and restore is currently full cannot copy into full buffers 12350, VBACKUP_TAPE__DBUFFER_EMPTY: Double buffer used for backup and restore is currently empty cannot "get" from empty buffers 12301, VBACKUP_ALGO__NEXT_TAPE: End of tape encountered. Please mount a blank tape. VBACKUP_TAPE__END_OF_VOLUME during restore 12302, VBACKUP_ALGO__COULD_NOT_OPEN: Could not open device %s at position %s.\nOS error #%d. Please check the device. verbose version of VBACKUP_TAPE__COULD_NOT_OPEN 12303, VBACKUP_ALGO__WRONG_FORMAT: The file on device %s at position %s is not\nof the proper format. Please mount the proper tape. verbose version of VBACKUP_TAPE__WRONG_FORMAT 12304, VBACKUP_ALGO__WRONG_VOLUME: The file on device %s at position %s\nis volume %d. Please mount volume %d. verbose version of VBACKUP_TAPE__WRONG_VOLUME 12305, VBACKUP_ALGO__WRONG_LABEL: The file on device %s at position %s is labeled:\n %s\nPlease retry with the proper file:\n %s verbose version of VBACKUP_TAPE__WRONG_LABEL 12351, VBACKUP_OLIB__UNKNOWN_TIMESTAMP: ??? Given as timestamp when backupdbinfo fails 12352, VBACKUP_OLIB__NEXT_BACKUP_TAPE: End of tape encountered. Please mount a blank\ntape on device %s. VBACKUP_TAPE__END_OF_VOLUME during backup 12353, VBACKUP_OLIB__NEXT_RESTORE_TAPE: End of tape encountered. Please mount volume %d\non device %s. VBACKUP_TAPE__END_OF_VOLUME during restore 12354, VBACKUP_OLIB__WRONG_DBNAME: The file on device %s at position %s is a backup of\ndatabase %s. Please try again using a backup of %s. verbose version of VBACKUP_TAPE__WRONG_DBNAME 12355, VBACKUP_OLIB__INCONSISTENT_RESTORE: The database %s @ %s should be restored with the\nnew name %s @ %s. Please try again. verbose version of VBACKUP_TAPE__INCONSISTENT_RESTORE 12359, VBACKUP_OLIB__NEED_PREVIOUS_LEVEL: Before you can restore this level %d backup,\nyou must first restore the level %d backup\nmade on %s. verbose version of UT_ER_NEED_LEVEL_XXX errors. 12360, VBACKUP_OLIB__NOT_LATEST: Warning: A more recent level %d backup of %s was made\non %s. verbose version of UT_W_NOT_LATEST 12361, VBACKUP_OLIB__NEWER_LEVEL_2: Warning: After this restore is complete, you will\nprobably want to restore the level 2 backup made\non %s. verbose version of UT_W_NEWER_LEVEL_2 12362, VBACKUP_OLIB__DB_MODIFIED: Warning: The database has been modified since you did\nthe previous level of restore. You should consider\nrestarting from level 0. verbose version of UT_W_MODIFIED_SINCE_RESTORE 12363, VBACKUP_OLIB__REMOTE_DB_UNSUPPORTED: Backup and restore of remote databases is currently unsupported. given when an attempt is made to backup or restore a remote database 12364, VBACKUP_OLIB__BEGIN: gets passed to callback, but shouldn't be printed 12376, VBACKUP_ARGS__USAGE: usage: vbackup full usage\n This is never printed by Versant.\n The usage message displayed when arguments aren't entered properly. 12377, VBACKUP_ARGS__MINUS_DEVICE: -device internationalized synonym for -device 12378, VBACKUP_ARGS__MINUS_LEVEL: -level internationalized synonym for -level 12379, VBACKUP_ARGS__MINUS_POSITION: -position internationalized synonym for -position 12380, VBACKUP_ARGS__MINUS_CAPACITY: -capacity internationalized synonym for -capacity 12381, VBACKUP_ARGS__MINUS_BLOCKING: -blocking internationalized synonym for -blocking 12382, VBACKUP_ARGS__MINUS_BUFFER: -buffer internationalized synonym for -buffer 12383, VBACKUP_ARGS__MINUS_COMMENT: -comment internationalized synonym for -comment 12384, VBACKUP_ARGS__MINUS_LIST: -list internationalized synonym for -list 12385, VBACKUP_ARGS__MINUS_BACKUP: -backup internationalized synonym for -backup 12386, VBACKUP_ARGS__MINUS_RESTORE: -restore internationalized synonym for -restore 12387, VBACKUP_ARGS__MINUS_INFO: -info internationalized synonym for -info 12395, VBACKUP_ARGS__BAD_ARG: Unrecognized option %s. Error message for bad args 12396, VBACKUP_ARGS__NO_COMMAND: A command is required. Error message for no command 12397, VBACKUP_ARGS__ONE_ARG: The %s option requires an argument. Error message for when no argument is given and a single argument is required 12398, VBACKUP_ARGS__ONE_OR_MORE_DBS: The %s command requires a list of one more databases Error message for when no argument is given and one or more arguments are required 12399, VBACKUP_ARGS__NO_ARGS: The %s command does not take any arguments. Error message for when an argument is given when it should not be. 12400, VBACKUP_ARGS__LEVEL_USAGE: must be one of: 0, 1 or 2. Error message for when the level argument doesn't parse 12401, VBACKUP_ARGS__POSITION_USAGE: must be one of: append, current, or a non-negative number. Error message for when the position argument doesn't parse 12402, VBACKUP_ARGS__CAPACITY_USAGE: must be a one of: dynamic, or a positive number of bytes. Error message for when the capacity argument doesn't parse 12403, VBACKUP_ARGS__BLOCKING_USAGE: must be a one of: optimal, or a positive number of bytes. Error message for when the blocking argument doesn't parse 12404, VBACKUP_ARGS__BUFFER_SIZE_USAGE: must be a positive number of bytes. Error message for when the capacity argument doesn't parse 12410, VBACKUP_ARGS__APPEND: append The symbol for setting position to LOW_LEVEL_TAPE_POSITION__APPEND 12411, VBACKUP_ARGS__CURRENT: current The symbol for setting position to LOW_LEVEL_TAPE_POSITION__CURRENT 12412, VBACKUP_ARGS__OPTIMAL: optimal The symbol for setting blocking to 0 so it defaults to optimal 12413, VBACKUP_ARGS__DYNAMIC: dynamic The symbol for setting capacity to 0 so the hardware is trusted to detected the end of the tape. 12415, VBACKUP_ARGS__BYTES: Bytes The units for parsing and unparsing bytes 12416, VBACKUP_ARGS__BLOCKS: Blocks The units for parsing and unparsing 512 byte blocks 12417, VBACKUP_ARGS__KILOBYTES: Kilobytes The units for parsing and unparsing kilobytes 12418, VBACKUP_ARGS__MEGABYTES: Megabytes The units for parsing and unparsing megabytes 12419, VBACKUP_ARGS__GIGABYTES: GigaBytes The units for parsing and unparsing gigabytes 12420, VBACKUP_ARGS__MINUS_ROLLFORWARD: -rollforward internationalized synonym for -rollforward 12421, VBACKUP_ARGS__MINUS_OFF: -off internationalized synonym for -off 12422, VBACKUP_ARGS__MINUS_LOG: -log internationalized synonym for -log 12423, VBACKUP_ARGS__MINUS_SCRIPT: -script internationalized synonym for -log 12424, VBACKUP_ARGS__MINUS_AGGRESSION: -aggression internationalized synonym for -aggression 12425, VBACKUP_ARGS__AGGRESSION_USAGE: must be a number of seconds >= 0 usage for -aggression 12426, VBACKUP_ARGS__MINUS_RENAME: -rename internationalized synonym for -rename 12427, VBACKUP_ARGS__USAGE_1: usage: vbackup [options] command\n\nwhere options are one or more of:\n\n -level \n -device \n -position \n -capacity \n -blocking \n -comment \n -rollforward\n -startsync\n -aggression \n -script